Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. Gail lead devotions on Servanthood. Minutes of the February regular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: With year-to-date income at $21,117.33 (16%) and operating expenses at $26,032.57 (16%) we have a $4915.24 deficit. The treasurer’s report was approved as written.
President’s Report: The future is bright here at Faith! We are happy to have Pastor Ethan, who is getting comfortable, and are also happy to hear him preach on Sundays! He has started up Adult Forum on Sundays and is meeting with all the Ministry Teams and other groups. Faith is making plans for this year, including continuation of our successful Parent’s Night Out program, Spring and Fall clean-ups, Spring Fling, Vacation Bible School, and more! There is a good vibe happening at Faith.
Pastor’s Report: On February 19, Pastor started supplying at 1 PM service for St Paul’s in Norristown. On February 26, Pastor started a 5-week adult forum on five Faith practices given in baptism. All are welcome. Pastor is in the process of being onboarded to become the Protestant chaplain at Lansdale Hospital. Pastor is away the following dates: March 9 – Anti-racism workshop at seminary; March 13-15 – Educational retreat at seminary; May 5-6 – Synod Assembly; May 8-22 – Vacation.
Ministry Team Reports:
- Christian Education: February 24 Parents’ Night Out – There were 11 children (7 from Faith and 4 from the Community) and 5 teacher volunteers. Parents donated $60 to be used for upcoming events. Next PNO is scheduled for March 24!
- Fellowship: More detailed information was provided on converting second floor rooms to accommodate an activity room – see Old Business.
- Finance: Finance Ministry did not meet this month, but certain actions will need to take place. Since there is a change of Officers on Council, the Authorized Signers of some accounts will need to be updated. The Council president is a signer on the Thrivent Accounts, so Gary Apgar needs to be added to those accounts and Richard Hollenbach needs to be removed. Pastor Doan should be added to the Univest Safe Deposit Box. We also recommend that Pastor Doan be placed on the Thrivent Samaritan Fund in place of the Council President as he is the person that utilizes that fund. Council approved the recommendations.
- Fundraising: Alexis has agreed to chair this new team. An email was sent on 24Feb to all those who contribute to this team as well as council. Easter Breakfast fundraiser between services was approved and is to be sponsored by Worship & Music and Council. Linda to ask Alexis to start the sign-up sheet via email. Upcoming Events: April 21-22 and April 28-29 Scrapbooking; May 20 Spring Fling (Beth and Janet leading.)
- Hospitality/Fellowship: Coffee Hour Sponsors: March 5 - Golden Girls; March 12 – Congregation; March 19 – Thrivent; March 26 – Congregation. Upcoming Events: April 2 – Palm Sunday Anniversary (Anne and Beth coordinating); April 9 Easter breakfast (Worship & Music and Council sponsoring); June 3 – SEPA Synod “Caring for Friends” Event.
- Mutual Ministry: Need to appoint 2-4 members from the congregation to be on the committee; selected by Pastor & President for 2-year term per the constitution (C13.04). Gail volunteered for this role, and Pastor and Gary to meet to appoint other members.
- Property Team: April 1 is Spring Workday. Missy to work with Adam on list of needs/tasks for that day. Property Team needs to revisit the scoping of the rainspouts (the cost to rent the equipment has already been approved.) Potholes need to be filled in again on Morgan Street.
- Shepherding: Valentine cards were sent to Faith family members who are mostly single, as well as our college students and Friends of Faith. Easter cards will be the next project for the team.
- Social Ministry: For our January 2023 Social Ministry Project, 45 Faith Valentine Cards were signed by the congregation during Coffee Hours. 45 envelopes were decorated with Valentine’s Day Stickers. The 45 cards were delivered to the Harborview Rehab and Care Center on W. 5th Street in Lansdale to be delivered to Florence Cornwall and 44 other residents of the Long-Term Care Floors. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts to these residents as you signed the cards! Our generous Family of Faith donated enough soup and crackers to put together 30 bags to be delivered to Keystone Opportunity Center’s food pantry in Souderton. Each bag contained 3 cans of soup and at least 1 box of crackers. Our goal was 20. Additional boxes of crackers were also donated. Coming Up: March – NP Boys and Girls Club snacks; April – God’s Global Barnyard.
- Special Funds: On February 8, this team approved taking $221.32 from the Nelson Memorial Fund to purchase 10 copies of “All Creation Sings” supplemental hymnals.
- Transportation: Dale provided an update that he has partnered with the Lansdale Boys and Girls Club to donate some of the Wawa donations.
- Worship & Music: New hymnals - All Creation Sings, have been purchased and are in the choir room. We will be reviewing and incorporating in the future. Worship Assistant training this Sunday, 3/5/23, following the worship service (will be repeated as needed.)
- Youth Activity Room: More detailed information (email and drawing from Adam on 2Feb23) was provided on converting 2nd floor rooms to accommodate an activity room. After much discussion, it was decided that it was a good idea, but that we should proceed incrementally. The following motion (by Rich) was proposed: The old choir room (the blue room) can be used for a youth activity room on a trial run for 3 months and then be evaluated. It is to be used only during coffee hours (not before church) and only with adult supervision (with child clearances). Food can be taken into the room. The room is to be cleaned before leaving, and all trash should be brought down to the main trash can in the Fellowship Hall. Anne will relay this information to those requesting this.
- Constitution Update: Rich has volunteered to lead this task; goal is to have this completed by the end of the year.
- Red Cross Blood Drive: May 5 is the date for the Red Cross Blood Drive, 1-6pm. Anne volunteered to be the church representative during the event.
- Grass Cutting: After reviewing the 3 options provided by Adam, McCann was chosen for this year’s mowing contract. Subsequent to the meeting, Adam clarified that they will not charge us if we cancel in advance.
- Roll Clean-up: The list provided by Janet was reviewed. Some decisions were made, but other decisions will wait until phone calls are made as specified. Linda will update the list with who has which actions.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at 7pm. Will be a hybrid meeting and Gary has devotions.