Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Minutes of the January regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Denise Bailey reported that for technical reasons there were issues with the Budget vs. Actuals Report. Denise also stated that the Food Basket will be a line item in the liability in/out, and income from memorials will move from Miscellaneous and will be put in the Univest Account; and HVAC donations will have its own line item and will not go into the miscellaneous account. Rich requested that Denise send out the Budget vs. Actuals Report as soon as available (we had it before the end of the council meeting.) The Treasurer’s Report was approved as written. With year-to-date income at $10,997.79 (9%) and operating expenses at $9,930.73 (6%) we have a $1,067.06 surplus.
Minutes of the 58th Annual Congregational Meeting, January 22, 2023 – Council reviewed and approved the minutes. The minutes will be officially approved by the congregation at the 59th Annual Congregational Meeting.
President’s Report: Council members shared their appreciation of Rich Hollenbach for the superior job he did as Council President for the past two years, and Rich expressed his thankfulness of all that we accomplished in the last year.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Ethan reported that from the Worship & Music Meeting he attended that there will be upcoming information regarding Lent/Easter. His family enjoyed their vacation. Pastor Ethan thanked John Taylor for stepping up to sit on council. He also mentioned that Rich and he will also be meeting with Jack Walls to discuss information learned at the Vitality meeting that they recently attended. Pastor Ethan also attended an anti-racism seminar along with other Synod members. Besides accomplishing his pastoral duties for Faith Lutheran Church, Pastor Ethan will be the Protestant Chaplain for 3 to 4 hours per week for Lansdale Hospital. He is also scheduled to be the Supply Pastor at St. Paul’s, Norristown during the last two weeks of February and the first three weeks of March. Reminder he will be away May 8th – 22nd.
Elected new officers and updated the committee chairs / Liaisons for 2023. The new council will be installed on Sunday, February 5th.
Gary Apgar President
Rich Hollenbach Vice President
Linda Kratz Secretary
Denise Bailey Treasurer
Debbie Hollenbach Asst. Treasurer
Janet Hill Financial Secretary
Carol Taylor Asst. Financial Secretary
Gail Achilles
Anne Hutnyk
Melissa Prunkel
John Taylor
Ministry Team Chairs & Council Liaisons
Christian Education: Gail Achilles (chair)
Communications: Jack Walls (chair) Liaison: Gail Achilles
Evangelism/Missions: Doug Renner (chair) Liaison: Melissa Prunkel
Fellowship: Dale & Mary Lou Foster (co-chairs) Liaison: Anne Hutnyk
Finance: Debbie Hollenbach (chair) Liaison: Gary Apgar
Fundraising: Chair still needed. Liaison: Linda Kratz
Health Ministries: Nancy Allegrezza (chair) Liaison: Anne Hutnyk
Hospitality: Anne Hutnyk (chair)
Fellowship: Dale & Mary Lou Foster (chairs) Liaison: Anne Hutnyk
Long-Range Planning: to be determined
Mutual Ministry: Rich Hollenbach and two more to be determined
Property: Paul Prunkel (chair) Liaison: Melissa Prunkel
Property Management: Pastor, President, Secretary
Shepherding: Sharon Hood (chair) Liaison: John Taylor
Social Ministry: Sharon Hood & Debbie Hollenbach (co-chairs)
Liaison: John Taylor
Special Funds: Gary Apgar, Paul Prunkel, Rich Hollenbach,
Chris Jones
Stewardship: Jack Walls (chair) Liaison: Rich Hollenbach
Transportation: Dale Foster (chair) Liaison: Linda Kratz
Worship & Music: Rich Hollenbach (chair)
Christian Education: Gail Achilles reported: Sunday School: Besides covering the weekly Bible lessons, the children are learning “The Ten Commandments,” “The Lord’s Prayer,” and “The Apostles’ Creed.” Monday Night Bible Study: still reading and discussing “The Full Armor of God.” Our last night for this study will be February 27 (provided there are no postponements). Parents’ Night Out – Youth Fellowship (January 27, 2023): Twelve children attended (7 children from our church and 5 from the community); parents generously donated a total of $80 which will help with future youth events. Our next parents’ night out is scheduled for Friday, February 24, 6 pm to 9 pm. Sign-up sheets are available on the table right outside the Sanctuary. VBS: is scheduled for July 31 through August 4, 9 am to 12 pm. Note that the dates have changed. If anyone is interested in volunteering for VBS, please contact Gail Achilles or Janet Hill. Although it is a way off, thanks to the volunteers who have stepped up already and claimed their positions.
Communications: Gail reported that Jack Walls will continue to update the front lawn sign and coordinate with Janet on our website.
Fellowship: Pastor Ethan mentioned that Bryan Foster approached him about our older youth using a room at church for gathering. Pastor Ethan and council discussed that maybe the Audio-Visual Room (former choir room) could be used. We all agreed that adult supervision would have to be provided and a detailed plan will have to be given council as to who is involved, the agenda of their gathering, when and for how long and then council will vote on approving it. Anne reported that a fellowship meeting was held on January 15 and a preliminary schedule was outlined for the year.
Fundraising: Still looking for someone to chair this committee.
Health: Anne Hutnyk reported that there is an upcoming blood drive, see New Business.
Hospitality: Anne reported that a new Coffee Hour Sheet has been posted on “the door” in the Fellowship Hall and will be in the Mustard Seed, and in the weekly bulletins for the present and the upcoming week.
Long Range Planning: The executive committee will meet and identify new members for this team to start working on the future of Faith Lutheran Church.
Mutual Ministry: Rich as Vice President will work with Pastor Ethan to identify new members for this team for 2023.
Property: Melissa Prunkel mentioned the projects still to be accomplished: the pothole on Morgan St, furnaces, shed, clogged drains, wrapping the ducts above the Sunday School rooms and Fellowship Halls.
Social Ministry: Sharon sent in the report of the Social Ministry Team meeting and the activities planned for 2023.
Stewardship: Jack will continue as Chair and Rich will be the Liaison. They both will be meeting with Pastor Ethan to review items from the recent Vitality seminar.
Transportation: Linda reported Dale is still delivering Wawa donations to the community and fulfilling transportation needs for our congregation.
Worship & Music: Rich reported on two separate items that first, will be setting up a schedule for worship assistant training, and second, asked for approval for the purchase of 1 dozen “All Creation Sings” hymnals for the choir and organist. He will submit the request to Special Funds for approval and coordinate with Janet to order them. The amount is $205 plus shipping and will be pulled from a memorial fund.
- Spring Fling - May 20, 2023 – Rich received the full plan from Beth Schoening. Having discussed the plan with council, he made the motion to approve the Spring Fling. All members of council voted in favor to approve the Spring Fling plans.
- SEPA Synod Assembly - In Person on Friday, May 5th & Saturday, May 6th - Pastor Ethan, Rich, and Gary will be attending for Faith.
- SEPA Synod Social Ministry Event, Saturday, June 3rd-
- Red Cross Blood Drive - Rich informed us that Red Cross reached out to Nancy Allegrezza, Health Chair, about using the Fellowship Hall for the drive. Missy interjected that we should have Faith Lutheran Church information pamphlets to give out to donors. All council members voted to approve the Red Cross Blood Drive.
- Grass Cutting - Rich explained that we are looking for someone new to cut our lawns as the old Landscaper costs are too high cost and they are not flexible. The group that does our snowplowing gave us a quote which is lower; Jack is also looking into his landscaper’s cost. Anne is also seeking a quote from someone she knows. Rich said that the money is in the budget, and once the best deal is found it will be presented to Council.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at 7pm.