Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Dale Foster led devotions on a healthy church. Minutes of the April 7thregular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: After a few questions and concerns were addressed, all members approved the treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $76,508.27 (73%) and operating expenses at $33,848.33 (22%) we have a $42,659.94 surplus. (This surplus is only because we carried over last year’s surplus of $35,516.76.)
President’s Report:
Rich Hollenbach reported that we have had our first month following Pastor Mary’s departure and had a mix of different services in April following Easter. Dale asked if all Supply Pastors will be virtual, and as of now the answer is “yes.”
We welcome Pastor Bryan Penman, our conference Dean of the SEPA Synod to our council meeting tonight representing the pastoral seat on council.
Gail and Rich attended the 2021 Synod Assembly, a one-day virtual event on April 24ththat ran efficiently throughout the day but lacked the personal contacts and communications of the typical event from other years. We were reminded to take note of changes we need to make to our constitution about the use of electronic / virtual meetings.
Rich reiterated that our council meetings are the official records of our decisions following Robert’s Rules of parliamentary procedure. Although we can discuss items via email, performing votes especially that have financial decisions that are officially documented in our meeting minutes must be carried out in our council meeting. Should we run into any legal issues, this process protects us.
Call Committee: Gail Achilles reported that the Call Committee met on April 13, 2021, to discuss the Pastoral Candidate Process. We questioned the process, we came up with and discussed some ideas that may help with the facts that we have at this time. We are thankful to Council President Rich Hollenbach for being instrumental in providing Supply Pastors for Sunday Service for the months of May and June 2021, and even filling in himself (great job) leading our congregation for Sunday Service when God called him to serve.
On a positive note: Our MSP has only been out there since May 2020. We are all facing the challenges of a pandemic. The flow chart from interim pastor to bridge pastor can be a two year process. So we are moving at a normal pace; it is just unfortunate that our designated (bridge) pastor retired prior to us finding the right pastor for our church. Plus we all realize that if we could change our application to full time pastor this would broaden our ability to get a full time pastor. Obviously, more candidates are looking for a full time position.
Most importantly, we prayed as a team for patience that God will send the right Pastor for Faith Lutheran Church at the right time.
Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel is setting up a meeting with the “Church Opening Team” to see if we can open up our Sunday Bible School Rooms to continue Bible School for our children now and work out some plans for the summer months. Virtual Sunday Bible School on Wednesdays for the children finished the end of April 2021. Plans for now are to resume in September 2021. Adult Forum will be finishing the book of Ephesians by the end of May and will resume in September. Last day for Monday Night Bible Study is July 12 and will also resume in September.
Communications: Jack Walls mentioned that broadcast technology is good. He suggested putting church picnic information on website. Jack will confer with Lauren Allegrezza Krupp to post Church summer events. Missy asked if there was an increase in church service virtual attendance; no reportable increase at this time.
There were no finance meetings this month. Adam Feldman stated that the PPP loan forgiveness application is in process and that the audit team is meeting. Further information regarding the audit is stated below (See Old Business: Audit Team Update).
Hospitality/Fellowship: Anne Hutnyk reported we have our upcoming Church Picnic on June 6th.
Property Team: In Vince Hill’s absence, Vice President, Adam Feldman filled in the information in his place.
- Sign Replacement – Council took a vote on the Sign Design. All members voted to approve the design. President Rich Hollenbach filled us in with some cost background information: the original insurance quote was $7,900 (We have a $500 deductible so insurance gave $7,400 and $500 came from the person who caused the accident). The cost of the sign is $7,800 with a permit fee of $225, which puts us over $125.00. Adam stated that the $125.00 overage amount can come out of the Property budget. Adam said that the permit paperwork has been submitted and we are waiting on the permit for installation. Jack questioned why a permit fee for just replacing a sign and Adam responded that there were new laws for installing a completely new sign.
- New Furnaces – Waiting on permit to be approved. Melissa asked what the permit fee cost. Adam answered that the cost of the permit is $1200.
- Sharon Hood reported that the team is sending out Mother’s Day cards. Thank you on behalf of all mothers, Sharon for thinking of us, Shepherding Team!
- Jack mentioned that summer is usually a light period of giving. It will be interesting to see as more people come back to in-person church if this bumps up. Rich recommended talking up E-giving in May. Jack will get on that.
Transportation: Dale continues to drop bring donated food to the needy in our congregation and our community. Wonderful outreach, Dale, thank you!
Worship & Music: Rich has filled in May and June Church services with Supply Pastors, and will begin working on July. Even after more and more people come back to in-person church service, we plan to keep a virtual service for the homebound. Rich noted that they will be incorporating different styles of music in the service (Contemporary, Old Time Gospel as examples). Rich is planning to order 6 of the new “All Creation Sings “supplemental hymn books which includes 200 hymns and 2 new communion settings to be reviewed by the Worship and Music team. Rich has money to cover the cost of $150 in the Music Team Budget. Missy asked if we could share its contents. Rich stated, “Yes, we can share through our bulletins and on screen.” As permitted by our licenses.
- Constitution Update– President Rich Hollenbach contacted Linda Kratz to make sure our constitution language is updated to show all current updates in accordance with the Southeastern PA SYNOD constitution language changes.
- Audit Team Update– The Audit Team (Nancy Gansner, Patty Alderfer, and Adria Parsons) performed the internal audit on May 1, 2021 under the guidance of Sharon Hood. Sharon is meeting on Thursday, May 6, 6:30 pm, with Adam Feldman, Janet Hill, Debbie Hollenbach, and Denise Bailey to go over some questions from the team. Sharon, as well as all council members, are very grateful to the team for helping with the financial review. Thanks to you too Sharon!
- Our Korean congregation has decided they will not return for in-person worship. They made this decision to continue their worship and fellowship virtually. They will give us one final check to help with mission work, and they will continue to pray for Faith Lutheran Church.
- Check for $2000 from estate of Edna Boehmler was received and will go in named memorial. We are grateful and blessed.
Next Meeting: June 2, 2021 at 7pm.