Present: Lauren Allegrezza, Gary Apgar, Dale Foster, Pastor G, Deb Hollenbach, Sharon Hood, Linda Kratz, Melissa Prunkel, and Jack Walls.
Discussion/Decision Required:
- Treasurer’s Report: October’s report is almost complete. Denise noted that we are $4K over budget, but that the $6K from the insurance company on the sign has been received, so we’re actually $2K under. At the end of September, or 75% of the budget year, receipts were at 76% and expenses at 61% with a surplus of $36,660.45.
- Endowment: $86,937; VBS Fund: $15,033; Mortgage: $189,824
- Farewell gifts for Dean DeWerth – the costs need to be reimbursed to Pastor G. Debbie motioned that the funds be taken from the Bishop’s Convocation registration fund (which is not being used). The motion was passed.
- Request from Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous. They request to use a room in our church on Sunday evenings at 6:30 PM for a small group meeting. After discussion on keys and the building use contract, the motion was passed.
- As is standard practice, the group will need to provide an insurance rider and a main contact. They will need to sign the building use contract (which includes times, dates, room set-up, heat/AC, etc. They will receive a key to the building. For their first meeting, a church staff member will need to provide them with an overview of the property.
- With regard to the building use contract, the following modifications need to be made by the administrative assistant: Remove items 7 (moral standard) and 10 (food). Revise Item 11 – Council can designate security if required. Item 18 should be revised to increase rate for non-members (to be discussed later).
- Nominating Team should plan to meet soon. Debbie will ask David Bonthu (chair) to set up a meeting, and she will also ask Donna Renner if she will be a back-up in case of illness of another member.
- Church Insurance Policy – Janet, Pastor, and Debbie met with our Selective representative to review the renewal of the policy and signed the renewal for 2020. Debbie will provide Gary with a copy and ask that he get a quote for comparable coverage from Church Mutual.
- Sign-up Sheet for Council Christmas Dinner on December 4 at 6:30 PM at Sharon’s. This will be handled through email. Church staff and spouses are included.
- E-giving: Jack will work with Janet to get a report so that we can see how non-pledge (flower, etc.) giving is noted.
- Sycamore Tree – After the last storm, the dead branches came down, so we are tabling the discussion of professional pruning until Spring.
- Plans for Snow Removal- We will renew our contract with current snow plow company (Debbie signed the contract), but we need to find out what product can be used to melt ice on the parking lot without damaging the surface, as this is not covered by the snow removal company.
- Keys to the Church – Many people have keys to our church, but there is no record of who has them. Dale will work with Adam to get pricing on rekeying the three doors and getting 20 keys made. If less than $300, re- keying should proceed.
- PECO/Gas Distribution – recommendation to change gas distribution supplier. Council reviewed the information provided by Adam. The council needed a few more clarifications – if the responses are in our favor, Adam can go ahead a make the switch. We need to know the contract length and if there are penalties for changing suppliers. We also need to know if the proposed rates are fixed or variable (fixed is preferred).
- Cost- savings for Heating – Dale has been asked for the sexton to set up a review from PECO with regard to which is most cost effective – keeping the heat constantly on a lower level and increasing as the building is in use. Or is it more cost effective to have it turn off, then needing to heat to desired temperature with boilers running a full capacity. Dale will also request that the heat is turned on at a lower temp in the smaller rooms so it’s not so hot.
- Codes for the Heaters – Dale has been asked to get the codes for the thermostats, so that more than one person has the information. At a minimum, they should be kept in the safe.
Property Team Meeting – Dale has been requested to set up a meeting of all property team members to document who does what within the team (i.e. shoveling, landscaping, etc.)
Thrivent Dollars – Our new process document needs to include parameters for requesting Thrivent Action Team dollars for community events on behalf of Faith Lutheran. A ministry team lead or council must approve the event PRIOR to the request being made for Thrivent dollars. Since our church relies heavily on Thrivent Action Team Dollars, we need to make sure that we are following Thrivent guidelines for their use.
- Pastor started this very important discussion with scripture from 2 Corinthians, v. 4-7. Afterwards, council heard the words of former Bishop Mark Hansen addressing the Synod during a time of great division. Bottom line –issues can only be worked on together at the foot of the cross.
- Council then approved that we move forward with the MSP process.
- Next steps include:
- Debbie and Pastor meeting with those who have expressed concerns with the ELCA. Transition team will meet on November 12 to incorporate the proposed changes noted by Council. Council will review the MSP again. The on-line MSP will be updated accordingly.
- A printout of the MSP will then be available for members of the church to review.
- Pastor G will write an article for the Mustard Seed explaining the cause for the delays in the MSP process.
Items in Review for November:
- Proposed Computer Policy – this was handed out to council to review prior to next month’s meeting. Please relate any questions or concerns to Linda Kratz prior to December 2.
- The Process for Getting Things Done - this was handed out to council to review prior to next month’s meeting. Please relate any questions or concerns to Lauren Allegrezza prior to December 2.
Ministry Team Reports:
Pastor’s Report:
- Our visitors (Taylor and Caleb) on November 3 have requested to be baptized at Faith.
- A reminder that all committee/team meetings held must include invitations to both Pastor G and Debbie Hollenbach (as council president) as outlined in Faith’s Constitution. It is their decision as to whether they attend.
- In this time of transition and anxiety, please remember to be kind to one another. We have had some recent actions that have caused additional anxiety and concern, which is the last thing we need as we transition. Please be mindful of others’ feelings and be sure to follow processes that are put in place for very good reasons.
Pledge Packets went out on November 3 and pledges will be turned in and consecrated on Sunday, November 17. Finance meeting will then meet to view the pledges and see how it lines up with the proposed budget.
- Scrapbook Fundraiser- $1,030
- Wawa Hoagies -$120.00
- Holiday Bazaar – November 8-9. Will still be chaired by the
- former WELCA team this year.
- Cookie Can Sale – Sunday, December 15
- Remember to buy your GIANT gift cards!
Property/Building Usage:
- Potholes - The largest pothole at the entrance to the church has been filled by the Property Team – thank you!
- Sign - We have received the initial check from our insurance
- company for the replacement sign. This will be kept aside until we come to an agreement on a new sign. The LED sign from the Willows is no longer available. A team needs to be formed to decide on the sign requirements and investigate township zoning information. The temporary sign will be in place shortly (Thanks, Adam).
Social Ministry:
November project is collection of Quick Bread mixes for Manna on Main Street.
Met on September 17 and set up schedule of projects for 2020 and discussed several names of congregation members to approach for membership on the committee.
Worship & Music:
Meeting next week to finalize plans for Advent and Christmas.
Mutual Ministry:
Pastor G and Debbie met with Janet and Admin to discuss their duties. The Admin and Sexton descriptions were read to council. Since both hold dual roles (employee and committee members), both have been requested to log their hours on their paid positions. The organist/choir director job description is forthcoming. Pastor will be getting them signed by the employees.
Miscellaneous: Lower Montgomery Conference assembly was Oct. 8. Pastor G, Gary, and Debbie attended. Pastor Bryan Penman was elected to the office of Dean. We will be working with him during the Call Process. We presented a gift of $100 gift card to the William Penn Inn, a $10 Giant Gift Card and a Prayer Shall to outgoing Dean Julie DeWerth. A thank you card is on the bulletin board downstairs.
Next Meeting: December 4 Christmas Dinner at Sharon’s