We will need members of the congregation to help out during the event as well as before the event as we need some muscle for set-up and then take-down. We are soliciting vendors to sell their products and will have several tables of which we will be in charge. Please search your closets and help us out in the following areas! We will have a kitchen with soups/ salads/ hot dogs for sale. We will have a raffle table and we need help in obtaining donations of gift certificates and other goodies from the businesses in our area. (Check out the sign-up sheet and donation letter on the table outside of the sanctuary.) We will be selling jewelry that you are tired of or just want to replace with something new! We will also have an area where we will be selling Attic Treasures.
Start gathering your donations and we’ll let you know when you can bring them to the church. Look for sign-up sheets and more information closer to the event. We will be having a meeting after worship on Sunday, September 15. Please come and see what it’s all about. All are welcome!
If you have any questions or if you would be willing to help, please see Beth Schoening or Janet Hill
The “Golden Girls of Faith” (Golden Men are welcome too!) will be meeting once a month for lunch, fellowship and prayer at a local restaurant.
They will meet on the first Wednesday this month which will be September 4, 2024.
For more information or if you need a ride, please talk to Anna Friedrich. All are welcome!
As we look forward to 2025, we need to start planning financially. The Preliminary Budget/Pledge Packets will be available for the congregation on Sunday, September 22, 2024, either by email or hard copy on the table right outside of the sanctuary. Included will be a letter from your finance chair, Debbie Hollenbach, the Preliminary Budget for 2025, a Time and Talent Survey and a Pledge Card for 2025. Please prayerfully consider your pledge and we will be collecting them on Commitment Sunday, October 6, 2024.
Do you shop at Giant?
If you do, you can buy Giant gift cards from the church. A $50 card costs you $50. How does the church make money? Well, when Faith purchases $1,000 worth of cards from Giant, they only charge us $950 (a 5% discount.) So, when we sell those cards to you, the church makes $50. It adds up…
Christian Radio keeps the faith going
88.9 FM WORD -- Contemporary Christian Rock Music
107.5 FM -- Praise/Gospel Music & Bible teaching
106.9 FM -- KLOVE -- Contemporary Christian Rock
Check out bibleproject.com They provide videos, podcasts, Bible study, online classes and more, all for free. They are “helping people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.” Check out their website!
Understand the Bible in ten minutes a day with plans for every book and guides for every chapter.
Through the Word is a nonprofit ministry dedicated to equipping people around the world to read the Bible, understand it, apply it, and make it a habit. They provide simple yet powerful tools via the web and mobile apps that lead users on a journey to understand the entire Bible, one chapter at a time. TTW combines clear, balanced, and relatable teaching with direct accessibility. Their purpose is God’s calling: to make disciples, equip the saints, and preach the word. (Mat. 28:19, Eph. 4:12, 2 Tim, 4:2)
TTW is the cure for broken Bible habits and lost-in-Leviticus syndrome. Easy to start, easy to keep, easy to share. Go to throughtheword.org or download the app on your phone.
Faith’s Transportation Initiative
If you need a ride to church on Sunday or you are interested in providing a ride to church to someone, please contact Dale Foster.
We currently receive donations of WAWA Food through the Food Donation Connection. We may receive anything from sizzlies, to breakfast burritos...anything they didn’t sell the day before and have now frozen. If you are in need of some supplemental food or know of someone who is, please let either Janet Hill in the church office or Dale Foster know and we will make sure you receive some Wawa food.
Please keep the stamps coming!
It’s a continuing need! Thank you for all your contributions. It really helps!
Hatfield Flowers and Gifts (215) 822-1530) provides Faith with two lovely flower arrangements to adorn our sanctuary.
You can sign up to sponsor flowers, bulletins or a food basket. The flowers are $35, the bulletins are $10 and the food basket is $25.
You can dedicate any one of these things to someone special, to celebrate a birthday or in memory of a loved one. You may take the flowers home or they will be given to an ill or homebound member. The $10 for the bulletins is to help cover the cost of making the bulletins and the $25 for the food basket is money donated to “Manna on Main Street” to help feed those in the North Penn area.
To sign up for a particular Sunday either sign up on the
chart on the Foyer bulletin board or call Janet in the church
office (215) 368-0240.
Vacation Bible School 2024 (Scuba: diving into friendship with God): At “Scuba VBS” our children learned that God is a friend who’s real, God is a friend who loves, God is a friend we can trust, God is a friend forever and God is a friend for everyone! There were 14 children and 24 volunteers at VBS this year. Thank you to all of the volunteers, who shared the love of Jesus and were awesome. Thank you to the children who attended, and their parents and caregivers. Much positive feedback was received from volunteers, parents, and children. Special thanks to Melissa Prunkel for putting all the decals on our VBS Staff T-shirts. They looked great!
We raised $83.45 during the week for World Vision’s mission effort to provide clean water for people in Honduras.
On September 9th the Monday Night Bible Study group will start this year by meeting in-person at the church from 6-9pm.
All are welcome to join, please contact Gail Achilles if interested.
You are invited to Rally Day
at Faith Lutheran Church
We will kickstart our Christian education Program at the 9:30 am Worship service on
Sunday, September 8
Followed by an Ice Cream Bar in the Fellowship Hall
Our 2024/25 Christian Education program for ages 3 to 11 will begin on Rally Day Sunday, September 8
Proverbs 22:6 ESV Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Parents’ Night Out (PNO) – Youth Fellowship (YF)
Looking for a night out and a fun, safe place to bring the kids?
