On Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 5:30pm we will be having our Christmas Coverdish/Pollyanna at the
home of Paul and Melissa Prunkel.
Bring a gag gift to exchange (the funnier the better!) and a dish to share. Look for a sign-up sheet on the Foyer bulletin board. Everyone is welcome, whether you bring something or not! Come out and have some holiday fun with your church family on the 7th! More information: Melissa Prunkel.
Kid Event will be December 8, 2019 during coffeehour. The kids will be decorating the coffee cans for the cookie sale on December 15th.
Christmas Coffee Can Sale and Coverdish Luncheon will be held on Sunday, December 15th.
We need lots of volunteers to bake Christmas cookies for our Annual Christmas Coffee Can Sale. Please bring your cookies to the church the week before the 15th or that morning.
Here’s how it works. You buy a holiday decorated empty coffee can for: $5 for small can and $10 for large can and then get to fill it with whatever assortment of cookies will fit into the can. You get only your favorites! So please consider baking and then come out and buy too! It’s our last fundraiser of the year!
Our Annual Coverdish Luncheon will also be on December 15th following the 10:30am worship service. Bring something to share with your church family for a time of fellowship and conversation during the Advent season. More information, see Chris Jones.
The Cantata/Hanging of the Greens and Christmas Tableau will be held on December 22, 2019 during the 10:30am service. Look for a sign-up sheet to help with the service that day.
You can help change the sanctuary over from Advent to Christmas - whether it be changing bows, paraments or candles, putting up banners, setting up the nativity or decorating the tree with our lovely Chrismons. Or if you like to dress up you could be part of the Christmas Tableau where we have costumes for angels, shepherds, wise men and even sheep and, of course, Mary and Joseph. (No speaking required!) Or you can just come and enjoy the magic of the day as we prepare for the birth of Christ.
Lord, when did we see you...?
Please be encouraged to participate in those social ministry projects for 2019 which touch your heart!
November Thanksgiving food items Info: Debbie Hollenbach
December Martin Luther/Silver Springs School (Info: Sharon Hood )
Angel Tree Grocery cards (Info: Nancy Gansner)
Jesus Birthday cards available
There will be several boxes of Jesus Birthday Cards” available for purchase on the Foyer Bulletin Board ledge December 1. Round up the nickel and pay the Pink Penny Can!