Treasurer’s Report: Receipts are down $404.37 for the month with 90% pledged and 49% of unpledged year to date. There were no corrections to the distributed report. The treasurer’s report was approved as written.
President’s Report: Two families have requested to formally leave Faith: the Oscar family and Betty Roberto.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Mary will send out a Christmas letter to the congregation. It will be included in the Shepherding cards to be sent out to all members and Friends of Faith.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education:
· “Sunday” School continues to meet on Wednesdays at 4:30pm for kids and Adult Forum meets on Sunday at 9am.
· We need to post the Christmas Eve schedule on the Faith website and Facebook page.
- Doug Renner will have a meeting this month as there is still money available.
- See New Business below.
- The AmazonSmile account is set up we will be receiving checks right into our bank account quarterly (as long as the amount is over $5.00.) Therefore, we probably will see money from this in early 2021. Here’s a link to our account to buy your Christmas gifts.
- Remember to buy your GIANT gift cards including those for the Angel Tree.
- Christmas cards are planned and will include the letter from Pastor Mary.
Social Ministry:
- We can still donate to: Manna on Main Street or Keystone Opportunity Center.
- Gifts were delivered to the Martin Luther School. $250 was collected for the gifts and the extra balance was sent to the school.
- There was and issue with the Vanco app but it looks to be resolved. There is a video on e-giving that Jack Walls mentioned and will see if we can put a link to this on our website. Jack will follow up with Lauren.
- Dale Foster is still dropping off food to people in our congregation and community!
Worship & Music:
- The team is working through the details of Christmas Eve hybrid services - 6:30pm outside in-person short worship service (weather permitting, will need to notify early if canceling) - 7:30pm Zoom and limited number in sanctuary (same rules as Sunday worship.) Special music between services.
- This is a reminder that all activities on the schedule have been cancelled for 2020 due to the pandemic. Council approval will be needed to hold any event. The approval will need to be obtained prior to that event. A new schedule of events and coffee hours will be distributed when the council gives approval to go forward with such events in 2021.
- Property–Nothing new on the purchase of a new sign.
- Church Opening - The church buildingwas opened for in person worship on November 8, 2020 and we are averaging 15 people a week.
- Financial update - The 2021 preliminary budget was reviewed now that the compensation data has been confirmed. A discussion was made on a recommendation from the Call Committee to consider a part time pastor who is shared with another congregation. A motion to task the call committee to pursue investigating the option of having a part time pastor shared with another congregation was approved by the whole council. The 2021 preliminary budget was approved by the whole council.
- Nominating Team - there will be three open council positions for 2021 and we have a slate of three candidates which will be voted on at the Annual Congregational meeting to be held in January 2021.
- 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting - a motion was made to allow the Annual Congregational meeting to include virtual participation due to the unprecedented situation with the COVID pandemic and was approved by the majority of the council. The logistics will be worked out at the January council meeting.