Please make sure we have your updated information. If you’d like a directory mailed to you please contact Janet in the church office.
Thank you!
Christian Education
We are continuing an in-person Sunday School program during the 10:30 a.m. service as well as continue with a “Sunday School” program on Wednesdays at 4:30pm via zoom!
With everyone’s busy schedules and feelings about safety, we are happy to offer more options for children to learn about the Bible and our loving Heavenly Father. We began on Sundays in October with teachers, Gail Achilles and Anita Halpern and then on Wednesdays with teachers, Nancy Gansner, Gail Achilles and Anna Friedrich. We will be using the Whirl curriculum, following lessons that go along with the lectionary (the lessons that are read each week.)
Please come on Sunday morning or contact the church office at [email protected] if you would like to be part of the Wednesday zoom class. (Please make sure we have your email address so we can send you the zoom link. Materials will also be sent to those participating on zoom. A Bible will be provided to your child if they do not have one. Please let us know.)
The lessons for February are:
Feb. 6 & 9: Jesus Calls Disciples - Luke 5:1-11
Feb. 13 & 16: Trust in the Lord - Jeremiah 17:5-10
Feb. 20 & 23: Joseph Feeds His Brothers - Genesis 45:3-11, 15
Feb. 27 & Mar. 2: Jesus Is Transfigured - Luke 9:28-36
For more information see, Melissa Prunkel, Education Leader
Adult Forum
Adult Forum, Bible Study for adults will resume on February 6, 2022 and continue on Sundays at 9am via Zoom. All are welcome! For the Zoom link, please contact the church office. For more information see, Rich Hollenbach, Leader
Monday Night Bible Study
The Monday Night Bible Study will meet via zoom from 7-9pm on Monday nights. They will be reading, "Leading a Life of Balance" by Christa Kinde, foreword by Marilyn Meberg. There are 12 chapters, and they started Chapter 1, on January 24. All are welcome to come at any time during the study. For the Zoom link, please contact the church office.
Your Sister in Christ, Gail Achilles.
Vacation Bible School
We are looking to resume in-person VBS in 2022. Gail Achilles is enthusiastically looking forward to August. We will be doing “Monumental” Vacation Bible School Monday through Friday, August 8-12, 2022 from 9am to 12noon. We will be needing lots of volunteers to help out in many different ways.
Please contact Melissa Prunkel, Gail Achilles or the church office with your suggestions or to volunteer to help. Thank you, Church Family
Lord, when did we see you...?
2022 Social Ministry Calendar. Please be encouraged to participate in those projects which touch your heart!. Please contact Sharon Hood or Debbie Hollenbach if you’d to join this ministry!
February Project
We will be sending out special Valentine Cards and Greetings to the members of our congregation who are homebound or dealing with medical issues at this time. Special Valentine Cards will be located in the Fellowship Hall during Coffee Hour on Sunday, February 6th for congregational members to sign and send special greetings. If you know of someone that you would like to add to our list, please reach out to Janet Hill in the Office or Debbie Hollenbach so that we can make sure that they receive a card.
Technology Volunteers
We are looking for a few volunteers who are willing to learn and help with the technology behind our virtual and in-person worship services. Each week we host our Zoom meeting for worship as well as running the video cameras and sound system in the sanctuary. Over the past year we have refined this process and it’s running very smoothly now. But it’s being managed by the same few people every week and we are looking to train others to share in this responsibility. We have engaged a professional to help review our processes and to provide training and want to have other volunteers participate. Please contact Rich Hollenbach if you are interested.
Greeters Needed
We are in need of Greeters (greeting people at the door before worship), Lectors (reading the lessons and psalm) and Worship Assistants (reading the prayers and few other passages) for our Zoom worship. If you would like to volunteer or would like more information, please call Anna Friedrich.
Another great fund-raiser for Faith Lutheran Church that will cost you nothing (and help us a whole lot, we hope) is Amazon Smile. Whenever you purchase something from Amazon Smile, be sure to have Faith Lutheran Church set up as your charity of choice. The church will then receive a portion of the value of your order at no cost to you.
Here is a direct link so that the charitable proceeds come to Faith:
Please share this information with all your family, friends, colleagues, etc. You only need to set it up once, then we’re the lucky recipients whenever that person shops on Amazon.