Well, look no further! We here at Faith Lutheran Church are ready to care for your child(ren) in a safe environment, provide food and fun activities, and share the love of Jesus.
The children will have dinner when they arrive consisting of pizza or chicken nuggets, grape and apple slices with caramel dip, water, 100% fruit juice, then enjoy music, games, crafts, stories, and end the evening with popcorn and a movie!
PNO-YF is held on a Friday from 6 pm to 9 pm. The schedule for 2024 is: Sep 20, Oct 25, Nov 22, Dec 6
If interested, please register at www.faithmontgomeryville.org and click on the PNO – YF tab or call 215-368-0240.
Note: A minimum donation of $5.00 per child is suggested so we can provide future youth events.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Where the Word of Jesus is spoken, heard and lived!
Young Adult Fellowship for ages 12 to 17. For our September meeting, we are looking at Sunday, September 29 to meet at 1:30pm at Freddy Hill Farms (1440 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446) where we will play mini golf, have an ice cream treat, and fun fellowship in the presence of Jesus. (Please be prepared to pay for the golf fee of $7.50, and the church youth ministry will pay for the ice cream.) Let us know by contacting Gail Achilles including those on the Adult Support team for a count to get a group discount no later than Monday, September 9, if you wish to partake in this enjoyable outing. Also, inform us if you will be bringing extra friends within the age bracket; they are most welcome. Pick up time will be around 4 pm.
FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY: The Fellowship Ministry Team at Faith tries to schedule activities for members of the congregation to spend time together to strengthen their bonds outside of the traditional worship service. We also encourage members to bring their family, friends and members of the community to these activities. This strengthens our ties to one another and opens opportunities to meet new people.
The Fellowship activity for September 2024 is:
Peddler’s Village Scarecrows, Sunday, September 22nd
Right after church we will carpool to Peddler’s Village to see their scarecrow display and stroll around looking at the interesting shops there. Come out for an enjoyable day in the fresh air!
Lord, when did we see you...?
The purpose of the Social Ministry Team is to follow Jesus' commandment to love one another as he loved us. To offer opportunities to our congregation to be good and faithful servants. To share the love and truth of Jesus Christ and to offer hope to all God's children by giving of our time, our money and ourselves to our church, our community, and the world.
Social Ministry Project for September 2024
Exciting things are happening this year at 141 Impact. Earlier this year, they purchased 3 acres in Kyanja Village, just up the hill from their current meeting site!
Plans are underway for the development of the property. Phase 1 will be construction of the first two buildings… one for latrines and the other for a ministry office, library and storage.
Phase II will be an open-air chapel/pavilion to provide shelter from the sun/rain for Saturday gatherings.
Your Social Ministry is asking for your donations to help in covering the cost of constructing these buildings.
141 Impact is humbly asking for your prayers and support for these projects that will make a lasting impact on their community.
“If every ONE just helped ONE, imagine the IMPACT we could have on the world. Imagine what ONE FOR ONE can do. It’s time for each of us to be ONE.”
Any questions, please contact me.
Your Sister in Christ, Sharon Hood 215-822-2579
Update on the June/July Social Ministry Project of men’s hygiene items for Manna on Main Street. Nancy Gansner dropped off: 17 bars of soap, 15 toothbrushes, 6 tubes of toothpaste, 9 deodorant/body sprays, 13 body washes/shampoos, 11 shaving creams/gels, 6 packs of cleansing cloths, 71 disposal razors, 15 dental flosses, 2 hand sanitizers, 3 after-shaves, 1 mouthwash and 1 gallon bottle of shampoo.
The August Social Ministry Project of collecting money for clean water for people in Honduras raised $180. This was collected during Vacation Bible School and then from the congregation during the month of August. This will be sent to World Vision for them to distribute. At $5 to provide clean water for one person for more than a year, we helped 36 people.
Thank you everyone for always stepping up and helping out those in the community and around the world.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
If you shop at Redner’s, please save your receipts. Anna Friedrich turns them in and the church receives a monetary donation from Redner’s. All you need to do is either bring your receipts to church. Thank you to those who bring in their receipts and to Anna who does the paperwork to receive this donation! Please note that when bringing in your receipts we need the entire receipt. Please do not tear off the bottom. Redner’s will not accept the receipt if the bottom is torn off.
We are in need of Lectors (reading the lessons and psalm) and Worship Assistants (reading the prayers and few other passages) for our Zoom and in-person worship. If you would like to volunteer or would like more information, please call Anna Friedrich.
Check out the can in the Fellowship Hall to recycle aluminum cans. Not only does it help the environment, but it will generate some cash for the church. Beth Schoening has volunteered to empty the can periodically and take the cans to the recycling center. So, if you have any aluminum cans at home, please bring them in and it will help the earth and Faith Church! Thank you! (Make sure they are aluminum though…if a magnet does not attach to it, it’s aluminum.) Thank you to everyone who is filling the can!
Church Family, we now have a clothing donation box behind the church. It is located near the driveway to the Pine Tree Ridge development. The church will receive $50 per month for having the bin there. So please clean out your closets and fill up the bin…and tell your friends and family about it too.
Help your community place their unwanted/gently used clothing, shoes, apparel & linens in our clothing collection containers. This saves our landfills and gives back to low-income families in need! In return, this program raises funds for local non-profits and organizations in our communities. Currently, they help raise funds for the American Cancer Fund, Rotary International, Eden Autism, and many other local non-profits.
They do not accept: Any merchandise that has holes, rips, stains, mold or has an odor and is wet.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7