Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. The opening devotions were given by Rich Hollenbach.
- Confirmation of newly elected council members – we have performed an independent verification of the election results from the voting at the annual congregational meeting for the 3 open council positions.
- Election of new Council Officers for 2021
- President:Rich Hollenbach
- Vice-President:Adam Feldman
- Secretary:Gail Achilles
- Treasurer: Denise Bailey, Assistant:Debbie Hollenbach
- Financial Secretary: Janet Hill, Assistant: Carol Taylor
- Assignment of Committee Chairs (C) / Council Liaisons (L)
- Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel (C)
- Communications – Lauren Krupp (C), Jack Walls (L)
- Evangelism – Doug Renner (C), Dale Foster (L)
- Finance – Debbie Hollenbach (C), Adam Feldman (L)
- Fundraising – Linda Kratz (C), Sharon Hood (L)
- Health – Nancy Allegrezza (C), Anne Hutnyk (L)
- Hospitality/Fellowship – Anne Hutnyk (C)
- Long Range Planning – on hold until we call a new pastor
- Mutual Ministry –need to investigate with the constitution as its chaired by the Vice President, but Adam is also a staff employee
- Property – Vince Hill (C)
- Social Ministry –Nancy Gansner (C), Sharon Hood (L)
- Special Funds – President: Rich Hollenbach (C), will designate another member of the Worship & Music Team to be on the team
- Stewardship – Jack Walls (C)
- Transportation – Dale Foster (C)
- W&M – Rich Hollenbach (C)
- Audit – Pastor Mary will check into whether we need an audit this year as we did the Financial Review in 2020.
- Nominating Team –Linda Kratz (Chair), Gary Apgar, Anne Hutnyk (substituting for Dale Foster who goes off council next year)
- Council 2021 Devotions: alphabetical by last name
- Devotion Subject:Rich will work with Pastor Mary to select the topic/material
- Rich Mar:Gail Apr:Adam May:Dale
- Vince Jul:TBD Aug:Sharon Sep:Anne
- Melissa Nov:Jack Dec:Pastor Jan:Rich
- Council Emergency Phone Tree – decision to close the church will be made by: Pastor, Council President & Property Team chair. Right now, we only need to contact those who come into the church building. Long term: Page assignments: Dale (1), Sharon (2), Jack (3). We need to update our process for communicating a closure.
- Council Minutesfrom the January 6th regular council meeting were distributed to council members for review. A motion to approve was made by Melissa and seconded by Adam, all members voted in favor and the minutes were approved.
- Annual Congregational Meeting Minuteswere distributed for review.
- Pastor Mary made a clarification that Sunday school attendance on Zoom has remained constant but is lower than when we were in the building.
- For the nominating team, it was noted that Dale Foster goes off council at the end of this term and by practice will chair next year’s (2022) nominating team. Since a person cannot serve two consecutive years on this team, Anne Hutnyk agreed to be on the 2021 nominating team.
- Melissa asked where the sofa will be located. She noted there is a process, which needs to be followed. Vince proposed putting the donated sofa in the former music room right now and we will discuss again following the COVID quarantine on how best to utilize the Sunday School rooms. Council approved the action.
- Treasurer’s report:(Denise) – Starting in January 2021, we will only be using Quick Books for the reports. There were a few questions:
- Adam asked about the layout of the Profit & Loss Statementcolumns and the % of budget is confusing. Denise is having issues with Quick Books to figure this out. It was recommended that she follow up with Tracey Beasley to help answer her questions.
- Adam asked about what the Misc. Income was, and Denise reported it was the $1000 Synod Grant and $1.16 in the monthly interest from our bank account.
- Adam request that line 2022 be changed from Telephone to Verizon so it aligns better with the service.
- On the Balance Sheet, there was a question on the memorials Accounts, and which are designated or not. It was on the old report but not on the Balance Sheet. Denise will look to better describe and track these.
- President’s Report:(Gary) – Gary reviewed the work of the council and teams that are included in these minutes.
- Pastor’s Report: (Pastor Mary) - The Annual Meeting, in my view, went very well – much was discussed and achieved as we continue to navigate in ‘these unprecedented times!’ Congratulations and blessings to the newly elected Council members, Gail Achilles, Vince Hill and Anne Hutnyk as well as thanksgiving and much gratitude for Gary Apgar and Linda Kratz for their years of faithful service on Council!
Also, in January, Faith received $1,000 grant from the SEPA Synod the “Forward Together in Faith” program. The original grant was for $2,084 to purchase a video camera and lighting for the sanctuary (anticipating the ‘sooner or later’ return to worship in the sanctuary) and funds to train more people to use it. We will have to decide how those funds will be applied. However, they must conform to the parameters of the original grant.
- Christian Education: (Melissa) – Monday Night Bible Study continues and is starting the book of Isaiah. The group is not limited to women only.
- Communications:- No report
- Evangelism:(Dale) – There was no meeting in December but there is still $1600 available to spend. Dale checked with Doug who will continue as chair.
- Finance:(Adam) – See report. New rules for PPP loans so investigating to see if we qualify for another loan in 2021. Gary will complete the paperwork for the forgiveness of the 2020 loan. Pastor Mary checked to see if we need an internal audit this year and confirmed we do so will add to the March agenda.
- Fundraising:(Linda) – The AmazonSmile link is Remember to buy your GIANT gift cards.
- Property Team:(Dale) – See new business below on furnaces.
- Shepherding: (Sharon) – working on valentine cards. Proposing a “Coffee with Council” session after worship to periodically discuss church business and council events. Council selected the Sunday following the monthly Council meeting.
- Special Funds:(Gary) – Will need to meet to approve the proposed furnace replacement funding request once the final costs are determined.
- Social Ministry:(Sharon) –
- We can still donate to Manna: or to
- Keystone Opportunity Center –
- We can still donate to Manna: or to
- Stewardship: (Jack)– no report
- Transportation: (Dale)– Dale continues to drop off Wawa food Tuesdays and Thursdays to people in our congregation and in the community!
- Worship & Music:(Rich) – Will be working on Lent. And will coordinate how we should spend the Synod Grant $1000. Adam asked to play the entire song during the distribution which will now happen.
- Mutual Ministry:(Jack) – No report.
- Hospitality and Fellowship: (Anne) – Council approval is needed to hold any event in the building.
- Property – See Faith Replacement of sign document. Property team will present the proposal at the March meeting.
- New Furnaces Quotes
- Council agreed to go with the Property Team recommendation of IT Landes but to get an updated quote and answer the questions on BTU numbers. Need to confirm all the costs including the permit.
- Jack made the motion to proceed and Dale seconded. All members of council were in favor of proceeding on this quickly.
- Pastor Mary received the comments on our revised constitution from the SEPA Synod and will work with Linda Kratz and Lauren (Allegrezza) Krupp on updating our constitution.
Meeting Adjourned:9:31pm
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 7:00 PM. Will be a hybrid meeting.