Sunday, June 6th, 11am to 2 pm - Rain or Shine!
On Sunday, June 6th, right after the 9:30am worship service we are having the Annual Church Picnic at Spring Valley Park. This year we will be providing allthe food. We’ll have designated cooks barbecuing hot dogs and burgers. We will also be providing all the sides and desserts funded by a Thrivent Action Team card. All you need to bring is a lawn chair and a mask. We only ask that you let us know if you are planning to attend so that we have enough food. It will be nice to be outdoors and get back to fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ in a safe environment. See you on the 6th!
Technology Volunteers
We are looking for a few volunteers who are willing to learn and help with the technology behind our virtual and in-person worship services. Each week we host our Zoom meeting for worship as well as running the video cameras and sound system in the sanctuary. Over the past year we have refined this process and it’s running very smoothly now. But it’s being managed by the same few people every week and we are looking to train others to share in this responsibility. We have engaged a professional to help review our processes and to provide training and want to have other volunteers participate. Please contact Rich Hollenbach if you are interested.
Lectors & Worship Assistants Needed
We are in need of Lectors(reading the lesson and psalm) and Worship Assistants(reading the prayers and few other passages) for our Zoom and in-person worship.
If you would like to volunteer or would like more information, please call Anna Friedrich.
Shepherding Ministry
A great big THANK YOU to our “shepherds” Chris Jones, Nancy Gansner, Anna Friedrich, Sharon Diggans and Beth Schoening for their kindness and nimble fingers in sending cards to our Faith Family Mothers for Mother’s Day! We are blessed with wonderful mothers!
--- Sharon Hood, Shepherding Leader
Thank You Spring Work Day Helpers
Thank you to all those that came out on Saturday, April 17thfor the Spring Workday… Chris Jones, Anita Halpern, Jack, Grant and Wesley Walls, Dale, Bryan and LeighAnn Foster, Rich Hollenbach, Andy McCulley, Adam Feldman, Vincent Hill, and Paul, Genevieve and Vivian Prunkel. Bushes were trimmed, sticks picked up, mulch was spread, weeds were pulled, some flowers were planted. The church is looking so much better. Thank you also to those that have signed up to take care of some of the flower beds around the church.
Audit Team
A great big THANK YOU to, first of all, those who volunteered to help...Patty Alderfer, Adria Parsons, Nancy Gansner, Wanda Flint and Marc Erskine.
THANK YOU to Patty, Adria and Nancy who were available to spend the 4 hours on a Saturday conducting the Audit for 2020. Because of their willingness to help, the church did not have to hire anyone at an additional cost.
THANK YOU to Denise Bailey, Debbie Hollenbach, Adam Feldman, and Janet Hill for assisting with the review of our Audit.
Everything worked out well.
--- Sharon Hood, Audit Team Leader