Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Debbie Hollenbach and Paul Prunkel were in attendance as spouses were invited for Council’s Christmas party following the council meeting. Rich led devotions on Christ’s People Called as Leaders of God’s Church-The Church as the Incarnation of Christ’s Body. Minutes of the November regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: In Denise Bailey’s absence, the Treasurer’s Reports was discussed by council. The Treasurer’s Report was approved as written. With year-to-date income at $102,801.95 (94%) and operating expenses at $94,113.51 (60%) we have a $8,688.44 surplus.
Christian Education: Gail Achilles reported that the Monday night small group concluded our last study of 2022 on November 28. Our study was a book titled “Messy People” by Jennifer Cowert. Our next study will be “The Full Armor of God” by Darlene Schacht beginning on January 9, 2023. Our last Sunday School lessons for 2022 will be December 4 and 11, and for “Hanging of the Greens” December 18, Worship Service, teachers will be available with a shortened lesson and on hand to help any children who may need help for the service (costumes etc.) Then we will be off for the Christmas holidays and resume Sunday School lessons in the New Year on January 8, 2023.
Social Ministry: Sharon Hood reported that since the Social Ministry Team needed to have a short meeting, they did not plan for the whole year. They planned only for January and February 2023. Social Ministry Projects discussed: January 2023 – will have cards available every coffee hour during
the month of January for members to sign. Originally these were going to individuals at the Lamb Foundation in North Wales since we thought we had a member living there. It turns out that member is at a nursing home affiliated with the Lamb Foundation. It is our plan now to reach out to that nursing home. February 2023 – the preliminary plan is to put together soup kits (soup & crackers) for Keystone Opportunity Center’s food pantry. This is following a previous theme years ago of “Souper Bowl Sunday.” Definite plans will be finalized in January.
Pastor Ethan Doan’s Housing Allowance - Rich stated that Pastor Ethan Doan’s Housing Allowance (one half, $22,000 of Pastor Ethan’s salary is set aside for Housing) needs Council approval. By end of December, we should have exact monthly amount for his benefits. All council members voted in favor of approving Pastor Ethan Doan’s Housing allowance.
Thank You Note from Pastor Bruce Davis - Rich read to church council a thank you note from Pastor Bruce Davis thanking Faith Lutheran Church’s congregation for their thoughtful words and monetary gift, and the time he spent with us. Pastor Davis’, Thank You note will be printed in January’s Mustard seed.
Vince Hill’s request to be dropped from church member roles - Vince requested to leave our church on November 23, 2022. Council approved.
New Property Chair - Paul Prunkel agreed to take the chair of Property Team and Melissa Prunkel being on council will be liaison. Council expressed their gratitude to Paul for filling this position.
Christmas Tree for the Sanctuary – Anne Hutnyk volunteered (Jack Walls will accompany her) to tag a tree (9 ft. – 12 ft. high) at the tree farm and it will be donated free of charge to our church. Anne’s Aunt also donated a 7 ½ ft. artificial tree to our church, but it is too small. We will continue to look for a larger artificial tree.
Parent’s Night Out – Council discussed with Debbie Hollenbach, Chair of Finance’s guidance, Debbie suggested we create a budget line under Christian Education titled Youth Fellowship to keep track of donation’s collected minus any reimbursements made for any expense to hold the event. All council members voted in favor of handling of Parent’s Night Out Donations.
Nominating Team Report - Adam Feldman, Chair, sent a report to church council noting the following: “We have begun to ask people. Some have said no, and others said they’d think about it. Any suggestions from council for candidates is very welcomed. Rich Hollenbach has agreed to a second term.” Rich informed council that we need at least two people for 3-year terms and one person for a one-year term (to fulfill Vince Hill’s last year of his 3-year term).
Verizon Phone Bill - Adam alerted council of phone bill increase and made some suggestions which council discussed. Rich will follow up on this issue.
New Desk Chair for Pastor - Rich pointed out to our new Property Chair that this was a prior request from Pastor Ethan and asked Paul if he would work on getting Pastor a new desk chair for his office.
Pastor Time Off - Pastor Ethan informed us that he would be on vacation as follows: January 11 through 18, 2023 (Brother’s wedding); May 8 through 22, 2023 (will be in Jamaica on vacation and then attend his brother’s High School Graduation.) Pastor Ethan will work on getting a Supply Pastor for while he is away.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 7pm.
Will be a hybrid meeting.