For many years I have participated in programs sponsored by various public libraries like “One City, One Book” or “Everybody Reads”. The idea is that everyone in a community is invited to read the same book and then meet in groups or on-line forums to discuss the book. So, I thought, what if we had a “One Congregation, One Book”, but instead of reading a novel we all read the same book of the Bible. So, here is the plan and the invitation:
Our 2ndreadings for Sunday worship this year include readings from the book of Romans twenty-five times. So, let’s start there. For the next 16 weeks (February 2 through May 17) I am inviting everyone to read and reflect on the Book of Romans. (There are 16 chapters so that is a chapter a week). As you read, find some folks to talk with about what you have read. You might create a small group on-line. Or meet for coffee and talk about what you have read. Or put something that you are wondering about when you read on our Facebook page so that others can share their thoughts.
I will create a reading guide for each chapter which will be available in the Narthex or it can be emailed to you.
So, people of faith- let’s get reading! One Congregation, One Book!
What can we learn from Romans?
-Pastor G