Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Gail lead devotions on Church Health. Minutes of the February regular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: The income for February was $8,315.02, expenses $9,970.77 for a monthly deficit of $1,655.75.
Denise noted that we had a negative month; we are down $1600. This is largely due to seasonal items such as snow removal, a large PECO bill due to heating the building, and onetime expenses of member envelopes and our Sundays & Seasons subscription. Also, there was a faux paux with the bank; Denise transferred money into wrong account causing an overdraft. We were charged twice for monies not being in right account to cover the payroll expenses. Denise told us that we will now get notifications in the future if we have any accounts in the negative. Rich asked Denise to make sure that we have overdraft protection. Janet is working with Univest to avoid problems in the future. Denise put alerts online with the bank. The treasurer’s report was approved as written.
President’s Report: Rich informed us that Pastor Bruce Davis will lead worship through Easter. Rich also informed us that Pastor Tim Garman has officially declined our call and is pursuing an interim position in another Synod.
Ministry Team Reports:
- Call Committee: In light of Pastor Tim Garman’s decision to decline becoming our pastor, the call committee will regroup and move forward in our quest to call a pastor for our church.
- Christian Education: Sunday Bible School (in person) and Wednesday Bible Whirl (Zoom) are holding steady with our attendance. We may be adding one more child to Wednesday Zoom bible school. We just received our Vacation Bible School (VBS) “Monumental” Resources. Gail with the help of VBS veterans is learning what it takes to lead a successful VBS and will send out an email for an upcoming VBS meeting tentatively scheduled for Sunday, April 3, around 12:15 pm. It will be an introductory meeting for all volunteers, and anyone is welcome to join us to feel out if there would be some way you can be of help. We need all the help we can get and so far we only have a handful of people. Traditionally, our enrollment for VBS is approximately 50 children. VBS is scheduled for the week of August 8 through 12, 9 am to 12 noon, but there is much we can do in the upcoming months to make it all work smoothly and be fun and safe for the children who attend. Thank you for your support!
- Communications: Jack Walls proposed we inject an attention getting possibly humorous message on our new sign (to be changed periodically). He confirmed that Adam will be putting out the Easter banner in front of our church. Jack will also be in contact with Lauren Allegrezza Krupp to make necessary updates to our website.
- Fundraising: In Linda Kratz’s absence, Rich reported that we will have a scrapbooking event held at our church on Friday, May 13, and Saturday, May 14.
- Hospitality/Fellowship: Anne Hutnyk informed us that the list for Fellowship food/drinks after Sunday Worship Service is posted in the Fellowship Hall.
- Property Team: Vince Hill will set up a date for Spring cleanup. Missy mentioned that she noticed the church’s stained-glass windows need a little spring clean-up too.
- Shepherding: Sharon Hood reported that Valentine’s cards were sent out and Easter Cards will be sent to our congregation.
- Social Ministry: Sharon reported that Valentine’s cards were sent to our 13 homebound members which was February’s social ministry project. Sharon informed us that March’s Social Ministry is for donating specific essentials (for example towels, combs, soap, fingernail clippers, toothbrushes) for Lutheran World Relief kits. She also gave us a heads-up that in April, social ministry will be asking for monetary donations for 141 Impact so that their newly built library in Uganda can be filled with books. Essentially you will be donating money and can have your family/child honored with a book or books that they purchase through your donations for their library (your name will be written in a book(s) in your honor).
- Special Funds: Chris Jones will do another 2-year term as the member at large. No requests this month.
- Worship & Music: Rich reported that Pastor Bruce Davis will lead worship through Easter continuing the Lenten Series.
- Prayer Vigil, Sat Mar 12th We had inclement weather, so only a few showed up in person, but others who signed up prayed from home. We did get God’s answer according to His will and plans for us.
- Entering back into Call Process – Pastor Penman informed us that he has a dean’s meeting next week, and that we should regroup our Call Committee to be prepared for pastoral candidates coming our way. Check in with your call committee members to see if they will remain on the call committee. Gail has agreed to stay on as the Call Committee Chair and will contact the current call committee (Nancy Allegrezza, Anita Halpern, Rich Hollenbach, Carol Taylor, and Jack Walls) asking if they will remain on the team). Pastor Penman also suggested a book for council to read titled, “Part-time is Plenty: Thriving without Full-time Clergy” by G. Jeffrey MacDonald. Mr. MacDonald outlines 3 models to thrive: 1) Teaching lay people to do ministry; 2) Part time Pastor being utilized as an ambassador to the community; and 3) Whole team running the church are all part-time. Pastor Penman and council members discussed different scenarios: part-time pastor, full-time pastor, sharing a pastor. Jack specifically asked if we could interview full-time candidates with a one- or two-year contract and try in the interim to increase our membership with the hope that we will have the money to sustain a full-time pastor. Pastor Penman was a bit doubtful on that idea. Pastor Penman did answer that there are more candidates seeking a full-time call over a part-time call. Rich informed everyone that he will update information for our folder for the Call process to provide more current information. Our MSP was just recently updated and will not be changed at this time. When asked how many full-time candidates are in the pool as of now, Pastor Penman answered that there are 8 candidates, and most are from outside of our Synod. Pastor Penman ended with that we probably are one of the strongest, dedicated congregations that he has seen in our situation.
- Synod Assembly, April 30th, 2022 – need 2 volunteers (M & F) – Gail will represent Faith.
- Indoor Mask Mandate update - Review and update our policy. Following current CDC guidance, council agreed on making indoor masks optional. All council members voted in favor of making indoor masks optional
- Seat cushions in Fellowship Hall - A few members have asked about having the metal chairs with cloth seats at least at one of the tables in the fellowship hall for coffee hour as the regular chairs are cold as are the cushions in the closet. Action has been taken to provide one table with cloth seating.
- Motion to approve membership of Dell Greer and Sarah Snyder. All council members voted in favor to approve membership of Dell and Sarah.
- Printer lease and Maintenance - Our current copier is 5 years old (and the lease is coming to an end) and print quality is not as good. Jack had a meeting with Theresa Hammond, from Toshiba and proposed a plan to get a new copier that will save us some money. We will see a $240.00 reduction per year with this new copier proposal. Rich requested that Jack verify that the old copier’s lease ends and is off the books so we will not be accountable for it in the future. All council members accepted to approve.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 7pm. Will be a hybrid meeting.