We are continuing an in-personSunday School program during the 10:30 a.m. service as well as continue with a “Sunday School” program on Wednesdays at 4:30pm via zoom!
With everyone’s busy schedules and feelings about safety, we are happy to offer more options for children to learn about the Bible and our loving Heavenly Father. We began on Sundays in October with teachers, Gail Achilles and Anita Halpern and then on Wednesdays with teachers, Nancy Gansner, Gail Achilles and Anna Friedrich. We will be using the Whirl curriculum, following lessons that go along with the lectionary (the lessons that are read each week.)
Please come on Sunday morning or contact the church office at [email protected]if you would like to be part of the Wednesday zoom class. (Please make sure we have your email address so we can send you the zoom link. Materials will also be sent to those participating on zoom. A Bible will be provided to your child if they do not have one. Please let us know.)
The lessons for December are:
Nov. 28 & Dec. 1: Paul’s First Letter 1 Thess. 3:9-13
Dec. 5 & Dec. 8: Malachi the Messenger Malachi 3:1-4
Dec. 12 & Dec. 15: Mary visits Elizabeth Luke 1:39-55
For more information see, Melissa Prunkel, Education Leader
Vacation Bible School 2022
We didn’t have Vacation Bible School this past August but are looking to resume in-person VBS in 2022. It looks as though we will be doing mornings as usual on August 8-12, 2022 from 9am to 12noon. We will be needing lots of volunteers to help out in many different ways. Please contact Melissa Prunkel or the church office with your suggestions or to volunteer to help. Thank you, Church Family!
Monday Night Bible Study
The Monday Night Bible Study will be taking a break until the new year. Check the January 2022 Mustard Seed for information about the new Bible study.
Christmas Coffee Can Sale will be held on Sunday, December 12th.
We need lots of volunteers to bake Christmas cookies for the return of our Annual Christmas Coffee Can Sale. Please bring your cookies to the church the week before the 12thor that morning. Here’s how it works. You buy a holiday decorated empty coffee can for: $5 for small can and $10 for large can and then get to fill it with whatever assortment of cookies will fit into the can. You get only your favorites! So please consider baking and then come out and buy too!
The Cantata/Hanging of the Greens will be held on December 19, 2021 during the 10:30am service.
Look for a sign-up sheet to help with the service that day. You can help change the sanctuary over from Advent to Christmas - whether it be changing bows, paraments or candles, putting up banners, setting up the nativity or decorating the tree with our lovely Chrismons. Or you can just come and enjoy the magic of the day as we prepare for the birth of Christ.
Social Ministry
The Social Ministry Project for December is our Angel Tree. We are changing it up a little this year. There are no ornaments to remove. If you want to participate in this project, please give a monetary donation to Janet, in the church office, to be put toward the purchase of grocery gift cards for members of our congregation.
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. “ (Hebrews 13:16)
SHARING CHRISTMAS WITH “Gabe,” “Savannah,” and “Malik” FROM MARTIN LUTHER SCHOOL (Now known as Gemma Services-where hope shines.)Martin Luther School in Plymouth Meeting was founded as an orphanage. It now provides a home, treatment, education and other services for boys and girls, ages 6 to 14, who have experienced past traumas, including abuse, neglect and poverty. All services are provided in a nurturing environment that promotes recovery, resilience and, where possible, families reunited.
On Sunday, December 5 there will be a collection after the servicepresented by your social ministry team to share our love with the following children:
Gabe (boy): age 11- Basketball, basketball tights, Lego set
Savannah (girl): age 8- Stuffed dog, LOL Surprise!, Doll, Book about pets
Malik (boy): age 10 - Remote control car, Rubik’s cube, matchbox cars
If you are unable to be at church, you can also send a check to either me at 110 Country View Lane, Chalfont, PA 18914, made out to “Faith Lutheran Church” --- or – send it directly to the Church at 615 Cowpath Road, P. O. Box 182, Montgomeryville, PA 18936. Please mark the “Memo” line as “Martin Luther School”. Thank You.
Our goal is $150.
Know how much the children appreciate our love. When I drop these gifts off, I have been told how excited the children are when they open their presents. A day to enjoy life and know that others care.
--- In Christ, Sharon Hood