Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. Rich led devotions. Minutes of the December regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was approved as written. With year-to-date income at $129,497.40 (101%) and operating expenses at $155,058.78 (93%) we have a $25,561.38 deficit.
President’s Report: Happy New Year to everyone at Faith Church! May our New Year be full of Happiness, Wellness and Spiritual growth! Just a reminder we still have two openings on our council! Being a council member will take some extra time out of your days, but this is time that’s rewarding and well spent. If you think you have an interest in joining the council, but need some questions answered, any of our council members or I will talk to you. The current Council nominating team is Sharon Hood (Chair), Mary Lou Foster & Paul Prunkel.
Pastor’s Report: Here are the highlights of Pastor’s report as he continues to provide pastoral care, provide ministry leadership, teach the Faith, participate in the Community and Wider Church, and learn for Ministry.
Pastor is on vacation from January 4-18. Pastor Janelle Krais will preside on January 7, and Rich will lead the service on January 14. Pastor attended various Ministry Team and other meetings, including Lower Montco and Bucks County conferences. A meeting for the Deacons will be held in January. See Important Date section for upcoming special events.
Christian Education: Gail Achilles reported that Sunday School resumes on January 7 with Gail and Anna alternating since Nancy is away until March. Monday Night Small Group resumes on January 8 via zoom when a book study to delve into Revelation will be chosen. Parents Night Out/Youth Fellowship: Next events are January 26 and February 23. Gail also sent out the schedule for the rest of the year.
Fundraising: Linda Kratz reported that the cookie can sale generated $365. The next scrapbooking event is February 9-10. (Alexis to coordinate with Anne on some type of hospitality during these events.) Alexis will coordinate with Pastor to set a team meeting in February.
Hospitality: Anne Hutnyk provided a list of assignments for coffee hours for 2024.
Long-Range Planning: The team met on December 20. Council has a questionnaire to fill out regarding a survey for the congregation (for a handout for the Congregational Meeting.)
Nominating Team: The following three members of our congregation have agreed to run for council: Gail Achilles, Anne Hutnyk, and Andy McCulley. Note that there are two additional positions that we would like to fill for 2024’s council.
Social Ministry: Angel Tree total will be available in February. $239 was collected for the Martin Luther School/Gemma Service, so $42 in “extra” monies were sent with the gifts. Valentine’s cards will be signed in January by the congregation and distributed to North Penn Adult Services. Also in February, soup bags will be done for Keystone Opportunity Center in Souderton.
Worship & Music: Discussions starting for Lent and Easter worship.
Constitution Update: Draft in review by Executive Committee; Ministry Teams are working on modifying team definitions-Linda to send out responses from teams that she received back and provide suggestions on rest for Council review.
What “things” did we stop doing because of Covid and/or lack of permanent Pastor? This is now part of the Long Range Planning survey.
Follow up on 2024 Budget: reviewed changes that were required based on new information on costs.
Congregation Meeting Discussion: Gary would like to invite every church member to come to our Annual Congregational Meeting! We need at least 25 active church members there for the meeting to count. Only church members who have contributed offering of record and communed in the past two years can vote on issues. Anne to send out a sign-up sheet to council members.
Congregational Council 101: Due to scheduling conflicts, we’ve requested to be invited if this is run again in the future.
Lower Montgomery Conference Meeting on February 4: to vote for a new dean – Rich and Gary will attend.
Important Dates: January 4-18: Pastor on vacation.
January 21: Faith Education Dinner. January 26: PNO/YF. January 28: Congregation Meeting after service. February 4: Synod Conference. February 23: PNO/YF.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 7pm.