Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Council Minutes of the October meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: At 83% of the 2024-year, Member Giving for Pledged & Unpledged Envelopes is at 91% and 113%. It appears that our congregation is staying on track of their pledges. Just a reminder that one member gave more than the pledged amount and another member gave the entire year already. October ends with a surplus of $2,839.39 and the current budget deficit for the year is $12, 830, down from $15,669 last month. The Treasurer’s Report from October was approved as written.
Pastor’s Report: We had four students receiving their first Communion. Three on October 3 and one on Reformation Sunday. We restarted the Faith Education Dinner on October 13, 2024. Our focus this year will be the books of the Bible. Next dinner is this Sunday, November 10, 2024. The Nourishing Vocation Project cohort meeting was on October 24th. Rich, Gail and Pastor attended. Next one is on November 21st. We will be kicking off the project at Faith in Advent. Pastor is putting together small groups for greater discernment. In conversation with the president of Feast Incarnate about hosting/sponsoring meal at University Lutheran Church Philadelphia. Met with Pastor Nancy from Grace to discuss greater collaboration between Faith and Grace. We plan to collaborate more in Lent. Fellowship with Jerusalem: Jerusalem has invited us to participate in their live nativity on Sunday, December 1st, from 3 to 5pm.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Sunday School – We gladly welcome Kate Waldman into our teacher rotation for Sunday School. Kate’s first date to teach is December 15. Thanks Kate, you are a great addition and a blessing to the children of Faith Lutheran Church. Youth Ministry (ages 12 to 17) – Our next two meetings are scheduled for November 17 and December 15 (Both on Sunday, 6 pm to 730 pm). Parents’ Night Out – Youth Fellowship (PNO-YF): Next two events are November 22 and December 6 (both on Friday, 6 pm to 9 pm). Ages 12 and up are welcome to volunteer.
Fellowship: November 26 Thanksgiving Service – Since we have invited Grace and Jerusalem, we’re asking to have a Coffee Lite with finger foods starting at 6:30 PM. Fellowship Activity for December 14, 2-6pm (see New Business)
Finance: Annual Financial Review (Audit) results reviewed by the team. 2024 Preliminary Budget (see New Business)
Fundraising: Fall Scrapbook Fundraiser for Faith Lutheran Church raised $905. The Wawa hoagie sale on October 13 raised $100. Missy will be getting more information on a crockpot meal fundraiser. Anne to talk to Alex about fundraising ideas.
Hospitality: In the new year, the hospitality team will incorporate more “Coffee Lites” in the schedule.
Long-Range Planning: Coordination with the Nourishing Vocation Project.
Mutual Ministry: This team met with Janet and Adam. The team will meet with Pastor Ethan on November 10.
Nominating Team: Five current council members will continue into 2025. Three have terms ending, two are eligible for a second term while one is not able to run again. Two additional positions are open (can have up to nine members, only eight in 2024.) Suggestions for candidates were reviewed.
Property Team: The hot water tank for the nursery bathroom rusted out and was leaking. Adam replaced it with a slightly smaller and significantly cheaper one from Lowes; the total was $215.06. We had our annual fire extinguisher maintenance and inspection, which went well. New furnaces (see Old Business below).
Shepherding: Sharon needs to talk to Beth Schoening about her taking over this ministry.
Social Ministry: October – During the month of October, the congregation donated 32 boxes of Stove Top Stuffing and 3 boxes of Potatoes. The boxes were donated to the Hatfield Food Pantry that is located at the Emmanuel Evangelical Congregational Church on Cowpath Road in Hatfield. The boxes were well received as they were needed for the Thanksgiving Baskets that will be distributed in November. December – The Angel Tree will be placed on the foyer desk as previously. Instead of collecting money for Grocery Gift Cards for the Congregation, the scope will be enlarged a bit to collect monetary donations that will be placed in the Pastor’s Discretionary Account. These donations can then be used to purchase grocery gift cards, as well as provide a source of funds for other needs such as paying a heating bill, a car repair, or another need of our congregation members. Pastor Ethan will have discretion to use the money has needed. Also in December the congregation will be asked to support the purchase of gifts for three (3) children from Gemma Services, aka Martin Luther School in Plymouth Meeting.
