The Hanging of the Greens will be held on December 22, 2024, during the 9:30am worship service. Look for a sign-up sheet to help with the service that day. You can help change the sanctuary over from Advent to Christmas - whether it be changing bows, paraments or candles, putting up banners, setting up the nativity or decorating the tree with our lovely Chrismons. Or you can just come and enjoy the magic of the day as we prepare for the birth of Christ.
A child is born to us. A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called, “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” “Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
Sunday School: Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church new Sunday School hours will be at 9:30am during the worship service.
Kate Waldman will be joining our current teachers Nancy Gansner, Anna Friedrich, & Gail Achilles in December in teaching in the Sunday School rotation. Welcome Kate!
Classes are held during Worship Service in the Church’s Sunday School Room.
The children will leave worship service after the Pastor-led children’s sermon and return to worship service before the rite of Holy Communion.
Please call the Church office 215-368-0240 or email [email protected] to register your child for Sunday School.
Any questions or comments, contact Gail Achilles, Christian Education Chair
We are looking forward in sharing Jesus’ love and word with your Child(ren).
Proverbs 22:6 ESV Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Our Monday Night Bible Study group is studying the book, “The Pew Sisters” by Katie Schuermann. There are 12 sessions. Each one is a story into itself of God’s faithfulness. We welcome anyone to join us on Mondays if this sounds of interest to you and, if not, we highly recommend the book for your own personal study. If you would like to grow in your relationship with Jesus and fortify your Faith in fellowship, please join us.
Here is the zoom link:
Meeting ID: 895 1799 4658 Passcode: 478541
All are welcome to join, please contact Gail Achilles if interested.
Parents’ Night Out (PNO) – Youth Fellowship (YF)
Looking for a night out and a fun, safe place to bring the kids?
Well, look no further! We here at Faith Lutheran Church are ready to care for your child(ren) in a safe environment, provide food and fun activities, and share the love of Jesus.
The children will have dinner when they arrive consisting of pizza or chicken nuggets, grape and apple slices with caramel dip, water, 100% fruit juice, then enjoy music, games, crafts, stories, and end the evening with popcorn and a movie!
PNO-YF is held on a Friday from 6 pm to 9 pm. The schedule is: 2024 is: Dec 6
If interested, please register at and click on the PNO – YF tab or call 215-368-0240.
Note: A minimum donation of $5.00 per child is suggested so we can provide future youth events.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Email: [email protected]
Where the Word of Jesus is spoken, heard, and lived
Young Adult Fellowship/Youth Ministry
(ages 12-17)
Looking for somewhere to learn about Jesus with others your age? Join us at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Montgomeryville every third Sunday* in 2024-25 from 6:00-7:30pm!
Expect to have fun while learning about the Word of God by joining in prayer, devotions and readings at the church. We will also have occasional outings around the area such as mini golf, bowling and more! Our adult support team will provide snacks and beverages during meetings. We hope to see you soon!
Where? Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 615 Cowpath Rd. Montgomeryville, PA 18036 (215-3680-0240 Pastor Ethan Doan/Janet Hill, Administrative Assistant) or (267-664-3328 Gail Achilles, Chair, Christian Education)
When? Third Sunday of the month from 6:00-7:30pm
Dates for 2024/25: Dec 15, Jan 19, Feb 16, Mar 16, Apr 27* (3d Sunday is Easter), May 18, June 22* (3d Sunday is Father’s Day), July 20, Aug 17, Sep 21, Oct 19, Nov 16, Dec 21.
Please don't hesitate to contact us at the number above, we hope to see you soon!
Greetings! You are all invited to our Faith Education Dinner. At this dinner, we will be discussing +the books of the Bible. This dinner will be held on the second Sunday of the month, this month, Sunday, December 8, 2024, at 5:30-7pm. This dinner is geared toward teens and adults. However, activities will be provided for all ages. Come eat and learn!
Lord, when did we see you...?
