Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Gail Achilles lead devotions from Mark 15. Minutes of the February regular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: We are at 16% into the year and gross income is at 22%, mostly due to the higher than typical Pledged figure for this February (a one-time Special Gift.) Total expenses are about where they are expected at 16%. With year-to-date income at $27,121.04 (22%) and operating expenses at $25,672.00 (16%) we have a $1449.04 surplus. The treasurer’s report was approved as written. The council affirmed that the portion of Pastor’s salary marked as housing for this year should be $22K (same as last year.)
President’s Report: We are well underway into 2024 and halfway through Lent already. Our priorities for this year are to finish the draft constitution and support the Long-Range Planning initiatives to help Faith grow. We continue to bring back events and activities from pre-COVID days while also looking at new ones. Our Lenten book study sessions have had small attendances but with some valuable insight and good discussion.
Pastor’s Report: On February 21 pastor met with Nicole Labrozzi and Colby Stephenson to talk about having Tessa baptized. Ash Wednesday Service was great. Thanks to everyone that helped. He attended the following ministry team meetings: Deacons, Rich and to continue in depth Lent and Easter planning; and Finance. Faith book study on “Autopsy of a Deceased Church” began on February 14. He has also had several meetings with Jerusalem Lutheran Church.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Gail Achilles reported that:
Sunday School: For Palm Sunday, March 24, there will be a Resurrection Story lesson during Sunday School and an Easter egg hunt for the children during coffee hour. There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday, March 31.
Monday Night Bible Study (MNBS) – Our group will be starting a new 6-session study on “The Prayers of Jesus” on March 11 and ending on April 22. (Note: We will be off Monday, April 1 following Easter Sunday.)
Parent Night Out/Youth Fellowship (PNO/YF) – Next events are March 15th and April 12th.
VBS - Our first meeting is on April 7 after 9:30 Worship Service during coffee hour for those interested in helping and supporting this fun and Christian formation event for our youth. Please contact Gail Achilles or Janet Hill anytime for more information or to sign up as a volunteer.
Finance: Counting offering – council members with representatives of the Finance team. Gary to ask the Finance Team if counting is happening after worship service or at another time before the list of volunteers can be finalized. Rich and Pastor will meet with Janet to further review.
Fundraising: Emily Gallo’s scrap-book event raised $500. Another event is planned in November.) Spring Fling – The following decisions were made by council and forwarded to the Fundraising chair. We will not discourage vendor table set-ups. We will determine how many we can put inside, and after those are filled, we can sell spaces in the parking lot. Cost is $25. Based on popular demand, hot dogs will be added to the kitchen offerings. Storage donation location needs to be determined by Building/Property Management.
Health/Deacons: Attendees were Pastor Ethan, Nancy Gansner, Sharon Hood, Beth Schoening, Janet Hill, and Nancy Allegrezza. Not in attendance were Dale and Mary Lou Foster, and Chris Jones. Reviewed current assignment lists of each deacon, added a few additional names to the list. Had a discussion on overview of responsibilities of deacons and communication / documentation between Pastor and deacons. Also briefly discussed boundaries as it relates to the role of deacons and Pastor will send out some additional information for review on this topic. Discussed having an in-person get together in nicer weather to further discuss. Nancy Allegrezza offered to have a dinner get together at her home, date TBD. Janet Hill will be the person who will coordinate the sharing of information and correspondence with the team.
Palm Sunday and Maundy Thurs - Debbie has received a Thrivent card. There is a sign-up sheet for the council to sign for Easter breakfast. John and Carol are donating a turkey.
Long Range Planning: The Long-Range Planning Team will be meeting soon. We will be recommending goals and hope to have other opportunities to discern our mission and vision.
Mutual Ministry: Team will need to schedule an exit interview with Laura.
Property Team: The basement sump pump failed and had to be replaced. Exact costs will be determined, then decided where funding will come from. When they plowed Cowpath Road during the last snow, they shot snow against our sign and knocked the letters and bottom track off. Adam has the glue to fix it and will repair it when the weather is warm enough. Spring workday is scheduled for April 6 from 9-12.
Shepherding: Looking for a new team chair for this team. Will send a thank you card to Sharon for starting this team and her years of service.
Social Ministry: For our January 2024 Social Ministry Project, 30 Valentine cards were distributed to North Penn Adult Services in February for Valentine’s Day along with cookies baked by MaryLou, Leighann and Kate. Our Sunday School children “generously” decorated the cards with stickers.
For our February 2024 Social Ministry Project, (20) “lunch bags” plus additional food was delivered to Keystone Opportunity Center’s Food Pantry in Souderton. An impressive total weight was 115 pounds. The congregation helped put together the lunch bags.
For our March 2024 Social Ministry Project donations are being collected for God’s Global Barnyard to purchase animals for needy families for food. Depending on the total donations, the Sunday School children will decide what animals can be purchased based on their individual costs.
Worship & Music: Working on Holy Week services. Need to announce correction on the times that were in the Mustard Seed calendar.
Constitution: draft in review by Council. Ministry teams working on modifying team definitions (Linda to complete.)
Music Director resignation & review of job description for a replacement. The council officially accepted Laura Cooper’s resignation. Rich emailed the official job description to council members to spread the word of the opening. Pastor to looking into rates for a substitute organist should that be needed prior to hiring a new music director.
Proposal for Tween/Teen Youth Fellowship – Council approved continuing to plan for this youth event and recruit volunteers.
The council approved the addition of Roman Navarro, along with Bonnie and Sheena, for membership into Faith on Sunday.
Karen Bitting of Hedwig House in Lansdale petitioned to have a bingo night fundraiser in our Fellowship Hall with the allowance for BYOB. Council approved for this one-time event. Note that we will need to make sure their insurance is current and that they have a PA bingo license.
Nurturing Vocation Program – Pastor Ethan – After discussion, council decided that we continue to get additional information on the program. A Zoom session has been set up for 7 PM on March 17.
A question was raised regarding the return of the puppets for Peli plays. Gail to reach out to Chris for her thoughts.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 7pm.