Lent is a time when many of us take on devotional and spiritual disciplines. It is a kind of spiritual reboot as we recall Jesus’ journey to the cross and to resurrection. In addition to devotional resources for you to use at home here are some ways for us to gather to grow in faith during the season. All are invited, we hope that you will be part of these offerings.
We will gather at 9am each Sunday to learn the history and biblical background of the parts of our Sunday morning worship. Where can the prayers be found in the Bible? Why do we use the prayer we use? What is changeable and what is not? Why do we use the readings that we use? As we learn about liturgy, we hope that our experience of liturgy will be enriched. This 5-week series will be co-led by Pastor G and Rich Hollenbach.
The season of Lent is rich with story and symbols. Over dinner and in prayer we will reflect on the Crown of Thorns, the 30 pieces of Silver, water, the Lamb and other images and symbols that appear in the Lenten Gospel texts.
Ash Wednesday Service: February 26th at 7:30pm
Worship with Imposition of Ashes and Communion
The Coffeehour Sponsor List
has been revamped for 2020. The second Sunday of most months has been designated as a Congregational Coffeehour. This means that anyone who wants to bring in food can do so to share. Some months will have a specific theme or a sign-up sheet. This way everyone gets a chance to participate. Look for some different themes this year too.
This month: February 2: Long-Range Planning and Transportation;
February 9: Congregation Soup and Sandwiches for a Winter’s Day (see the sign up sheet on the Foyer bulletin board);
February 16: Long-Range Planning and Transportation and
February 23: Congregational Cookie Cans.
Lord, when did we see you...?
The 2020 social ministry calendar has been set. Please be encouraged to participate in those projects which touch your heart!
February's Project is: Valentine cards for homebound
Info: Debbie Hollenbach
Also, we are still collecting Hats, Mittens, Gloves & Scarfs for people at Keystone.
2020 Phone Directories will be available this month
Look for them on the desk in the Foyer on February 16, 2020.
Greeters and Lectors Needed
We are in need ofGreeters (standing at the door and welcoming people as they come in) and Lectors(reading the lessons and psalm.) If you would like to volunteer or would like more information, please see Anna Friedrich.