The purpose of the Social Ministry Team is to follow Jesus' commandment to love one another as he loved us. To offer opportunities to our congregation to be good and faithful servants. To share the love and truth of Jesus Christ and to offer hope to all God's children by giving of our time, our money and ourselves to our church, our community, and the world.
One of our Social Ministry Projects for December is our Angel Tree.
Galatians 6:10 ~ "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."
This year the proceeds from the Angel Tree have been designated to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. These funds can be distributed to members of our church family not only for grocery gift cards but also for other emergency financial aid. You can participate in this project by giving a financial donation to Janet.
We will also be SHARING CHRISTMAS WITH “James”, “Sophia” and “Kareem” FROM MARTIN LUTHER SCHOOL now known as GEMMA SERVICESMartin Luther School/Gemma Services “where hope shines” in Plymouth Meeting was founded as an orphanage. It now provides a home, treatment, education and other services for boys and girls, ages 6 to 14, who have experienced past traumas, including abuse, neglect and poverty. All services are provided in a nurturing environment that promotes recovery, resilience and, where possible, families reunited.
Your social ministry team is asking you to support three children, an 8 year old, an 11 year old and a 12 year old. Gifts for them will be on display on Sunday, December 8. After the church service, you will be asked to make your donations toward our goal of $195.
Your Christian love for these children is most appreciated by the School and especially by the children. As they unwrap their presents, it brings them great joy and excitement knowing others care so very much!
May your holidays be blessed as you are blessing these children! -In Christ, Sharon Hood
Update on our October Social Ministry Project: We donated 32 boxes of Stove Top stuffing and 3 boxes of boxed potatoes to the Hatfield Food Cupboard located at the Emanuel Community Congregational Church in Hatfield. Thank you, Faith family!
FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY: The Fellowship Ministry Team at Faith tries to schedule activities for members of the congregation to spend time together to strengthen their bonds outside of the traditional worship service. We also encourage members to bring their family, friends and members of the community to these activities. This strengthens our ties to one another and opens opportunities to meet new people.
December’s Fellowship activity is a Christmas Game Night, Saturday, December 14, 2024, 2:00-6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come out for an afternoon Holiday Fun and Fellowship with your Church Family. Activities to include: Make Hot Chocolate, Make a Pine Cone Birdfeeder, Decorate Cookies (for Cookie Can Sale on Sunday, December 15, 2024), Sign Cards for Christmas, Limbo, Throw snowflakes into boxes, Throw rings onto Reindeer Antlers, Kim’s Game by Richard Kipland, Sing Christmas Carols And then enjoy a simple Potluck Dinner
Look for the sign-up sheet on the table outside of the Sanctuary!
Christmas Coffee Can Sale will be held on Sunday, December 15th.
We need lots of volunteers to bake Christmas cookies for our Annual Christmas Coffee Can Sale. Please bring your cookies to the church the week before the 15th or that morning. Here’s how it works. You buy a holiday decorated empty coffee can for: $6 for small can, $8 for a medium can and $10 for large can and then get to fill it with whatever assortment of cookies will fit into the can. You get only your favorites! So please consider baking and then come out and buy too! Questions, please see Beth Schoening.
The “Golden Girls of Faith” (Golden Men are welcome too!) will be meeting once a month for lunch, fellowship and prayer at a local restaurant. They will meet the first Wednesday of the month which will be December 4, 2024, this month. For more information or if you need a ride, please talk to Anna Friedrich. All are welcome!
“For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below--there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 (GNT)
In an effort to make our prayer list more manageable we are working on a new system in which the full prayer list will be in the Mustard Seed, while the list in the Prayers of Intercession in the Weekly Bulletin will include prayers only for Faith members and immediate family. Please submit requests to Janet in the church office at [email protected], specify whether the need is “ongoing” or “current” and please notify her if and when the name can be removed from the list.
We’ll be trying to trim down our current list, please let the church office know if someone you put on the list needs to remain or be removed. If we don’t know who someone is on the prayer list their name will be removed in January. Thank you!