Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Jack Walls led devotions on a Church Health-Generous Stewardship. Minutes of the November regular council meeting were approved as written. The Minutes of the Congregational Meeting on November 21, 2021 was approved by the council. These minutes will be presented to the congregation for final approval at the congregational meeting in January 2022.
Treasurer’s Report: Denise Bailey reported that we took in over $9,000 in gross profit with a net revenue of$4,000 for the month. (The net revenue for the year is $52,000 plus change.) The Treasurer’s Report was approved as written. With year-to-date income at $137,118.32 (97%) and operating expenses at $84,612.77 (56%) we have a $52,505.55 surplus.
President’s Report: We have continued worship with Pastor Bruce Davis who will supply through end of 2021. We have Pastor Maggie Ainslie scheduled to be here once a month as well. Rich will lead the service on December 26th.
President Rich Hollenbach asked Pastor Penman about Pastor Tim Garman’s status. Pastor Penman encouraged us to continue to pray like prayer warriors. He added that he would anticipate Pastor Garman’s acceptance going past the 30-day deadline before a viable job is available to couple with his part-time status as our called Pastor. Pastor Penman informed us that they are searching for work for Pastor Garman in interim ministry or to shepherd a second congregation with first allegiance to Faith Lutheran church as our called pastor.
Call Committee:Gail Achilles sent thank you emails on behalf of our Church congregation, Council, and the Call Committee to Pastor Garman and Pastor Leslie Richard. We will be sending out Christmas Greetings and follow-up emails prior to December 21 to check on Pastor Tim’s status of the pastoral call to our church.
Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel reported that Sunday School and Wednesday Whirl are going well. Missy proposed having a Vacation Bible School Meeting in January 2022.
Communications: Jack Walls reported that communication for our Congregational Meeting to vote on Pastor Tim Garman becoming Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church went splendidly. The word got out through phone calls, announcements prior to Sunday Worship Service, church bulletins, and Facebook. Jack added that our Christmas Eve Service led by Pastor Bruce Davis will be communicated, and Adam will install the Christmas banner in front of church.
Evangelism: Dale Foster and Chair Doug Renner held a meeting this past month to discuss the Korean donation of money for evangelism. A report from Doug will be forthcoming.
Finance:The 2022 Budget will be discussed in new business.
Fundraising: Sharon Hood reported that we will have the cookie can sale on December 12th. (We made $211.)
Property: Vince Hill reported that Adam cleaned out the corner ceiling in the Fellowship Hall (birds had made a home there). Adam also installed a camera in that corner of the building facing the parking lot. Contractors are coming out to service the heaters that heat the church office and Pastor’s office sometime in December 2021.
Shepherding: Sharon and her team sent Thanksgiving cards and will be sending Christmas cards to our church congregation.
Social Ministry: Sharon reported that the Social Ministry Team met to discuss the 2022 Social Ministry projects.
Special Funds: Rich reported that special funds will get the balance of the final cost for the new PTZ camera for our sanctuary. See New Business – Purchase Requests.
Stewardship: Jack reported Vanco app is upgrading as of 1 January 2022 to validate recurring payments. Jack will talk to congregation on December 12 before the Sunday worship service.
Transportation: Dale Foster reported that there will be no Wawa donations at this time as they are doing renovations. Time to be determined when this program will resume.
Worship & Music:Pastor Bruce Davis will lead the Christmas Eve Service at 7:30 pm, and there will be a mix of live and recorded music before the service.
- Christmas Tree for the sanctuary-
- Adam’s Council Term -
- Food Addicts Group-
- Request to resume meeting in Fellowship Hall –all voted in favor of the Food Addicts Group resuming meetings, but not necessarily fellowship hall. If group is small, group could use a smaller room for their meetings. They asked about meeting on Wednesday or Thursday nights. Council President will reach out and the time of meeting will be determined.
- 2022 Budget Approval-
- Purchase Requests-
- New PTZ Camera for sanctuary – the total cost is $1149. ($500 is available from the Synod Technology Grant that is allocated for this purchase. Special Funds will get the balance of the final cost to determine which fund to use to complete payment of this purchase). Vince motioned to approve, Sharon seconded the motion, and all council members present voted in favor of this purchase.
- Camera: $879
- Controller: $270
- Total: $1149
- New PTZ Camera for sanctuary – the total cost is $1149. ($500 is available from the Synod Technology Grant that is allocated for this purchase. Special Funds will get the balance of the final cost to determine which fund to use to complete payment of this purchase). Vince motioned to approve, Sharon seconded the motion, and all council members present voted in favor of this purchase.
- New laptop for Denise – it was decided by council that Rich speak with Denise about finding a time where we could look at her current laptop and then making an assessment to see if adding memory and an SSD will help or if a new one is truly needed.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 5, 2022, at 7pm.
Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Adam.
Coffee with Council: Sunday, December 5, 2021, after worship.