560 AM WFIL -- Christian teaching all day long
88.9 FM WORD -- Contemporary Christian Rock Music
91.7 FM -- A mixture of Bible teaching, traditional music
107.5 FM -- Praise/Gospel Music & Bible teaching
106.9 FM -- KLOVE -- Contemporary Christian Rock
Check out bibleproject.com They provide videos, podcasts, Bible study, online classes and more, all for free. They are “helping people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.” Check out their website!
Do you shop at Giant?
If you do, you can buy Giant gift cards from the church. A $50 card costs you $50. How does the church make money? Well, when Faith purchases $1,000 worth of cards from Giant, they only charge us $950 (a 5% discount.) So, when we sell those cards to you, the church makes $50. It adds up…
Hatfield Flowers and Gifts (215) 822-1530) provides Faith with two lovely flower arrangements to adorn our sanctuary each Sunday.
You can sign up to sponsor flowers, bulletins or a food basket. The flowers are $35, the bulletins are $10 and the food basket is $25.
You can dedicate any one of these things to someone special, to celebrate a birthday or in memory of a loved one. You may take the flowers home or they will be given to an ill or homebound member. The $10 for the bulletins is to help cover the cost of making the bulletins and the $25 for the food basket is money donated to “Manna on Main Street” to help feed those in the North Penn area.
To sign up for a particular Sunday either sign up on the chart on the Foyer bulletin board or call Janet in the church office (215) 368-0240.
The “Golden Girls of Faith” (Golden Men are welcome too!) will be meeting once a month for lunch, fellowship and prayer at a local restaurant.
They will meet the first Wednesday of the month which will be December 7, 2022 this month.
For more information or if you need a ride, please talk to Anna Friedrich. All are welcome!
Faith’s Transportation Initiative
If you need a ride to church on Sunday or you are interested in providing a ride to church to someone, please contact Dale Foster.
WAWA Food is back! We are again receiving donations of Wawa food through the Food Donation Connection. We may receive anything from sizzlies, to breakfast burritos, to lunch sandwiches, to muffins, to sweet treats, to hot dogs...anything they didn’t sell the day before and have now frozen. If you are in need of some supplemental food or know of someone who is, please let either Janet Hill in the church office or Dale Foster know and we will make sure you receive some Wawa food.
Amazon Smiles on Faith Lutheran Church!
Another great fund-raiser for Faith Lutheran Church that will cost you nothing (and help us a whole lot, we hope). Many of you have already heard of Amazon Smile. Whenever you purchase something from Amazon Smile, be sure to have Faith Lutheran Church set up as your charity of choice. The church will then receive a portion of the value of your order at no cost to you. (Since we began this fundraiser in October of 2020, we’ve made $20.20 in 2020 and $44.44 in 2021 and $13.17 in 2022, so far. Thank you!) Here is a direct link so that the charitable proceeds come to Faith: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-1675520
Sunday School hours are 9:45 am to 10:25 am
At the conclusion of Sunday School, children ages 6 to 11 will return to attend 10:30 Worship Service with their family.
Children 5 and under are welcome to join Gail Achilles, or a teacher substitute, in the church nursery room during Worship Service.
This new time will benefit both the children having longer uninterrupted time for their weekly bible lesson and the teachers who will not have to miss Sunday Worship Service.
Any comments or questions, please see Gail Achilles, Christian Education Chair
Proverbs 22:6 ESV Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
The Monday Night Bible Study will be taking a break until the new year. Check the January 2023 Mustard Seed for information about the new Bible study.
Ho Ho Ho Church Family and Friends!
We still have room left for Parents’ Night Out/Youth Fellowship held on December 2 and December 9 (choose one night or both) from 6 pm to 9 pm in our Faith Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. If interested, you can find the registration/info forms on the table as you enter the sanctuary. Fill the form out, keep the top part for your information and return the completed registration bottom part to the church office. Please note: The registration deadline for December 2 is being extended to November 30 and the deadline for December 9 is being extended to December 7. If the church and office are closed and you decide you would like to bring your child/ren please contact Gail Achilles, Christian Education Director by text 267-664-3328 or email [email protected] (use Parents’ Night Out on subject line) and I will confirm your call and register your child(ren). Thank you, we look forward to providing a fun evening for our youth (birth to teenagers are welcome). God Bless, Gail Achilles
Lord, when did we see you...?
