Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. Council Minutes of the October meeting were approved as written. The Treasurer’s Report from October was approved as written.
President’s Report: As we are approaching the Holiday season here at Faith, there are some important functions that always happen this time of year. One function that I really want to talk about is our Nominating Team. The current Nominating team is Sharon Hood (Chair), Mary Lou Foster & Paul Prunkel. This team is tasked with finding new people to serve on our Council. Of course, the people are voted on at our January meeting. This current year we are two people short of a full Council. The council can operate with 7 to 9 people. If you get voted in, you will serve a 3-year term. We try to elect 3 people a year. If elected, you can serve two three-year terms and then you are required to take a year off. We have three people leaving and as I said we are down two this year. This means we need up to 5 people. If you are asked to be on council, please think and pray on your answer. Remember we are doing God’s work!
Pastor’s Report: Here are the highlights of Pastor’s report as he continues to provide pastoral care, provide ministry leadership, teach the Faith, participate in the Community and Wider Church, and learn for Ministry: October 21st was the funeral of Michael Spotts; baptism request for daughter of Taylor Pagano (to be held February 11); see notes in Long-Range planning; Pastor met with nominating team on October 30; October 7 was the first Faith Education dinner. The next will be held on November 12.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Parents’ Night Out – Youth Fellowship (PNO-YF): Our next PNO-YF event will be on November 17 with a Thanksgiving theme. September’s event was attended by 13 children and $95 was collected to be used for future youth events.
Current information for Sunday School, Monday Night Bible Study, and PNO/YF can be found on the church website and weekly church bulletins.
Finance: At 83% of the year, member pledged giving is at still lagging at 73.47%, and Member unpledged envelopes is at 71.98%. Loose plate offering is 349% over our projections. At this point, our budget deficit increased by $2982.55, leaving us with a total deficit of $26,472.32.
The Team met on October 26 and added the pledges to the proposed budget and adjusted some of the other income amounts. Council made a few changes.
Fundraising: September scrapbooking event raised %685. The Wawa hoagie sale raised $80.36. GIANT gift card funds of $500 were also deposited. On tap for November – November 3 & 4 scrapbooking and November 10 & 11 Holiday Bazaar.Bazaar plans are moving along. Two $250 Thrivent action team cards were acquired to help kitchen and raffle basket expenses. Eight vendors have signed up.
Planning to have the Christmas Cookie Can sale on December 17 (after Hanging of the Greens.)
Hospitality: Coffee hour sponsors were reviewed.
Long-Range Planning: The team met on October 24. We went over the responsibilities of our team and discussed Faith’s mission statement. Pastor sent out homework to the council, due back by November 12. We are meeting again on November 15!
Property Team: Fall clean-up day was held October 28. Need to follow up with Adam on sign warranty.
Shepherding: The team will be sending out Thanksgiving cards. Special thanks to Gail and Ernie for the card donations.
Social Ministry: October – Code Blue - We collected socks, mittens, gloves, scarves as well as energy bars, individual packs of crackers, juice boxes, etc. November – Bakeless Bake Sale to support Fisher House Foundation. November/December – Collecting money for the gifts purchased for Christopher, Helena, and Charles from Martin Luther School.
Stewardship: The Stewardship campaign on Gratitude was concluded. Thanks to everyone who participated, especially our congregational speakers.
Worship & Music: Going to work on putting the announcements on the screen before the worship service to help cut down on the time during worship. (Rich will be away on November 5.)
OLD BUSINESS Constitution Update – Draft in review by Executive Committee. Ministry Teams reviewing their teams’ description. Moving the library books to be more accessible (need volunteer librarian.) – Bring back in 2024. What “things” did we stop doing because of Covid and/or lack of permanent Pastor? Should we look to bring any of these items back? The list created by the council will be sent out to the individual ministry teams for review. First-Responder needs – what kinds of things would our congregation find helpful should we bring in the local fire/police. Note that November 1 township meeting was canceled, and Pastor will be meeting with the Police Chief. Background checks for the staff need to be reviewed and updated where necessary- Pastor has the lead.
NEW BUSINESS The Deacon ministry is looking for direction on whether they can start up with home visits (brought up at Monday Night Bible Study). Pastor will take the lead and call a meeting (include Evangelism ideas, ashes “to go”).
The Food Addicts are no longer able to provide insurance for their group meetings at the church, so they will no longer be meeting here.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.