July 11, 2021
Call to Order: by President Rich Hollenbach at 10:18 am
Present: Gail Achilles, Adam Feldman, Dale Foster, Vince Hill, Rich Hollenbach, Sharon Hood, Melissa Prunkel. Absent: Anne Hutnyk and Jack Walls
- President Rich Hollenbach called a special council meeting to approve the additional $1850.00 payable to IT Landes for Duct work repairs/revisions for second floor classrooms discovered while installing the new furnaces. Rich also explained that this brings the total remaining balance to $22,272.25 for furnace work payable to IT Landes over a 3-month period interest free ($7,424.08 per month). Of the $22,272.25 balance: $9,545.76 will come from the Heating/AC Fund and the remaining $12,726.49 will be taken from the Thrivent Moderately Conservative Account. A motion to approve was made by Rich Hollenbach, Melissa Prunkel seconded the motion, and all members present and Jack Walls in absentia voted in favor to approve the additional cost and the method of payment.
- Property Team: Vince informed us of the results of the Fire Inspection of the Church Building performed on July 1, 2021. Adam Feldman was able to take care of the power strip issues and put back ceiling tiles and insulation (from the furnace work). However, we have to replace all the exit signs and emergency lights for a cost of $710.93. Vince said that $600.00 could come from the Property budget however President Hollenbach noted that he will coordinate with the Special Funds team to process the requested amount of these repairs. Vince also said that all work will be completed by Thursday, July 15, 2021, for the follow up inspection.