Present: Gary Apgar, Adam Feldman, Pastor G, Rich Hollenbach, Anne Hutnyk, Linda Kratz, Jack Walls, Denise Bailey (Treasurer’s Report only)
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the February council meeting were approved as submitted to the council as written.
Treasurer’s Report:
After some discussion the follow recommendations were made by council
- Need to reconcile the cash on hand balance vs the totals from the Reserve Accounts (last page), separating out funds from memorials
- Document memorial specified allocations/restrictions
- Actions needed before our audit for the Synod
- With year to date income at $49,216.08 (32%) and operating expenses at $18,293.50 (11%) we are $32,813.51 in the black.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastor G needs to identify two members to attend the Synod Assembly on May 1st & 2nd. Rich H volunteered but need a female member. The call committee has been meeting in preparation for calling a new pastor. We also need to have an external audit/review of our finances as part of the call process and need assistance to find a CPA/accounting firm.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Old testament stories were purchased and are in use in Sunday school. Last week was the first week with the earlier Sunday School time and the teachers had plenty of time to do the lesson. The VBS kit “Rocky Railway- Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through” is in the office and we will be getting things lined up for VBS (August 3-7, 2020.)
Communications: Need to investigate the use of Instagram to reach out to younger generation.
Finance: Need to meet to address items out linedin Treasurer’s Report above.
Fundraising: Remember GIANT gift cards!
Property Team: The Korean Church put up their own sign under our temporary sign. (They know our sign is temporary.) Note for future reference, council needs to approval such requests so it’s part of the official record.
Marty is trying to get a date in April for the Spring Workday.
Social Ministry: In March we are collecting items for Personal Care Kits to be sent to Lutheran World Relief. There is a poster in the Foyer of what is needed and a sample of a kit. Also, in March, we are encouraging people to shop at Laurel’s Loft to help to support victims of domestic abuse.
Transportation: An email will go out this week to the congregation to encourage participation in this team.
Worship & Music: Wednesday Dinner Church – 6:30-8pm Wednesdays during Lent – Theme is the Symbols of Lent. Adult Forum at 9:00 on Sundays will discuss the components of worship. Easter Sunday, April 12th breakfast coordinated by Council and Worship & Music.
Hospitality and Fellowship: We need a new projector for showing movies on the lawn. There is a handout. Discussed in New Business. March 13th - Pajama Movie Night - “Abominable.” April 5th is the Palm Sunday Anniversary luncheon of soup and sandwiches. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Foyer this coming Sunday, March 8th.
Old Business: Items in Review from February:
- Armed Intruder information – update from Vince Hill concerning the scheduling of a meeting with Montgomery Township Police Chief J. Scott Bendig or Officer Rob Johnson. No update; need to follow up with Vince.
- Update on Professional Audit (Funds will come from Undesignated Reserves) See Treasurer’s Report above.
- Update on constitution – no update
- Proposed Acceptable Computer Use Policy -
- Distributed in November to read. Still pending additions pertaining to PCI Compliant language. Rich and Jack will look for a time to work on this wording.
- Information about Re-keying of Locks? Adam was directed to get quotes for this work.
New Business:
- Update on deacons and new care mission: Pastor G reported the Synod has a training program for home communion and will investigate the training.
- Shepherding: A motion was made by Adam to accept this new ministry team and seconded by Ann and council voted to approve. They have a request for $400.00 to pay for postage of the cards they will be sending out. There is no budget line item to cover this but will be added to Social Ministry for the 2021 budget (Adam will notify Denise on this addition). It was suggested to use the Boehmler Memorial to cover the $400 request for 2020 and was approved by council. The team will need to submit receipts for the postage expenditure.
- Fellowship: The fellowship team has brought forward a request for a new projector for outdoor movies since they had been using Vince’s projector last year (which has since broken). Jack volunteered his personal projector for the March 13th movie night in the Fellowship Hall. There was a single quote for a projector, but Council asked Adam to get multiple quotes and come back to council with multiple options for further discussion.
Next Meeting: April 1 at 8 PM following the Lenten Wednesday service.
Notes from impromptu virtual meeting Faith Lutheran Council March 17, 2020
-- Edna Boehmler memorial scheduled for Saturday, May 23.
-- Rich Hollenbach set up free zoom account as a trial, but it has limits. Council approved getting the Zoom Pro account which costs $15/month. Rich to work with Janet Hill to secure for use by the congregation for meetings. Once set up will share the host information for use at meetings. Pastor G to investigate video options for Sunday services including meetings.
-- For the time being, there will not be any meetings at the church and only Janet (alone) will be there to cover any administrative work needed. We will need to organize a good cleaning of church once we get clearance to return. The building closure and isolation will be at least two more weeks minimum but will probably continue for some time (note May 12th is 8 weeks.) We will need to keep communicating. Officially no church services until we are permitted to by ELCA guidance.
-- All activities have been cancelled including the Longwood Garden trip, “Jesus” movie, Spring workday as well as groups using our building including the Korean congregation and the Food Addicts group. Note that council has approved staff members would be paid their regular salary during this time. An email will be sent out stating that the building is closed, and all events/activities are cancelled.
-- All deacons are not to do any home visits but should call people specially to see if they need anything like food (can drop off outside) to have limited physical contact.
-- We have someone to perform the financial review (audit)
for the call process. Tracy Beasley (who is a CPA) has performed this review for several congregations and will do it for $500. Janet will be the point person and will need to coordinate but after April 15th.
-- Lenten services will continue virtually. Rich to document sharing files via Google Drive. Pastor G to contact Lauren A about getting access to Church Facebook page and live streaming the services. Pastor G will investigate communion options for Easter. Worship and Music will review the options and plan accordingly.
-- The service bulletins will be emailed out to the congregation. We have about ~10 folks who don’t have computer access so they will be printed out and mailed to folks for Sunday.
-- Offerings should continue and can be dropped off at the church (mail slot) and will need to be counted & deposited. Recommend on-line giving. Janet to pick a time to sell Giant gift cards and communicate when they can be purchased.
-- Note that the Synod Assembly has been postponed.
-- Prayer concerns should be emailed to the [email protected] email account. Immediate concerns for: Edna’s family, Gwen & Clarence Harris, Carol and John Jr. Taylor and Emily Henkels.
-- Next Council meeting at regular time but virtual, April 1, 2020 @ 8pm following Virtual Dinner Church.