From Pastor G
In Lent, we have been reflecting on change- both positive and negative change- in our Wednesday gatherings and at our first Transition event. The one thing that we know for sure, change is a constant. Some wafts by in quiet inconsequence and some hits us with a weight we can barely carry.
This month, we change from the somber reflective season of Lent to the festive, hope filled proclamation of the Resurrection! It is almost jarring moving from Good Friday to Easter Sunday.
I hope that many of you will be able to take the whole journey participating in Palm Sunday and Holy Week worship and then coming for the Resurrection proclamation. I hope you will enter into the stories thinking deeply about how they are the story of your life as well as the story of those who followed Jesus so long ago.
I have sometimes imagined what it would be like to live in a climate where the seasons do not change. I imagine that it becomes wonderfully comforting.
But, I am glad for the changes. The first breath of each new season, each new experience, each new chapter, reminds me that amid the changes God is the constant. When I allow myself to think about how things are always, and will always, be swirling in change, I give thanks for God’s unchangeable love.
SO, as I come out of the tunnel of Lenten reflection - there is the predictable and yet breathtaking vista of Resurrection!
I pray that this Lent has offered renewal and redirection where you have needed and I pray all the deep joy of Resurrection. It is a prayer for Faith Church, as you move further in the journey of Transition; and for each of you as the light of Christ illumines your life.
Council Notes
Council was called to order by President Debbie Hollenbach at 8:15 p.m. and commenced with prayer led by Lauren Allegrezza. The Mission Statement was read.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the February council meeting were approved as submitted to the council via email.
Treasurer’s Report:
Denise was asked to continue to provide the monthly statement in both Excel and PDF formats. Explanations were provided for a few of the unusual amounts for loose plate and flowers. The report was approved as submitted.
Pastor’s Report:
• Madolyn Marvel’s funeral will be at 11 AM on Saturday, April 13.
• Worship and Music has finalized plans for Lent and will be meeting shortly to discuss plans for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter.
• Pastor has been working with the Transition Team to get ready for the first event on March 31.
New Business:
• The Constitution: A committee will be formed after Easter to review the current constitution. The goal is to model the constitution after the ELCA constitution, then send in for approval (which has not been done since 1995).
• Pastor G is looking for two delegates for each day of the Synod Assembly on May 3 and 4. The theme is “Beloved Community”. Gary Apgar volunteered. Council members are asked to check their calendars and get back to Pastor G so we can get registered at the discounted rate.
• Property Team discussion on Magnolia tree, Garden Club plans, and PECO changes (see notes under Property committee).
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Due to the many other changes going on during the service, we will not be implementing the proposed trial sermon time discussed at the Christian Ed meeting.
Missy will be scheduling a meeting shortly for VBS discussions.
Finance: Meeting was held on March 4 to clean up the Treasurer’s Report and to check on how things are going with the new budget outline. Recommendations:
• Purchase a fireproof/locking cabinet to keep all church records concerning money in one place on the premises.
• “Undesignated funds” to be used for future expenses and approval by council required.
• Update Quicken to allow duel access and purchase a form more compatible with churches than the personal one in use today.
• Denise Bailey requires access to the church office and printer.
Fundraising: Remember GIANT gift cards!
Hospitality: March Fellowship Event was the Fastnacht Coffee Hour on March 3. An updated list of coffee hours and their sponsors had been prepared and emailed to all people involved. A coffee hour checklist has also been included to clarify duties and answer questions.
Property/Building Usage:
• Marty Boland presented a recommendation for cutting down the Magnolia tree due to the expense of trimming to keep the solar panels cleared. The motion was approved by all.
• Marty Boland also requested council’s blessing for her to expand the Garden Club, allowing her to recruit more help. Marty and team will then present a landscaping recommendation/vision, including one-time costs and on- going costs to maintain the new landscaping. Once council reviews and approves, discussions will be held on funding.
• As sexton and a member of the Property committee, Adam Feldman proposed a change in electric suppliers as a cost-saving measure. Council has asked that the Property and Finance team meet to review the proposal.
Social Ministry: In February we collected $220.50 to support sending a child to the Angel Tree Ministries Camp. In March, we are encouraging people to shop at Laurel’s Loft to help to support victims of domestic abuse. We also have a prayer jar in the foyer for people to put in prayer requests and pray for each other. This will continue into April.
Stewardship: Is was decided that a letter to congregation is not needed since a copy of minutes of the congregational meeting were distributed. We do need to communicate that even though the weather or vacations may be keeping some people from attending services, the bills still need to be paid. You can mail in your contribution, and we are looking at methods of e-giving. Jack has been looking into e-giving; Pastor G has information on it; and Lauren asked if the credit card transaction fees are discounted or removed for church giving. To be discussed further next month.
Transition: The first event will be March 31 with one service at 9:30 AM, in the sanctuary, with breakfast.
Worship & Music: Pastor G is looking for lists of contemporary songs for her to choose from.
Old Business: None
Next Meeting: April 3 at 8 PM following the Lenten Wednesday service.