Stewardship: On October 6, 2024, we concluded our stewardship campaign entitled “Together We Are”. Special Thanks to Pastor, Debbie, Janet, and Jack for their help with the stewardship campaign.
Worship & Music: Short-term music plans for worship are in place while still looking for a new music director. Thanksgiving service will be on Tuesday, November 26, at 7:30pm and both Jerusalem, Sellersville and Grace, Hatfield have been invited. The Hanging of the Greens will be on 12/22 – Cantata will be Christmas Carols and readings. Service for Christmas Eve will be at 8 pm (instead of 7:30.)
OLD BUSINESS Constitution Update – Constitution Update: Still working on addressing / incorporating council feedback. Current recommendations include: Change wording from to “elect” to “appoint” the Treasurer and Financial Secretary; Change number of counters from “3” to “up to 3”; Change number of members of the Mutual Ministry team to 2-4 members; Adjust wording on Sunday School Teachers – Needs further review and updates. Nourishing Vocation Project – Plan to start integrating into worship during Advent. 2024 Holiday Bazaar - Friday, November 8th from 4-8pm and Saturday, November 9th from 9am to 2pm; We’re getting ready for the bazaar. We’ve been working this week to sort and price our merchandise. We have a total of 8 vendors. Linda Kratz received a $250 gift card from Thrivent, and we purchased a lot of food and some supplies for the kitchen; Our volunteers are lined up and we expect a successful weekend, and we look forward to our time together. Come out and check us out and support our vendors and come for dinner and lunch. HVAC replacement proposal - IT Landes has received our deposit and has all the equipment to begin the work. They are waiting for the permit from Montgomery township. The township asked for more information but sent the request to the wrong email address. Mark from IT Landes will be stopping by the church to gather the required information to give to the township. Once they get the permit IT Landes will schedule us to replace the sanctuary units.
NEW BUSINESS Faith Christmas Party: Members have offered to host a party on December 16 from 2-6 PM. The scope of this event has evolved into much more than the original Potluck dinner. Missy motioned, Linda seconded, and council approved by majority to allow the continued planning this event with the following stipulations: Each activity needs to have a designated leader, as well as supplies needed; A sign-up sheet is needed for the Potluck dinner; No funds have been designated for this event, so all items and food need to be donated; Adam needs to be advised of the set-up needed and confirm that he’s able to do so; If by December 7 there are not enough people signed up (or members that can lead the events), the event will be cancelled on the 8th ; Linda immediately emailed Beth, Janet, Anne, and the Fellowship chairs, Mary Lou and Dale. 2025 Preliminary Budget – The budget was presented to Council by Finance Chair, Debbie Hollenbach. Here are some of the topics discussed: It was noted that there should be more information on sponsorship of both bulletins and flowers since many weeks are not sponsored; The budget line for the $400 Video license should be added back into the preliminary budget, even though it will be zeroed out in the budget; Denise will call Portico to get the updated information on any cost changes for Pastor for 2025; A Mustard Seed article is needed to ask members to document their own contributions (VBS, PNO, random kitchen donations, etc.) This information will be very helpful for budgeting purposes and for mentorship. The council voted to approve the preliminary budget with a deficit of $37,000 be presented to the congregation. Need to create a confirmation process for adults and young adults that were never formally confirmed. Pastor will investigate this. Review of Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Prevention Policy: Adam advised that we could get a considerable discount on our insurance if those who are working with children fulfilled not only the state clearances, but also training. Missy noted that there is free on-line training for this. We could also reduce our premium if we reduce our liability costs per incident from $1 Million to $100K (limit $200K per year) if we adopt this policy. It was decided that Gail would take the lead on getting a team together (Adam, Janet, Missy) to discuss policies and what is needed to ensure these requirements are met. The council voted to approve reviewing the policies so that we can get the discounted insurance premium and decrease our liability when able. Council’s December Meeting and Christmas Dinner will be held on December 4 in the Adult Forum Room.
IMPORTANT DATES: Nov 26: Thanksgiving Worship Service; November 28: Thanksgiving Day; November 29-30: Scrapbooking in Fellowship Hall.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 4, at 6:00 PM in the Adult Forum Room.