As I am writing this, we are all in the midst of the coronavirus lock down. It has changed all of our lives in ways we could not have imagined just three weeks ago. I want to use this space to make sure that everyone knows how we are staying connected and caring for one another.
WORSHIP AND MEETINGS- we will be following the recommendations and mandates from the governor, the CDC and the Bishop’s office and cancelling all in person worship and meetings until further notice. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE WILL NOT WORSHIP, PRAY and CONNECT WITH ONE ANOTHER!
WORSHIP AND PRAYER- WE WILL MEET FOR WORSHIP EVERY Sunday. I am learning about Facetime and other streaming. I will go live via Zoom at 9am with our continuing study of worship and then our service will begin at 10:30am on Facebook live. The bulletin with a sermon reflection will be mailed to those without internet.
WEDNESDAY- beginning this week we will continue midweek prayer and continue through this crisis. This will be via Zoom. For more information contact Rich Hollenbach.
MEETINGS- Council will meet at the regular time and possible at times arranged by email if critical issues arise. We will meet by Zoom as we did last week.
Other ministry teams, if you would like to meet we now have a Zoom platform for the congregation. Please be in touch with Rich Hollenbach who can instruct you on how to set up a meeting. Make sure that all members of your team are aware, make sure that includes council president and me. Don’t forget to keep notes!
A word about the Call you may imagine call and transition activities are on hold for now. I will keep you posted as things emerge.
Please continue to stay in touch with one another. Call, Facetime, email, send a card, pray and pray together! We are in a time of physical isolation, not social or spiritual isolation. STAY CONNECTED!
I will also be posting on our Facebook page. If you aren’t on Facebook and haven’t liked our page, now is a great time!!!! I will open a place on our Facebook page once a week to allow us to share how we are doing and what is giving us strength. Don’t forget to look for beauty and joy!
This is a stressful time...please call, text or email me if you need to chat, pray, or just get a bit of support.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” Isaiah 41:10
I am encouraging you to look up this sermon by Pastor Nadia Boltz-Webber. A Mini-Sermon on Fear, Love, and Kent Brockman.
As a head sup, there is a bit of language that may challenge some of you (only a couple of words) but it is a very helpful reflection on facing fear. I think it is very helpful.
Blessings to all of you.