Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Vincent Hill lead devotions. Minutes of the April regular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Council reviewed the April 2022 treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $37,459.95 (34%) and operating expenses at $34,118.18 (22%) we have a $3,341.77 surplus. Vince noted that Grass cutting expense went up from $90 a week to $100 a week, and Rich noted that we will see a decrease in heating costs with warmer months ahead. All members voted to approve the corrected Treasurer’s Report.
President’s Report: Rich reported that Pastor Bruce T. Davis will be our Bridge Pastor through June 2022 and we will review following this term. He also touched base with our new dean, Pastor Sarah Aasheim from Grace Lutheran Church in Wyndmoor. They are hopeful that we may get a pastor candidate this month. The SEPA Synod assembly was this past Saturday. Finally Rich had lunch with Pastor Mary Konopka who thanked us for the gift we gave her at Christmas.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastor Bruce reported in addition to Sunday worship service, he was present at the April Council Meeting, wrote a newsletter for the May Mustard Seed, and led Holy Week Services, and for the first time ever conducted two baptism services via zoom. It was a productive and fruitful month, and council thanked Pastor Bruce for all his services and sermons.
Ministry Team Reports:
* Call Committee: We are anticipating the possibility of having a new pastoral candidate to interview this upcoming month.
- Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel proposed sending a letter to the congregation regarding the startup of catechetic classes to see who would like to become a mentor for a student and, in turn, ask the students if they had a particular mentor in mind as they prepare for confirmation. Rich recommended that we partner with a nearby church for catechetic classes. He stated that this was on his list to work on. Gail Achilles noted that our last Sunday school will be May 29, 2022, and our last Whirl Bible Wednesday school will be May 25. Gail reported that she is diligently praying and working on filling the station and crew leader positions still vacant for Vacation Bible School. Also, a tech support person would be most appreciated for the week of VBS. Thanks to all who have stepped up to help with VBS thus far.
- Communications: Jack Walls reported that he would be working on putting a message on our front sign by May 8. He said that we still need to update website per Lauren Allegrezza Krupp’s notes, and to advertise 9:30 am (instead of 10:30 am) Sunday Worship Service hours for June, July, and August.
- Finance: Rich noted that Sharon Hood is reaching out to folks to do an audit.
- Fundraising: Scrap Booking in Fellowship Hall – May 13-14.
- Health: Tina Hutnyk is available to offer her services one Sunday per month.
- Hospitality/Fellowship: Church Picnic, Sunday June 5th following worship service at Spring Valley Park. (Thrivent will help cover the cost up to $250.) Council discussed restarting outdoor movies for the congregation and the community. Movies will restart as soon as the weather permits.
- Property Team: Vince informed us that spring cleanup went very well even with a small group of volunteers. They accomplished a lot. Lawn cutting will be weekly. Cost increases to $100 per week - up from $90 per week.
- Shepherding: Sharon sent a report noting the following: Easter Cards were sent to our members, college/young adults, and “friends of Faith,” Mother’s Day cards were sent to all mothers, and Father’s Day cards will be sent in June.
- Social Ministry: Sharon sent this report: Our March project to support Lutheran World Relief (LWR) was towels with toiletries wrapped in them. We ended up with 18 sets to be donated. Our April project for 141 Impact was to donate money to buy books for their future library. Our total collection was $260. Fantastic response by our congregation.
- Stewardship: On Sunday, May 15, Jack will make an announcement to update past giving and offer words of thanks and speak about plans for upcoming months.
- Worship & Music: Communion will have wine and grape juice on the 1st Sunday of each month. The worship service moves to 9:30am June 5th through August 28th. Rich noted that organist, Laura Cooper will be away on May 15th, so the hymns will be on video during that Sunday worship service.
OLD BUSINESS Gail attended the SEPA Synod assembly via zoom on April 30th and updated council on some key issues. Assembly information for those interested may be found on the following: and and the ELCA SEPA synod facebook page.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM. Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Sharon.