Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Andy McCulley led devotions. Minutes of the May regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Highlights of the Treasurer’s report: As of May 31, 2024, at 42% of the 2024 budget year: Receipts are at 48% and expenses at 43% for a year-to-date deficit of $8,022. An $8K deficit is on track. The final paycheck to Laura Cooper was sent out during the middle of May, following her resignation date of May 12, 2024. All members voted to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
President’s Report: Finances – We need to be more cognizant of our expenses – just knowing that it was approved before, doesn’t mean it will necessarily be OK to move forward without council approval, especially with the price of everything going up and a deficit budget. Organist – Our budgeted amount is significantly less than the going rate. Mark Mursat is helping to look for a substitute that could possibly be available a few times a month. Constitution – the revised Constitution has been sent to council for review. All comments need to be submitted by June 30.
Pastor’s Report:
I have led and presided at worship regularly at Faith and Jerusalem. I led the funeral service of Ruth Mathias and attended the funeral service for Doug Renner. The next Faith Education Dinner is Sunday, June. 9. Some council members and I attended the first NVP equipping event on May 6-7, and I attended a meeting that was held on May 28, 2024. I am working with Rev. Nancy from Grace Hatfield to do a collaboration worship together on August 18, 2024, at Grace Hatfield (park is already booked by another group.) I will be on vacation June 10-16, 2024.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Parent Night Out/Youth Fellowship (PNO/YF) – Our next two events will be held on Friday, July 12 and September 20, 6 pm to 9 pm. Your children are welcome to connect with Jesus in a fun, safe environment.
Young Adult Group (Ages 12 to 17) - Our next scheduled event is Sunday, July 21, 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Come for fellowship and fun. Bring your friends and relatives. All are welcome.
Vacation Bible School "SCUBA Diving into Friendship with God" – Thanks to those volunteers who are on board to make this another successful VBS. We are still in need of Crew Leaders who will bring the children from station to station. If you want to volunteer, call the church office at 215-368-0240 or Gail Achilles.
Communications: Although information is mostly being communicated, we are in need of someone to chair this committee so that we can coordinate all of the communications including council.
Evangelism: After discussion regarding the functionality of this team, it was unanimously voted to approve putting the Evangelism Team on hold.
Fellowship: Iron Pigs game -TBD.
Finance: The Church Credit Card has been replaced. Annual Financial Review (Audit) – Gary to contact Adria Parsons to work on a schedule to perform this review.Fundraising: Although the function of this team is still needed and some efforts are on-going, it lacks leadership and coordination, hence lacks reporting to council. If someone has a desire for a fundraising event, please reach out to council with details. The council voted unanimously to put the Fundraising Team on hold.
Health Ministry: This team was vital when we had so many homebound members and were able to do blood pressure screenings on a regular basis. Since Covid, much has changed. As a result, the council voted unanimously to put the Health Team on hold. Note that Nancy Allegrezza is still our Parish nurse.
Long-Range Planning: The Long-Range Planning Team focus areas: Spirituality – reevaluation of worship, emphasis of prayer, Nourishing Vocation Project, contemplative practices, healing service, etc. Fellowship – intentional fellowship within the greater community, small groups, etc. Service – community outreach, community partners, etc.
Mutual Ministry: We have retrieved the church property from Laura: laptop, building keys and music.
Property Team: The music room has been moved back up to its former second floor location, and the Adult Forum room has been restored. The carpets were cleaned, and the cost has significantly increased. Adam had them do less than they usually do to bring the cost down a little bit. Scattons did our regular preventive maintenance on the A/C units. They didn’t tell us anything that we didn’t already know that the two sanctuary units and units 2 and 3 should be replaced. Adam is currently trying to get three quotes for their replacement.
Shepherding: No report this month as the new chair, Beth Schoening, recuperates.
Social Ministry:
Social Ministry Project – June/July: hygiene items for men at Manna (in honor of Father’s Day) to include shampoo, body wash, razors, foot spray, toothpaste, toothbrushes.
Transportation: This is another group that functions independently with little need for reporting. Linda will ask Dale to provide a list of those that are currently willing to provide rides to church members, which will then be posted in the Mustard Seed. The council unanimously voted to put the Transportation Team on hold.
Worship & Music: working on short term music plans for worship and finding a new music director. Joint worship service with Grace Hatfield on August 18th will be at Grace Lutheran Church in Hatfield.
OLD BUSINESS Constitution Update – See President’s report. Pastor to reach out to Synod to find out the process to approve a new congregational constitution. Nourishing Vocation Project – new Zoom meeting is on June 18 at 2:30pm.
NEW BUSINESS Sarah Snyder and Emma Santiago have asked to be removed from membership. The council unanimously voted to approve. Pastor is looking into options for a council retreat in August.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 7pm. Devotions led by Linda.