Please be encouraged to participate in those projects which touch your heart!
One of our Social Ministry Projects for December is our Angel Tree. We are doing it the same way we did last year. There are no ornaments to remove. If you want to participate in this project, please give a monetary donation to Janet, in the church office, to be put toward the purchase of grocery gift cards for members of our congregation.
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. “ (Hebrews 13:16)
Martin Luther School/Gemma Services “where hope shines” in Plymouth Meeting was founded as an orphanage. It now provides a home, treatment, education and other services for boys and girls, ages 6 to 14, who have experienced past traumas, including abuse, neglect and poverty. All services are provided in a nurturing environment that promotes recovery, resilience and, where possible, families reunited.
Your social ministry team is asking you to support the following children.
Gabriella (girl) age 8 Squishmallow stuffed
Animal (small or medium),
art set & sketchpad,
Rubik’s cube
Sharif (boy) age 9 Football, Lego set,
Book about football
Mark (boy) age 10 Chess set, car puzzle,
Model car kit (snap
These gifts will be on display on Sunday, December 4. After the church service, you will be asked to make your donations toward our goal of $180.
Your Christian love for these children is most appreciated by the School and especially by the children. As they unwrap their presents, know it brings them great joy and excitement knowing that others care so very much. -In Christ, Sharon Hood
We will also be continuing our Code Blue - Helping the Homeless in our Community Social Ministry project through the end of the year!
The Code Blue Shelter is located at Trinity Lutheran Church (Luther Hall), 1000 W. Main St., Lansdale, PA 19446. The shelter is open when the shelter organizers call a Code Blue. Trinity provides a warm shelter, refreshments, and company for those in need on nights declared as a “Code Blue.”
Faith will be collecting socks, mittens, gloves and scarves. Please put your donations in the bin under the coat rack in the Narthex hallway. For more information see Mary Lou Foster.
Thank you for supporting this ministry in our community!
For months we have been praying for Joanne Stockert, fiancée to Sean Schoening (Beth Schoening’s son.) Joanne and Sean were to get married in September but in June she was diagnosed with leukemia. She is now waiting for a bone marrow transplant. Sean works for Joseph Ambler Inn. Joseph Ambler Inn has graciously offered to donate 15% of all food and alcohol sales on all the Tuesdays in December to go towards Joanne’s treatment.
So, consider having a meal at Joseph Ambler Inn on a Tuesday in December to support Joanne. The Joseph Ambler Inn’s phone number is 215-362-7500 to make reservations.
Thank you for your continued prayers!
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 (NASB)
THE CHOIR IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR FRESH FACES AND HAPPY VOICES to lift their praise to the Lord on Tuesday nights and Sunday mornings. Practices will be on Tuesdays at 7PM in the choir room (next to the kitchen.) If you have any questions, please drop Laura Cooper, Music Director, an email at [email protected] or a call at 267-421-9351 and she will be more than happy to convince you why you should join the choir. 😊
Since we have a Choir again the Cantata is back. Come to church on December 18th to listen to the story and song of Hope! A Gospel Christmas Celebration. That day is also the Hanging of the Greens and the Cookie Can sale. Come for this wonderful day of praise and fellowship!
Christmas Coffee Can Sale will be held on Sunday, December 18th.
We need lots of volunteers to bake Christmas cookies for our Annual Christmas Coffee Can Sale. Please bring your cookies to the church the week before the 18th or that morning. Here’s how it works. You buy a holiday decorated empty coffee can for: $6 for small can, $8 for a medium can and $10 for large can and then get to fill it with whatever assortment of cookies will fit into the can. You get only your favorites! So please consider baking and then come out and buy too! Questions, please see Beth Schoening.
The Hanging of the Greens will be held on December 18, 2022, during the 10:30am worship service. Look for a sign-up sheet to help with the service that day. You can help change the sanctuary over from Advent to Christmas - whether it be changing bows, paraments or candles, putting up banners, setting up the nativity or decorating the tree with our lovely Chrismons. Or you can just come and enjoy the magic of the day as we prepare for the birth of Christ.
A child is born to us. A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called, “Wonderful Counselor,”
“Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” “Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6