Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Sharon Hood lead devotions. Minutes of the May regular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Council reviewed the May 2022 treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $46,717.27 (43%) and operating expenses at $41,249.14 (26%) we have a $5,468.13 surplus. There was a previous plan of action that if general funds hit $20,000 that we would put $10,000 in a moderate consolidation, but Rich pointed out that because of the current market situation that it would not be wise to take that action at this time. All members voted to approve the May Treasurer’s Report.
President’s Report: Rich reported that Pastor Bruce Davis will be our Bridge Pastor through June 2022 and we will review in Old Business. Rich has sent a few emails to our new Dean but have not had a response yet on a few questions from last meeting. Over the next few council meetings, we will be reviewing and approving several documents including our Computer Acceptable Use Policy, staff job descriptions and our updated constitution. Rich will be in Peru from June 10th through the 19th, Jack will be in charge. Coffee hour on June 19th is hosted by council (Father’s Day Communion Breakfast), Anne will help coordinate.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastor Bruce put in his time for Worship, Council meeting, and Mustard Seed Message. Pastor Bruce announced that he would be more than willing to continue as Bridge Pastor after the month of June (except he needs July 31st off.) Note: this is discussed further in “Old Business” of this month’s minutes. Pastor Bruce also brought up having Communion/Confirmation information (reading material, videos, Pastor Bruce even volunteered his involvement via zoom of course) for instruction for the children who are of age for communion/confirmation. Missy asked Pastor if he could outline this information and steps of instruction, and Pastor Bruce responded “Yes” and that he will add this to his next Mustard Seed newsletter. When Pastor Davis asked at what age the children of Faith generally receive their first communion, Missy replied that Pastor G (former bridge pastor) pushed for a child receiving Holy Communion when they were asking to receive. Pastor and Rich pointed out that steps should be taken to prepare a child ahead of time with instruction and their parents should play a part in helping with that instruction and join their child in taking their Fist Holy Communion as a family.
Ministry Team Reports:
* Call Committee: Sadly, Carol Taylor as of June 1, 2022, has resigned from the call committee for personal reasons. Adam Feldman is replacing David Bonthu on the committee making a total of 6 members presently. They are Nancy Allegrezza, Adam Feldman, Anita Halpern, Rich Hollenbach, Jack Walls, and Gail Achilles. Sent an email May 31, 2022, to Pastor Sarah Aasheim asking if there were any candidates for pastor coming our way to interview; I told her we are praying fervently for a pastor according to God’s will and timing. No response as of this date. Rich informed us that he reported to Pastor Sarah that Adam will replace David on the Call Committee.
- Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel reported that Sunday School (in person) and Wednesday Whirl Bible (via zoom) lessons have ended as of May 29. The children’s bible lessons will resume in September (date to be determined) of this year. VBS Update: We are still in need of two persons to lead the “Awesome Bible Adventures” station (simply bringing a story from the bible to life for the children attending each day). Resource material for this station is available. We also could use at least 4 more crew leaders. Each crew leader will be responsible for a group of 5 children by transitioning them to each station and guiding them through the lesson/craft/game taught at that station. If anything, please pray for a successful VBS; we trust that God will provide through our prayers. Gail will make periodic announcements on select Sundays leading up to VBS (Aug 8 to 12, 9 am to 12 noon). Catechetics Update: Missy is still working on gathering information to startup lessons in the fall.
- Communications: Website still needs updating; will work on it in June. Vince will assist Jack in updating our church sign.
- Finance: Sharon reported that audit will probably be done in July 2022. Nancy Gansner and Adria Parsons have graciously volunteered their services.
- Fundraising: Scrapbooking fundraiser brought in $720. Linda Kratz will be meeting with Beth Schoening to discuss some fundraising ideas.
- Health: Anne Hutnyk reported that Tina Hutnyk will not be available for health services until September 2022.
- Hospitality/Fellowship: Church Picnic, Sunday June 5th following worship service at Spring Valley Park. (Thrivent will help cover the cost up to $250.) Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th – donations of “egg bakes” for coffee hour will be appreciated in honor of all the dads following 9:30am worship.
- Property Team: Vince Hill reported that the team will be shopping for picnic food provided by Thrivent.
- Shepherding: Mother’s Day cards were sent to all mothers, and Father’s Day cards will be sent in June.
- Social Ministry: Still need to do count of donations for female items for May’s social ministry; June’s social ministry will be to collect donations of male items.
- Stewardship: Jack Walls had a few inquiries and conversations regarding e-giving, and he plans to make additional periodic announcements.
- Worship & Music: Communion will have wine and grape juice on the 1st Sunday of each month. The worship service moves to 9:30am June 5th through August 28th.
OLD BUSINESS New Copier – still waiting for new copier (first one came in damaged); new copier company will buy out old copier contract.
Bridge Pastor Agreement – Pastor Bruce agreed to sign a new contract for the months of July (needs supply pastor for July 31st), August, and September 2022. Council members told Pastor Bruce that they were grateful for his service. Rich will work on paperwork and attain required signatures.
- Acceptable Use Policy: any person using church owned technology equipment will be required to read, sign, abide by and then review annually. All council members approved the “Acceptable Use Policy.”
- Ministry Description for a Part-time Pastor-Faith: – job description for a part time pastor with 25-30 hours per week that will be provided to each candidate for pastor. All council members voted in favor of the Ministry Description for Part-time Pastor-Faith.
- Chairs: Missy is borrowing 80 chairs (approved over emails). Will pick up chairs on June 9 for a June 10th function, and then return chairs in a timely manner.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM. Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Anne.