Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. Devotions from Psalm 46 were led by Pastor G.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES –The council approved the minutes of the January council meeting as written.
- REPORTS TO BE ACCEPTED– The council approved the Treasurer’s and Pastor G’s reports described below.
- Treasurer’s Report: Denise Bailey was thanked for all the work done to reformat the financial report. She was also asked to add a column to number the line items to make it easier to reference during discussion. The group was reminded to always ask questions about the financial statement when you have them. As of the end of January, we are $7043 to the positive.
- Pastor’s Report: Pastor G noted that there is a baptism and memorial service coming up. She reminded the group to turn on the lights when in the building to let those passing by know that there is a lot of activity at our church. Since we still are using our temporary church sign, Pastor G suggested that we add something to announce the Ash Wednesday service. Adam Feldman agreed to make an additional sign. Pastor G reminded the council that we are the eyes and ears of the congregation, and as such we need to bring any concerns that we hear to council for action.
- Evangelism: Jack Walls suggested that we do a full “re-engagement” of the church members twice a year.
- Finance: Thanks to Adam Feldman for going through both insurance policies (current policy with Selective and proposed policy from Church Mutual) to find the differences in coverage. After getting a quote with like coverages, the difference in cost is only $253. We will wait until the signage claim is complete and the next payment is due (around June) before deciding if we want to change insurance providers.
- Fundraising: Remember to buy your GIANT gift cards! Collected $14.00 for pretzels in January.
- Hospitality and Fellowship: Soup and Sandwiches for a cold Winter Afternoon coffee Hour on February 9 (Hospitality). Fastnacht on Tuesday February 25, 7:00- 8:30 – Donuts and Karaoke (Janet and Adam organizing).
- Property Team: It was noted that our property is zoned as “residential.” The team will check into the possibility of re-zoning or getting a variance if an LED sign is wanted. A meeting will be scheduled to go over new sign options.
- Social Ministry: February Projects – The collection of hats, gloves, mittens and scarfs will continue. Sixty-three boxes of Valentines were collected. During the Soup and Sandwiches for a Cold Winter Afternoon Coffee hour on February 9, cards will be provided for members to sign and send to our Homebound and College Congregational Members.
- Stewardship: Jack would like more visual reminders at coffee hours for the GIANT gift cards and e-giving.
- Transportation: Suggestion was made to have Janet email all members looking for volunteers to provide transportation (and to reply via email).
- Worship & Music: Ash Wednesday Service is at 7:30 on Wednesday, February 26. Wednesday Dinner Church will begin at 6:30 during Lent – theme is the Symbols of Lent. Adult Forum at 9:00 on Sundays will discuss the components of worship. W&M is looking for a common e-Calendar to use. Pastor G will discuss the concerns regarding passing the peace during cold and flu season with the parish nurse, Nancy Allegrezza.
- Update Snow Cancellation Process –Decisions to cancel services will be made by Pastor G and Gary. Pastor G will contact Janet to send out the information via email. Gary will contact council members, and they will call the people on their phone call list. Janet’s email will alert Lauren Allegrezza to put it on the Facebook page and website.
- New Signage for the Church – Report from Property Team/Dale Foster about costs and design of sign. We have received a check for $500 from the Insurance company of the person that hit our sign and that will cover our deductible. Have $6135.40 already from the Insurance company. Selective will send us a check for $1267.60 when we submit a receipt for replacement of the sign. Also, the property team is working on the permits, design and getting quotes.
- Items in Review for February:
- Armed Intruder information – Pastor to talk to Vince Hill with regard to an update for the March council meeting.
- Update on Professional Audit – Pastor is getting contact information and it needs to be done ASAP as part of the call process. (Funds will come from Undesignated Reserves.)
- Update on constitution – waiting for input from Synod.
- Proposed Acceptable Computer Use Policy -Distributed in November to read. Still pending additions pertaining to PCI compliant language. To be revised and ready for review for the March council meeting.
- Information about Re-keying of Locks? Getting prices and to be discussed in March.
- Update on deacons and new care mission: A meeting is being held on Tuesday, February 11 to make sure the deacons and care mission are working together.
Next Meeting: Wednesday March 4, 2020, at 8:00 PM(after Dinner Church).
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Officers and Members
of Congregation Council for 2020
Gary Apgar (President); Jack Walls (Vice President);
Rich Hollenbach (Secretary); Denise Bailey (Treasurer);
Janet Hill (Financial Secretary); Carol Taylor (Asst. Financial Secretary); Adam Feldman; Dale Foster; Sharon Hood;
Anne Hutnyk; Linda Kratz; and Melissa Prunkel
Ministry Team Chairs & Council Liaisons
Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel
Communication: Lauren Allegrezza Liaison: Linda Kratz
Evangelism/Missions: Doug Renner Liaison: Dale Foster
Finance: TBD Liaison: Adam Feldman
Fundraising: Linda Kratz
Health Ministries: Nancy Allegrezza Liaison: Pastor G
Hospitality: Anne Hutnyk
Fellowship: Debbie Hollenbach Liaison: Anne Hutnyk
Long-Range Planning: On Hold
Mutual Ministry: Jack Walls, Teri Apgar and one more
Property: Vince Hill Liaison: Dale Foster
Property Management:Pastor G/Gary Apgar/Janet Hill
Social Ministry:Nancy Gansner Liaison: Sharon Hood
Special Funds: Gary Apgar, Vince Hill, Rich Hollenbach
Stewardship: Jack Walls
Transportation: Dale Foster
Worship & Music:Rich Hollenbach