Present: Lauren Allegrezza, Gary Apgar, Pastor G, Deb Hollenbach, Sharon Hood, Linda Kratz, Missy Prunkel, and Jack Walls
Approvals, Decisions, and Action Items:
- Secretary’s Report: The notes were approved as written.
- Treasurer’s Report: The November report has not yet been
- submitted. At the end of October, or 85% of the budget year, receipts were at 82% and expenses at 69% with a surplus of $34,642.43. Pastor will reach out to Denise Bailey for various topics to include:
- Creating a garden/landscaping account under Property for Marty Boland’s raised funds.
- Did funds get dispersed as instructed for the Social Ministry efforts?
- Pastor to change % of 2018 housing allowance.
- Review employment taxes with Gary.
- Christmas bonuses for staff members ($100/staff member)
- should be distributed as budgeted.
- “Process” – Council reviewed the Process documents
- created for new ideas, as well as templates for Team Meetings and Action Requests for Council. Ministry team leads and liaisons will be given the document, which should be used to help create the agenda for the Ministry Team Meetings. It will also be available on the website.
- Mail slots for forms: There will be a section of the mail slot designated for forms, to include the Process document, check request form, etc
- Snow Cancellation Process:
- Janet Hill will be asked to make sure the directory is updated with emails and phone numbers, in addition to finding out who needs a phone call (that won’t have access to the website or email).
- Starting in January, we will only call those who specifically asked for a phone call – others will receive email or check the website.
- Cancellation of the 8 AM service should be emailed/posted the night before.
- Pastor and council president make the decision to cancel, and the council president will then send out the email and have it posted to the website.
- Debbie will explain the process via the Mustard Seed, bulletin announcements, etc.
- The Proposed Acceptable Computer Use Policy needs to have additional security verbiage added to include PCI compliant language. Jack and Rich Hollenbach will work on this.
- Linda will send a thank you note to Anna Friedrich and Chris Jones who bought and donated a new microwave oven for the kitchen.
- Coffee hour assignments for 2020: Debbie will talk with the Hospitality Team (Anne Hutnyk and Beth Schoening) to get a coffee hour schedule set for 2020. Once established, all team leads and liaisons should be copied, as well as post it in the kitchen.
- Sharon will call Doug Renner to set up an Evangelism Team meeting in December to discuss dispersal of funds for 2019. Pastor to see if there is an issue with dispersing the funds collected in 2019 with checks issued in 2020.
- Ministry Team leads and liaisons need to provide a brief summary of their team’s efforts in 2019 by January 6 for the annual congregational meeting.
- Request from Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous. Approved request in November. Janet is working with them to secure insurance information. They plan to meet Sunday evenings at 6:30 PM for a small group meeting.
- PECO/Gas Distribution – Questions were answered, and the contract has been switched to a new distributor, which will be checked regularly.
- Sign claim update- Received first check. Remainder will be given to us with the receipt of the new sign. Will set up a team in January to pursue obtaining a new sign. Property Team is attempting to get zoning regulations from the township.
- Pastor G and the Council President met with concerned congregation members about the outcome of the ELCA Forum.
- MSP and Call Committee – Pastor G met with the new Dean to discuss our congregational needs for a new Pastor. The MSP was updated on-line and will be posted on December 8 for others to read. Note that this is only a small piece if the information that is provided to the Synod. The Call Team will convene in January where their roles and responsibilities will be outlined. A question jar will be made available for the congregation to provide their input to the team. Pastor’s role will be one of procedural guidance.
- Staff Job Descriptions have been finalized. All employees will also be receiving instruction on submission of hours for payment.
Ministry Team Report FYIs:
- Christian Education: Meeting scheduled for Sunday, December 8, after the service.
- Evangelism: In January, the team should meet to discuss any changes that we may want to consider in 2020 (local vs. global ministry, amount of donations, etc.).
- Fellowship: Debbie will ask Nancy Gansner to provide any information from her years as the lead of the Fellowship Team. Debbie will call a meeting in January (and request Nancy to call in) so that a new team lead can be named.
- Finance: The team will meet on December 16 to finalize the 2020 budget, which will be sent to Council for approval. To date we have 33 pledges totaling $81,320, which is $40,000 under the proposed budget (hoping to receive at least 9 additional pledges based on last year’s pledging.)
- Fundraising:
- Cookie Can Sale – Sunday, December 15
- Remember to buy your GIANT gift cards!
- Property Team: Met on November 22.
- Discussed the team in overview and the responsibilities of each team member. Will attempt to meet quarterly in the future. Discussed the handling of snow removal for the winter. Have filled in the large potholes and will pay for it out of building repairs in the budget. Furnace Inspection and Fire Alarm Inspections have been performed and have passed. Discussed trying to maintain heat in building at 60 degrees when not in use and will see how that affects the bills this year. Will investigate having a PECO Energy Audit done. Will place blue and white outdoor lights for Advent and add red and green ones for Christmas. Activities in process: Costs for re-keying the doors and distribution of keys, as well as obtaining zoning regulations for the new sign. New – Church offices are without heat; Scattons is coming Friday to assess. Space heaters will be used in the meantime.
- Building Use/ Property Management Team:
- This will become its own team (no longer part of Property) and will be the Pastor, Administration Assistant, Council President, and Sexton (pending).
Social Ministry: December Projects
- Collection of money to purchase Christmas gifts for 3 students at Martin Luther Silver Springs School. Since church was lightly attended due to weather on the collection day, baskets for donations will be available on December 8 as well. This will also be posted on Facebook and the website.
- Angel Tree collection of monies for Giant gift cards to be given to congregational members and others in need. Cards are distributed at the discretion of the Pastor.
- Worship & Music: Met on November 12 to plan Advent and Christmas Services. First Sunday of month will be a “High” Service, with Communion at the Rail, and new position of Assisting Minister. Will consolidate the list of worship volunteers into one spreadsheet and provide additional training.
- Miscellaneous:
- Be sure to add to the Annual Congregational Meeting agenda the topic of moving the date of the annual meeting, or possibly have two meetings (one for budget and one for the rest.)
- Time and Talents sheets needs to be reviewed and information dispersed to team leads.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 7:00PM.