Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Gail lead devotions on a healthy church. Minutes of the February 3rd regular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: The income for February was $6,386.58, expense $7,448.97 for a monthly deficit of $1,062.39.
Denise stated there are 3 reports this month. Balance sheet designated for memorial purposes noted. Amazon Smile Earnings came in and are shown in profit and loss report. Adam pointed out that on the Budget vs. actuals report the Budget Pledge Amount should read $85,338 (not $84,818) and the year surplus should read $35,516.76. Denise will make corrections as noted. The treasurer’s report was approved with the corrections.
President’s Report: While we are still waiting to find a new pastor to call and won’t be making huge changes, there are a few items we need to address in 2021. Pastor Mary is helping to update our constitution which is very out of date. The property team is working to update our aging HVAC systems. And we need to replace our sign on Cowpath Rd. And finally, we need to work out the more permanent processes for video and Zoom with our hybrid worship services including church owned equipment and training of additional folks.
Pastor’s Report: At the Worship & Music Team meeting on Feb. 28ththe $1,000 grant Faith received from the SEPA Synod the “Forward Together in Faith” program was discussed. Approximately $450 of that grant is allocated to training congregation members to use & manage the technology available for worship and other meetings & programming; the remaining funds can be used to purchase additional equipment – in the grant most of it was for lighting. However, these numbers are flexible to some extent as long as we notify the Synod about how we’re intending to spend the funds.
Pastor Mary recently spoke to Linda Kratz regarding the progress of the Constitution and reported that it is a time-consuming process but it is moving forward. Pastor Mary also announced that she will be ending her role as Designated Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church on Easter Sunday. She plans to work with Worship and Music on coverage. Rich reached out to Pastor Penman for coverage, and Rich will be meeting with him soon. Rich is preaching on Palm Sunday and Pastor Ainslee will cover the third Sunday of the month until Easter.
Ministry Team Reports:
Call Committee:Gail emailed Pastor Bryan Penman on 2-17-21 to learn if we had any pastoral candidates to interview in the near future; Pastor Penman replied that there was a Dean’s meeting coming up the following Thursday and maybe he will have something to report, but no pastoral candidates as of today.
Christian Education: Melissa reported that an email went out from Janet to the township regarding having the annual church picnic on June 6, 2021. As of now, there is no cost for this and the township will let us know in April there are any changes. Melissa will be setting up a meeting to discuss VBS 2021 (date to be determined). Monday Night Bible group is studying the Book of Isaiah and Adult Forum is studying the Book of Acts. Forty Dollars was donated to provide “Jesus Bags” to our Wednesday Bible Whirl kids to hold all their Bibles and other bible study related items in one place.
Communications:Jack will relay information to Lauren to put information discussed on the church web page. The banner for Holy Week will be installed soon in front of the church. Rich added to tell people that the church is open, but reservations are required in advance due to covid safety precautions. Rich said that palms will be available on Palm Sunday at church as well as pick up on the Saturday before from 10 am to 12 noon and palms can be delivered too if the need arises.
Evangelism:Dale had a meeting with Doug (Chair) and their team is working on a “Running for Jesus 5K” sometime in September 2021. Rich suggested that they work with Communications to get word out when things are up and “running.”
Finance:Adam stated that Gary Apgar is still working on the PPP loan forgiveness, hopefully it will be settled by mid-March. Thrivent was updated with Richard Hollenbach’s signature as the new Council President. Adam informed council that we had a professional audit in 2019 and after discussion with Tracy Beasley Faith Lutheran Church will need an internal audit for 2020, and then a professional audit in 2021.
Fundraising: Sharon noted that Amazon Smile brought some money in recently, but no new ideas right now. Melissa suggested to schedule a hoagie sale with pick up outside.
Property Team: Vince reported that Landis completed their quote for the new furnaces ($39,600) plus permit fee ($1,244) totaling $40,844. Vince said that we have $22,000 earmarked for the cost of new furnaces but would have to finance the rest. Jack made a motion to approve an $18,000 interest free loan over 3 – 6 years and Dale seconded the motion; all members approved this motion. Vince should send quote and all related paperwork to Debbie Hollenbach, chair of Finance and then Special Funds would need to approve. Vince also said that the Church sign would be getting installed soon. Vince brought forward new business that the church building needs a $200 to $300 backflow preventer to be done by March 31 per the township. Vince will get the actual quote and hand it over to special funds for approval. The work can be done in three days once the okay for payment is given.
Shepherding: Sharon’s team will be sending out Easter cards.
Social Ministry: Sharon shared two ideas suggested by Nancy Gansner. Council agreed to hold off on the altar flower sign-up sheet right now due to the pandemic but supported the “soup chart” and the “food basket” ideas but Sharon will go back to Nancy Gansner to figure out the best way to execute this project.
Special Funds:Will be getting together for the heaters and the backflow preventer.
Stewardship: Jack shared a video about the steps and ease of online giving; he also has a list of seven reasons why online giving is the way to go. Jack will contact Janet with the announcement of these ideas to put in the bulletin the week before Palm Sunday and then show the video at Palm Sunday announcements.
Transportation: Dale is still making Wawa deliveries every Wednesday and Friday to people in our congregation and in our community. “The Lord loves to feed His Sheep.”
Worship & Music:Our team met this past Sunday, February 28, and covered Holy Week with tentative plans for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. The team talked about the Synod grant. Part of it goes to training and part is for equipment. Using Faith equipment at home for convenience for virtual church. Rich mentioned that they plan to still have virtual church service for those who cannot come even after the majority of members get back to worship at Faith Church. Rich stated that we need another computer (Adam has been using his personal laptop for church events) so they will be getting a quote for a new computer and take it to Special Funds, but it will not be happening in the next two weeks, he added. Pastor Mary questioned the light around the screen in the sanctuary appears to be dark. Adam said that it was the fault of his camera.
- Replacement of the Faith Sign– Sign will be going up!
- Furnace replacement– Was already discussed in the above Property Team Report.
- Constitution Update– Pastor Mary reported that Lauren Krupp is working on the corrections and when finished, Council needs to approve and then the Congregation.
- Audit Team– We need to put together a team to perform an internal audit of our finances for CY2020. Sharon is on council so cannot be on this team (Rich also noted no one on Finance Team can be on the audit team}. Sharon agreed with her past experience of doing internal audits that she will guide the Audit Team of three members. Sharon said it was not a hard task and takes about 3 to 4 hours to complete. Rich pointed out that the audit should be completed sometime in April after Easter Sunday.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 7pm. Will be a hybrid meeting and Adam has devotions.