Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Council Minutes of the June regular council meeting were approved as written. The Treasurer’s Report from June and the preliminary report from July were approved as written. At 58% of the 2024-year, member giving for pledged and unpledged envelopes is at 65% and 68%. Our current budget deficit is $14, 639.
President’s Report: Rich is happy with the summer attendance, but it takes a lot of planning and work by Rich to handle the music and Zoom recordings.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Ethan has led and presided at worship regularly at Faith and Jerusalem. He has provided pastoral care for both congregations, as well as filling in at St. John’s Lutheran of Ridge Valley. He is working with Rev. Nancy from Grace Hatfield to do a collaboration worship together on August 18, 2024. He is also working with Gail and the team for VBS. Special thanks to the congregation for their support and prayers during the passing of his grandmother, Janet Stender. And thank you for all your flexibility as he navigated that time.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Vacation Bible School: held from August 5-9. As of July 31, 16 children (ages 3 to 11) are registered. We have 28 volunteers including 10 youth volunteers ages 12 to 17 who shared and role-modeled Jesus’ love.
Parent Night Out/Youth Fellowship (PNO/YF): Our next two events for children ages 3 to 11 are scheduled for September 20 and October 25. Your children are welcome to connect with Jesus in a fun, safe environment.
Young Adult Group (ages 12 to 17): August and September dates are still to be determined. This youth ministry is progressing nicely having had two meaningful, fun fellowship gatherings in June and July. The attendance is increasing (please ask your friends to come along with you) and the number of adults supporting is great, praise the Lord.
Sunday School: Our traditional Sunday School lessons will resume on Rally Day, September 8, during Worship Service. Our teachers Nancy Gansner, Anna Friedrich, and Gail Achilles will lead the lessons each Sunday on a rotating basis. Youth volunteers 12 and older are welcome. Those, 18 and older, who may be interested in teaching Sunday School please contact Gail Achilles or the church office. In honor of Rally Day, all are invited to an ice cream bar in the Fellowship Hall after the service.
Monday Night Bible Study (MNBS): resumes on Monday, September 9, when we will discuss our next study. Please contact Gail Achilles if you would like to dive deeper into God’s Word. All are welcome.
Fellowship: The Iron Pigs Baseball game is no longer being planned.
Finance: Annual Financial Review (Audit) – Adria is unable to help with the audit. We need three people (not on council) – Mark M was suggested.
Hospitality: The coffee hours for the month of August were reviewed.
Long-Range Planning: The team focus areas are: Spirituality - re-evaluation of worship, emphasis on prayer, Nourishing Vocation Project, contemplative practices, healing service, etc.; Fellowship – intentional fellowship within the greater community, small groups, etc.; Service – community outreach, community partners, etc.
Mutual Ministry: Need to start up in September.
Property Management: The Hedwig House bingo fundraiser was a huge success with no issues with allowing alcohol. Hedwig House will be using the Fellowship Hall on Thursday, August 15, 2024, from 5-7:30pm. The council voted unanimously to allow the Property Management Team to schedule events from groups that have previously been approved by Council, without new Council approval, unless they want permission to have alcohol.
Property Team: See New Business for the proposal for new furnaces.
Social Ministry: Social Ministry/VBS Project: Operation Kid to Kid: Making a splash in Honduras.
Stewardship: Will be gearing up for September.
Worship & Music: Short-term music plans for worship are in place while still looking for a new music director. A joint worship service with Grace Hatfield will be held on August 18 at 9:15 AM. Weekly Prayers of Intercession Clean up - Would like to have the congregation review the weekly list and provide any updates. Suggested a Mustard Seed article and an email reminder to the congregation to review prayer needs.
OLD BUSINESS Constitution Update – working on addressing/incorporating council feedback. Nourishing Vocation Project (one-hour meeting held before council meeting.)
NEW BUSINESS 2024 Holiday Bazaar Proposal – Janet and Beth submitted a proposal for the Holiday Bazaar to be held on November 8-9, which council reviewed. Council approved the proposal to allow for continued planning with the following stipulations: All advertising needs to be pre-approved by the executive team; Monthly status updates must be submitted prior to Council meetings; Table price should be increased to $20 for one day and $30 for both days.
Scrap-booking group requests use of Fellowship Hall one Saturday a month. After much discussion, the Council voted to approve with the proposed next steps for confirmation: Set rate at $200 for the church (to cover utilities) and $50 to sexton for set-up and teardown; Need to have discussion with Adam as to his availability; Can figure out dates just through the end of 2024.
Post Meeting follow-up: The group did not want to pay the fees we set forth and their scrap-booking hours were 10 AM to 10 PM, which did not allow for the clean-up and table reset before Sunday morning. The executive team then agreed that this would not be permitted.
HVAC replacement proposal – Adam provided quotes from three vendors for the replacement of the units in the sanctuary and the units that support the office, nursery, and adult forum room. There was much discussion.
The Council acknowledged the need for HVAC replacements and agreement with Adam’s recommendation of doing the units in the sanctuary first, by IT Landes, at a cost of $26,475. The Council then approved to move forward with the next step of figuring out financing. Once a proposal on how to fund the work is received by the Finance team, Council will need to approve, then present to the congregation for approval, as it is an unbudgeted capital expense.
With regard to timing – The proposal is good for 30 days (possibly longer). One option is to do nothing until something breaks, but costs could be higher if proposal is no longer valid.
The Finance Team now needs to review the options on how to fund it (and when). Here are some of the options that Council discussed: Sell some Merck stocks (downside is that we will have brokerage fees and loss of dividends to fund the General fund); Capital Campaign (takes time); Use savings (downside is that this we deplete this fund much faster, which is what we are currently using to pay the bills needed based on the deficit budget; Already checked to see if any grants were available, but there are not; Getting a loan, but with about 10% interest.
The Council approved Adam’s recommendation to remove the fences around the current AC units (not on the Cowpath side).
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 7:00 PM.