2021 Phone Directories will be coming out the second week in February.
If you would like a copy please call Janet at the church (215) 368 0240 or on her cell phone (215) 285 6428 and you can either pick one up or it can be mailed to you.
Adult Forum
Faith Adult Forum is starting up again in the new year on January 10, 2021 continuing their study of the Book of Acts of the Apostles. They meet on Zoom at 9:00am on Sundays and are led by Rich Hollenbach. Hope to see you there!
Call Committee Report
Since our start, we have had four candidates apply, but have not secured a fit for Faith as yet. The committee met with Pastor Penman before the holidays and agreed that Part time Pastor candidates are few and far between, so my understanding is that it was determined by Faith Council that we are open to sharing a pastor with another congregation. This information was made known to Pastor Penman, but as of this date no candidate applications are forthcoming. Our Call Committee is devoted to finding a Pastor for Faith Church, and we continually pray for the Holy Spirit's wisdom to do God's will in this calling. We pray that God sends Faith Church the Pastor He knows we need.
God Bless,
Gail Achilles, Call Committee Chair
Lectors & Worship Assistants Needed
We are in need of Lectors (reading the lesson and psalm) and Worship Assistants (reading the prayers and few other passages) for our Zoom worship. If you would like to volunteer or would like more information, please call Anna Friedrich.
COVID-19 Vaccine
As we move toward Phase 1B in COVID19 vaccinations, please check out the Montgomery County PA Official Website at: https://www.montcopa.org/3660/COVID-19-Vaccine
for updated information about vaccination sites and registration.
Amazon Smiles on Faith Lutheran Church!
Another great fund-raiser for Faith Lutheran Church that will cost you nothing (and help us a whole lot, we hope). Many of you have already heard of Amazon Smile. Whenever you purchase something from Amazon Smile, be sure to have Faith Lutheran Church set up as your charity of choice. The church will then receive a portion of the value of your order at no cost to you.
Here is a direct link so that the charitable proceeds come to Faith:
Please share this information with all your family, friends, colleagues, etc. Don’t shop on line? That’s OK – you probably have a lot of family and friends that do – so share this info with them. You only need to set it up once, then we’re the lucky recipients whenever that person shops on Amazon.
Christian Education
“Sunday School” on Wednesdays at 4:30pm for 30 to 45 minutes!
All children are invited to join Wednesday “Sunday” School. This Winter we’ll be exploring some gospel stories and having some fun along the way.
For more information & the Zoom link, see Melissa Prunkel, Education Leader
The Church is Open
The Church building is open for in-person worship for a limited number of people. Pastor Mary and Laura will still be participating from their homes. Rich will be facilitating from his home. Those in the sanctuary will be watching and participating in the church service via Zoom.
Here’s how it will work:
- No more than 25 people can attend worship on Sunday.
- People wishing to attend worship need to either email the church at [email protected]or call the church at 215-368-0240 by Saturday at noon. Janet will call or email you to let you know that we have received your reservation.
- The only staff will be three or four ushers.
- Chairs will be marked and ushers will seat families and individuals.
- Sanitizer will be available
- Masks must be worn at all times. This includes children. (Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
- There will be no nursery, so parents are asked to keep their children in their seats.
- Only the rest rooms in the hallway outside of the sanctuary will be used.
- An usher will monitor those using the restrooms so there is only one person in there at a time. The usher will wipe down the bathroom after each usage.
- There will be no singing during Phase one, only humming.
- There will be no congregating in the church before or after the service.
- Paper bulletins and individual communion cups will be placed on the seats in the sanctuary before the service by the ushers wearing gloves.
- Greeter/usher will be at door to greet people and answer any questions. This usher will also take the temperature of everyone entering the building. That usher will direct people to an usher at the top of the steps who will take family/individual to their seat(s.) People will be seated from front to back in the sanctuary.
- Once seated please do not leave your seat unless you need to use the bathroom.
- Please keep 6 ft. apart at all times.
- If you feel ill, please don’t attend worship at the building, stay home and watch it on Zoom.
In the spirit of making it easier on each member and family to give to our great church, we are asking each of you to consider giving via the E-GIVING method going forward. The collective power of E-Giving has been proven to help churches across the country raise larger funds, but more importantly e-giving helps our Council Leadership be able to predict the financial health of our church. Nothing could be more important as the Faith Evangelical Call Committee and Leadership Council makes the decision to embrace a future leader for this congregation. We need your help to solidify our strong financial foundation.
The good news is E-giving is EASY. Simply enroll by three methods:
1. Fill out a Paper enrollment form and mail it in Download an App on your mobile phone
2. The Faith Evangelical websitwww.faithmontgomeryville.org ( E-giving button is on the Home Page)
3. This direct website link to e-giving
Faith Lutheran EGiving 2020
Jack Walls is available via cell phone (484) 433-7420 or email [email protected] to help get you set up via the E-Giving VancoTM process. Thank you for all that you do for Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church.