Updated Snow Cancellation Policy:
In order to be more effective at notifying the congregation of cancellations in case of snow, we will be starting a new procedure. A decision will be made by the Pastor
and the Council President regarding any cancellations. In general, the 10:30 Service will not be cancelled prior to Sunday morning but the 8:00AM service may be cancelled as early as Saturday night. The President will send out an email notice of cancellation and initiate a phone call chain with the council members. The Communication Team will also post a notice on our Faith Lutheran Church Website. Currently our Administration Assistant, Janet Hill, is compiling the email addresses of the congregational members who wish to be on the email chain. She is also obtaining phone numbers for people who would prefer a phone call. Please make sure that she has your correct email address and phone number! Just remember, if in doubt, check on the Website!
Social Ministry
Faith has been working with the Keystone Opportunity Center for quite some time, starting
with our participation in the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN). The Mission of the organization, which is headquartered in Souderton but serves communities in both Montgomery and Bucks County is “to help community members in need by offering a comprehensive array of social services that educate, encourage and empower them to become self-sufficient.” The Social Ministry Team decided to provide several opportunities in 2020 to support their programs.
In January (January 1-19), we will be collecting boxes of children’s Valentine Cards. These cards will be distributed to children in their programs. This will allow the children to send Valentine’s Cards to their classmates and friends. Who can’t remember the fun of writing out cards for their classmates and receiving some yourself! We want to make sure that everyone can participate!
In addition, we will be collecting warm hats, gloves, mittens and scarfs during both January and February for the Keystone Opportunity Center. Look for great sales after Christmas and help us to make sure that everyone can be warm this winter season!
All items will be collected in the purple bin under the Coat Rack and taken up to the Center during the months of January and February. Look for more information about the Keystone Opportunity Center and their many programs in the Foyer, starting in January. Questions: Contact Debbie Hollenbach