Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. Rich Hollenbach lead devotions entitled “God Honors Serving.” Minutes of the April regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Council reviewed the April 2023 treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $42,517.82 (33%) and operating expenses at $52,722.67 (32%) we have a $10,204.85 deficit.
All members voted to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
President’s Report: Now that we are enjoying Pastor Ethan, we need to keep in mind that we only have him ¾’s of the time. However, we need to grow the church. You can help by bringing family and friends to church, joining a church group, and wearing your Faith T-shirts. We are also looking for 2-4 volunteers for the Mutual Ministry team.
Pastor’s Report:
Here are the highlights of Pastor’s report as he continues to provide pastoral care, provide ministry leadership, teach the Faith, participate in the Community and Wider Church, and learn for Ministry.
- Pastor continues to supply at the 1 PM service for St Paul’s in Norristown twice a month.
- On Maundy Thursday we celebrated the first holy communion
- with Matthew Fritzinger, Sean Witkowski, and Jameson Witkowski.
- Progress is on-going as Pastor reaches out to those on his role-cleaning list.
- The executive committee met again in April regarding the Youth Activity Room.
- On April 16, the adult forum is discussing the text for that Sunday. On Pentecost, we will start the next series on the Holy Spirit.
- Pastor has begun Thursday afternoons as the Protestant chaplain at Lansdale Hospital.
- Pastor’s interview with the other church for the other quarter of his time went well, and they are interested in moving forward. Discussions are needed regarding worship times.
- Reminder: Pastor Ethan is away:
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Parents’ Night Out will resume in September and parents of those who have participated have been informed. Gail will work with the team to set a schedule for the rest of the year (later provided).
Monday Night Bible Study – Our small group is currently studying Rick Warren’s Daily Hope Series “What is Jesus Doing Now,” which will conclude on May 15. This group will pause until September 11 when a new study is chosen.
Parents have been advised that May 28 will be the last Sunday Bible School for this school year and will resume at Rally Day on September 10.
- Pastor continues to post on Facebook more regularly and asks the congregation to please “share” to bring our message to the broader community. Pastor has also reached out to some local churches in the hopes of forming relationships with their congregations. We also need to make sure the front sign in the lawn changes more frequently. John Taylor volunteered to assist Jack with changing the signage.
Fundraising: Easter Breakfast fundraiser raised $225.
New Faith T-shirts have been ordered (should be available for dedication on June 4).
Two scrap-booking weekends held in April will be noted in May.
Spring Fling on May 20 (Beth and Janet leading) – Items can be brought in starting May 7. Set-up will start May 15. Sign-up sheets need to be posted.
- : The Red Cross Blood Drive has been confirmed for May 5, from 1-6 PM in the Fellowship Hall (Later cancelled due to Red Cross Staffing Shortage). Pastor to check to check on the viability and checks required for AED devices.
- : Coffee Hour Sponsors: May 7 - Congregation; May 14 – Men’s Group; May 21 -Congregation; May 28 – Worship & Music (Rich)
Long-Range Planning: Nancy Allegrezza has agreed to be on this team.
Mutual Ministry: Need to appoint 2-4 members from the congregation to be on the committee; selected by Pastor & President for 2-year term per the Constitution (C13.04.) Two recommendations were made.
Property Team: Adam is now looking for proposals for the furnace replacements.
Adam, Dale, and a friend will be rescheduling the day to do the mulch.
There is a branch down at the rear of the parking lot – doesn’t look like it hit any cars (Adam took care of it – thank you). We may want to consider getting someone out to see if there are other trees at risk.
Paul will be filling the pothole and cover the duct work when able.
A trash/recycle process/schedule needs to be created since we rely on volunteers for trash disposal. Also suggested removing recycling bins since most of the items put in there are not recyclable.
Shepherding: The team will be sending out Mother’s Day cards.
Social Ministry: Should consider blessing our monthly offerings.
April – God’s Global Barnyard project raised $502. Thanks to Chris Jones and Debbie Hollenbach for leading this project.
May – Morning Star Ministries’ Maternity Home in Lansdale – collecting gift cards, diapers, crib sheets, and diaper bags. Sharon and Mary Lou are leading this project.
Transportation: Pastor to follow up on ride-share insurance liabilities.
Worship & Music: Services are planned out through Holy Trinity.
Special Discussion on the Youth Activity Room (with Adam and Dale.) An additional concern is the use of the Red Room now that it has items from the old choir room in it. After reviewing the events that led to this discussion and council’s review of procedure that should be used going forward, it was decided that the old choir room will now be turned into a space for meetings, and the library and adjacent room will be used as the activity room. After a few months, the new arrangement will be evaluated to see if any changes are necessary.
OLD BUSINESS Constitution Update – still in review.
Roll Clean-up – to be reviewed in June.
NEW BUSINESS Sponsor a table at Lansdale’s First Friday (attract with puppets, handouts for kids, invites to church and VBS (proposed by Deb Hollenbach). The motion was made Missy to approve attending this event on July 7 at a cost of $60. Pastor Ethan will coordinate this event and will get a team assembled.
Possible 2-hour open house (mid-morning once or twice a month) for parents or grandparents to bring their early elementary aged children to the church. We could include a craft and/or read a book. This would introduce us as a safe and caring place with safe and caring people (proposed by Deb Hollenbach). A motion was made by Rich with Anne seconding and council approval for Deb Hollenbach to submit a formal proposal regarding the content, volunteers, timing, location, etc. A “Safe Child Policy” should be created.
Rich was approached about holding a Senior Tai Chi event. A motion was made by Rich with Linda seconding and council approval for Rich to get additional information on this endeavor (how often, insurance liability, etc.)
As we know, Pastor Ethan is part-time (75%) and was called based on the option to fill the other 25% with another church. He now has a church who would like to move forward with a contract. Based on the information Pastor currently has, here are the three options: Option A: Preaching here every Sunday at 9:30 (with Sunday School at 11); then preaching there every Sunday at 11:30; Option B: Same as Option A but swapping the times half-way through the year; Option C: Same as Option A but swapping times every other week.
The following questions were raised, which Pastor will get answers to from the other church. What is their AV set-up (is it possible to Zoom from our church to theirs and vice versa?) When would arrangement begin (or when would they like it to begin)? How long would the contract be (months, a year, longer?) When can the Executive teams of each church meet?
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM.