Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Council Minutes of the August council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: At 67% of the 2024-year, Member Giving for Pledged & Unpledged Envelopes is at 72% and 79%. Our current budget deficit for the year is $16, 503. The Treasurer’s Reports from August were approved as written. Requested that Denise investigate the possibility of amortization of some expenses and offerings from members that pay once a year.
President’s Report: Our joint worship service with Grace on August 18th went very well, and we plan to do more in the future. We have a congregational meeting following worship this Sunday, September 8, to review the finance options for replacing the remaining furnaces. The installation of Bishop Penman is on September 14 which Rich will be attending.
Pastor’s Report: Participated in VBS at both Faith and Jerusalem. Preached at Grace Lutheran Church at our joint worship on August 18, 2024. Had regular pastoral care conversations and visits. Continue to do shifts at the Lansdale Hospital as the Volunteer Protestant Chaplain. Faith Education Dinner - The plan is to start this back up on October 13, from 5:30 to 7 PM.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Sunday School: Our traditional Sunday School began on September 8 (Rally Day, installation of Christian Education Team). Under the guidance of Pastor Ethan and available resources he gave us, our teachers Anna Friedrich, Nancy Gansner, and Gail Achilles will be teaching a curriculum during Sunday School on Holy Communion, 9/15, 9/22, and 9/29 respectively before World Communion Day, Sunday, October 6. If your child(ren) are ready to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and desire to receive their first Holy Communion, please contact Pastor Ethan.
Young Adult Group - will be having their next meeting at Freddy Hill Farms, Sunday, September 29, from 1:30 pm until approximately 4 pm for fun fellowship including mini-golf and ice cream. Need own transportation; $7.50 for golf; church youth ministry will pick up ice cream costs.
Parents’ Night Out – Youth Fellowship (PNO-YF): Our next two events for children ages 3 to 11 are scheduled for September 20 and October 25. Your children are welcome to connect with Jesus in a fun, safe environment.
Monday Night Bible Study (MNBS): Our group resumed on Monday, September 9, from 6pm to 9pm. Our first hour, we enjoyed a dinner we each brought from home as we discussed our next study to deepen our connection with God. Then for the rest of the time we dusted the sanctuary as we praised God for this fine place to worship Him.
Communications: Pastor Eileen (Pastor Ethan’s wife) is working to design a logo for Faith. Pastor to start advertising the Holiday Bazaar on Facebook.
Finance: Annual Financial Review (Audit) – still needs to be coordinated (we have 2 of the 3 needed for the team). The Finance team is meeting on September 12 to kick off the discussions for the Proposed Preliminary Budget for 2025.
Fundraising: Upcoming scrapbooking fundraisers are coming in October & November.
Long-Range Planning: The Long-Range Planning Team focus areas: Spirituality - Revaluation of worship, emphasis on prayer, Nourishing Vocation Project, contemplative practices, healing service, etc.; Fellowship - Intentional fellowship within the greater community, small groups, etc.; Service – community outreach, community partners, etc.
Mutual Ministry: Team needs to meet with the staff in September.
Property Team: New door for Sunday School hallway fire exit cost - $234, which will be taken from a memorial fund as designated by the special funds team. New furnaces (see Old Business.)
Shepherding: Sharon to talk to Beth.
Social Ministry: Funds raised for water for Honduras - $89 was raised during the week of VBS, and $141 was raised by the congregation in the month of August.
Special Funds: will review the fire exit door once we have the final costs.
Stewardship: Starting on September 15 up until pledge Sunday on October 6, 2024, we will be doing a stewardship campaign, which has a been entitled “Together We Are”. This campaign will focus on what it means to be a part of the body of Christ and how this calls us to use our time, talents, and treasures. The campaign will end on Pledge Sunday, which is also World Communion Sunday. This will be the theme of Pledge Sunday.
Worship & Music: Short-term music plans for worship are in place while still looking for a new music director. Will meet in September to plan the Fall and holiday season.
OLD BUSINESS Constitution Update – still working on addressing/incorporating council feedback.
Nourishing Vocation Project – in the process of finding a time to meet for our first cohort meeting toward the end of September. Hope to start integrating into worship during Advent.
2024 Holiday Bazaar - Bazaar is Friday, November 8, 4-8pm and Saturday, November 9, 10am-2pm; Letters sent to Vendors at end of August; Need people to bring letters to businesses for raffle items; Will have a meeting with volunteers on Sunday, September 15, 2024, during coffee hour; Have half a dozen committed volunteers and six more that need a bit more convincing; We need help with advertising – Pastor said he would help with on-line advertising. Any suggestions would be welcome.
A group wanted to rent the fellowship hall one Saturday a month for Scrapbooking; however, they were not willing to pay the costs associated with the use of the property.
HVAC replacement proposal - Here are the recommendations being considered. Council will determine which we will recommend to the congregation meeting on Sunday. 1. Do nothing and use fellowship hall if we have no heat or cooling in Sanctuary. 2. Sell some Merck stocks (will have brokerage fees and loss of up to $2000/year dividends to fund the General fund each year). 3. Set up a Capital Campaign (takes a lot of time to set up and receive the full funding). 4. Use savings (downside is that this we deplete this fund much faster, which is what we are currently using to pay the bills needed based on the deficit budget.) 5. Already checked to see if any grants were available, but there are not. 6. Getting a loan, but with about 10% interest which will also add to our deficit budget each year. After much discussion, Missy motioned that we recommend selling the Merck stocks in full to pay for the Sanctuary HVAC units, then invest the rest until needed to pay for the remaining replacements next year. The council approved the recommendation to the congregation.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 7:00 PM.