Council was called to order by President Debbie Hollenbach and commenced with prayer led by Dale Foster. Devotions and Mission Statement were read.
New Business:
- Stewardship e-giving. Jack relayed the information he had on a company that is used by other in the ELCA. The Finance Team needs to meet to formulate the next steps with set up and presentation to the congregation. Note that we will present this as another option, not a push for change.
- The Korean church has requested meeting at an earlier time. Pastor G will call Pastor Shin to discuss further.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the April council meeting were approved as submitted to the council via email.
Treasurer’s Report:
Denise Bailey was kind enough to provide us with a draft of the April report (month had just ended the day before) and asked for any feedback on the set up of the report.
Pastor’s Report:
- It was requested that Pastor announce kneeling, standing or sitting during the prayer.
- A donation to the ELCA in-gathering project was discussed.
President’s Report: There was discussion about how to make accommodations for Laura to be able to do her job with her mobility handicap. The Worship and Music Team will meet and discuss options and present a plan to council.
Transition Team:
- June’s Mustard Seed will start with Transition Team topics. First will be regarding the “rules of engagement.”
- The next team meeting is in May.
- Pastor G hopes that we could have our “profile” completed by August for a congregation review, prior to sending to Synod.
- The team will put together a timeline on a bulletin board in
- the hallway.
- There was a suggestion to label some mailboxes for the Transition Team suggestions/complaints.
- It was suggested that for the next full congregation event the congregation be told in advance what to expect so that they can gather their thoughts beforehand.
Christian Education:
- “Summer Thing at Faith” for the kids was discussed.
- A VBS meeting is coming soon. Volunteers are still
- needed. Advertising should start now.
- It was suggested that there be a meeting of the parents of the Sunday School-aged children to get their thoughts on the timing of Sunday School for the Fall.
Lauren began publishing Pastors’ Mustard Seed articles on Facebook and the church website.
We had a good month. Vince Hill stopped in to report that some of our solar energy credits had been sold. The funds will be directed to the general fund.
- Remember Giant gift cards!
- The total for the Palm Sunday (including matching funds) birthday gift to the church was $420. This will be discussed in 2020 to see if this fundraiser should be continued.
- The Spring Fling team will meet again on May 5. Thrivent funds have arrived, vendors are signed up, we have a menu, signage is going up and volunteers are being recruited.
- A lot was accomplished on workday.
- Dale will ask Marty Boland for a plan of what comes next
- for landscaping.
- Marty is collecting aluminum cans for funds for the landscaping costs. A portion will be tithed to an ELCA program.
- A meeting is scheduled for May 7.
- There is a flowerpot out for monetary donations for
- the church’s landscaping, with a tithe back to an ELCA program.
- There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for drivers needed for doctors appointments.
- A possible social ministry project to raise funds for medical transportation was discussed.
- Gary and Sharon will be attending Synod on May 3-4.
- Linda and Lauren will be helping with a Constitution review.