Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Vince Hill led devotions on a healthy church. Minutes of the May 5thregular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: After a few questions and concerns were addressed, all members approved the treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $83,942.64(80%) and operating expenses at $40,427.71 (27%) we have a $43,514.93 surplus. (This surplus is only because we carried over last year’s surplus of $35,516.76.)
President’s Report:
Rich Hollenbach reported hybrid worship continues with in-person and zoom and recording posted to our Facebook page. We had our first full month without a Designated/Bridge Pastor, with Pastor Frank Sayford presiding. In June we have Pastor Bruce Davis and Pastor Maggie Ainslie. Rich is currently working on July. (On behalf of the entire congregation, thank you President Rich Hollenbach). June Pastors will be having communion, and the prepackaged communion kits are working out.
Call Committee:Gail Achilles reported that there isnothing definitive to report as yet. Our Call Committee continues to pray that God will send the right Pastor to Faith Lutheran Church according to His will and His time, and we are hopeful that we can report some news sooner than later. Please keep those prayers coming for God to send us a Pastor.
Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel is still working on a meeting to gather plans to initiate bible studies and possible VBS for our children during the summer months.
The Faith family picnic is on Sunday, June 6, 2021.
Communications: Jack Walls suggested posting church picnic on Facebook page, and that we should show highlights of people in our congregation in action. Jack noted as more and more things open up, hopefully people will physically come back to church. Rich suggested showing more pictures of people in the church on our web site and Facebook page.
- Adam Feldman stated that the PPP loan forgiveness application was approved by Univest and sent to the Small Business Administration. The Finance Team is having a meeting at the end of June. The Audit is complete. Thanks to all who worked on the Audit.
Fundraising: Sharon Hood asked if anyone is inspired to put their fundraising talents to work to replace our current chair, Linda Kratz?
Property Team: Vince Hill reported that Fast Signs is still waiting on the permit for our front sign.
The new furnaces are 98% completed. Landis has to test them and should be completed this week.
- Sharon Hood reported that the team is sending out Father’s Day cards. She will also get updates on all addresses.
- Jack asked Pastor Penman to share some ideas on bumping up e-giving. Pastor Penman stated that he would send resources for inspiring generosity during Covid and post-Covid. Pastor Penman during his services during the Offertory makes a point to tell the congregation how thankful they are for their monetary gifts to the church and tells their members about how this money helps with missions, ministries, and the church expenses. He also reminds members of ways they can give and how important their generosity is to do God’s work. Missy suggested that we bring back the offertory plates and go through the motions of going pew to pew and bringing up the offering to the altar. Rich agreed and would begin steps to bring this back to our services.
Transportation: Dale Foster is going to send out an email to find out people’s availability to help with transportation needs. Dale is also going to put a note in the church bulletin to remind people to contact the church office if they have any transportation needs.
Worship & Music: Rich will begin steps to add offering back into the worship services. He is working on Supply Pastors for July.
- Constitution Update– No update.
- Audit Team Update– The updated Audit Team report will follow when completed.
- The Korean congregation has donated $1000 for Faith’s missions. A thank you note from Council and the congregation has been sent to Pastor Shin.
- Easing COVID Restrictions: We still need to wear masks in church, but congregational singing will be permitted; sanitizer will be available for use; reservations are no longer required to attend service; all restrooms and water fountains will be open; fellowship hall will remain closed, but fellowship is encouraged outdoors (Vince stated that he could put some chairs outside of church). All members voted in favor of these changes. Council President Rich Hollenbach documented this in an email and sent to Janet Hill, Faith Lutheran Church Administrative Assistant, for distribution to our congregation.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 7pm.