These seasons and services are traditionally what happens at Faith during normal times. In this time during the COVID-19 Pandemic, we have made many adjustments to services. Please refer to the Home Page for the most recent information about upcoming services and events. You can also email Janet in the church office with any questions: [email protected]. Thank you!
Holy Week ServicesHoly Thursday - 6pm - This year, we will having a dinner with worship and communion in the Fellowship Hall. Good Friday Tenebrae - 7:30pm - The Last Words from the Cross. Easter Sunday9:30am - Vigil and Festival of Holy Communion (the traditional , majestic celebration !)
Lent and EasterFaith's Ash Wednesday service of repentance and reflection includes the imposition of ashes at the service's end. This service of Holy Communion begins at 7:30pm. Faith has several services on Easter morning: 8:00, and 9:30 (see Easter section for more info) Summer and Vacation Bible SchoolVBS First Week of August 9am - 12pm Sunday School classes recess for June, July and August. We have a special Kid Thing program during part of our summer worship services. June brings our annual Father's Day Communion Breakfast at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Join us for french toast, sausage, all the trimming and holy communion served at your table. July is our Sabbath Month at Faith. We cease all work and concentrate solely on worship as our families enjoy vacations and time away for recreation and refreshment. We are a very active congregation, and the Lord would have us "come away for a while and rest..." We also welcome many new visitors during the summer and enjoy special Summer Thing at Faith worship services, such as hymn-sings and creative drama. Vacation Bible School is the highlight of our summer ministry and it is always held the first week of August from 9:00am until Noon. With approximately 40-50 children from our church and community (and lots of adults and teens) we romp our way through the latest Vacation Bible School curriculum. There is music sing along, crafts, interest sites, games, Bible lessons and refreshments as we create childhood memories that will last a lifetime. We really do have a great time. Join us! We begin with age 3 and encourage teen assistants. Registration begins online beginning in June. |
Rally Day and Christian Education
Before you know it, it's time to gear up for another exciting year of mission and ministry in the Kingdom as we strive to grow as disciples of Jesus.
We begin our Christian Education year with our traditional Rally Day breakfast in the Fellowship Hall on the second Sunday in September. Teachers are officially installed, classrooms are ready and we are off! Faith Church uses a lectionary-based Christian Education curriculum for our Sunday School.