Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Rich led devotions on Christ’s People Called as Leaders of God’s Church – Living a Life of Gratitude. Minutes of the December regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was approved as written. With year-to-date income at $115,358.45 (106%) and operating expenses at $113,492.19 (72%) we have a $1,866.26 surplus.
President’s Report: We accomplished a lot in 2022: Calling Pastor Ethan Doan, approved our position descriptions, increasing our giving and returning to most of our pre-covid functions albeit a few new one (e.g., zoom.) For 2023: new Council next month with all new officers, need to work on the update to the Constitution for Faith, review all the Committees/Teams and the membership roll clean-up.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Ethan reported that in the past month of December, the funeral service for Klara Campbell, Hanging of the Greens, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Worship Services were well attended and all went smoothly.
Pastor Ethan has attended ordinations and installations and has a Lower Montgomery Conference Meeting on January 4. Pastor Ethan and Gail Achilles (Christian Ed chair) had a confirmation meeting on Dec 7. One parent and son attended, and we had a general discussion. Pastor Ethan is forming an outline for Confirmation to send to families of those of age for confirmation. Pastor Ethan is also making plans to bring back Adult Forum. Pastor Ethan stated that he will be meeting with each Ministry team. Melissa Prunkel brought up the fact that we need to update our Emergency Plan and Emergency Preparedness. Pastor Ethan agreed, and he will also research procuring a defibrillator to have on hand. Pastor Ethan will be away January 11th-18th and May 8th-22nd.
Christian Education: Gail Achilles reported that Sunday School resumes on January 8, 9:45 am to 10:25 am for ages 3 to 11. We thank Miss Nancy for being a fantastic Sunday School teacher and wish her a well-deserved vacation. Miss Nancy will return to us in April 2023. Miss Anna and I will continue with Sunday School lessons each week. Please Note: Any Parent who desires the following for their child(ren): Baptism, First Communion around age 10 or older (who are ready to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior), and children around the age of 12 and older for Confirmation instruction should contact Pastor Ethan Doan. Also, any adult interested in Baptism and/or First Communion, and/or Confirmation please contact Pastor Ethan Doan. Pastor Ethan can be reached by email [email protected]; church office 215-368-0240; cell 217-820-3001. Monday Night Small Group resumes on January 9 at 7 pm to approximately 9 pm via zoom. Our study is on the book “The Full Armor of God” by Darlene Schacht. Parents Night Out/Youth Fellowship: Faith Lutheran Church hosted two parents’ night outs/Youth Fellowship. On Friday, December 2, 2022, from 6 pm to 9 pm eight children attended and were led and supervised by Anita Halpern, Beth Schoening, Chris Jones, and Gail Achilles. Anna Friedrich joined our teachers on December 9 for a fun night with the eight children from the previous week and four more making it a total of 12. Through the generous donations from parents, we netted $140 after reimbursement for expenses. These monies will be posted in the budget under Youth Fellowship to use for youth programs. Council took a motion to approve future Parents’ Night Out/Youth Fellowship events. All members of council voted in favor to approve. Our next Parents’ Night Out/Youth Fellowship is scheduled for January 27, from 6 pm to 9 pm. Sign-up sheets will be on the table right outside the sanctuary. 2023 Vacation Bible School: Leading up to VBS, I will continually contact people to see who is interested in volunteering to help with this year’s VBS scheduled for Monday through Friday, August 7 to 11, 2023, 9am through 12pm. I will also coordinate with Pastor Ethan and Janet Hill regarding ordering this year’s VBS program.
Communications: Jack Walls reported that the front sign and the website will be updated.
Fundraising: Linda Kratz reported that the cookie can sale generated $350. Thanks to all the bakers and the buyers for making this fundraiser possible.
Hospitality/Fellowship: Anne Hutnyk reported that she and Janet are working on a schedule for coffee hours for food contributions.
Nominating Team: Adam Feldman sent a report that states John Taylor agreed to run for a 3-year term on council. The nominating team are still looking for someone to run for a 3 year term and a 1 year term.
Property: Pastor Ethan reported that Vince Hill provided Pastor with a new chair to fulfill a previous Property Team action. Missy will inform Paul, the new Property Team Chair, that a pothole on Morgan Street needs to be addressed.
Social Ministry: Social Ministry – November Project – “Bake a Birthday Cake.” After asking the congregation to donate cake mixes, 12oz. cans of soda, birthday candles, birthday cards and baking pans: twenty (20) sets were put together in 2.5-gallon bags. They were donated to the Food Pantry of Keystone Opportunity Center in Souderton.
Stewardship: Pastor Ethan, Rich, and Jack will be attending a “Vitality and Generosity” Seminar on January 21 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale.
Transportation: Linda reported that Dale is feeding the needy in the community with WAWA food donations and fulfilling our congregational member’s transportation needs.
Worship & Music: Rich reported that the team will be meeting after Worship Service, January 8, to make plans for Lent/Easter.
- Verizon FiOS upgrade -
- Spring Fling -
- Artificial Christmas Tree -
- Annual Congregational Meeting planning -
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 1, 2023, at 7pm.
Will be a hybrid meeting.