Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. Gary lead devotions on Psalm 32. Minutes of the January regular council meeting was approved as written. Minutes of the Congregational meeting will be sent out and reviewed by Council in March, with approval at the 2025 Congregational meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: With year-to-date income at $7,993.18 (6%) and operating expenses at $14,311.03 (9%) we have a $6,317.85 deficit. This is probably due to several factors – weather, yearly expenses that come out in January, etc. The treasurer’s report was approved as written.
President’s Report: We had a successful Congregational meeting! Thanks to everyone who came to support Faith Church! May God bless us & guide us on our new path forward! We approved the minutes from 2023. We voted for three people to the Council, Gail Achilles, Anne Hutnyk, Andy McCulley. We voted to approve our 2024 budget. We do have a deficit of $32,674.00. The Finance team will be looking into how long we can stay at 3/4 time with Pastor Ethan at the current funding level.
We are quickly coming up into Lent! Easter is early this year with Ash Wednesday on 02/14, Palm Sunday on 03/24 & Easter on 03/31. This is a time to reflect on what Jesus went through and ultimately dying on the Cross for our sins.
Also, Pastor Ethan will be starting book reading sessions on the book written by Thom S. Rainer called “Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 12 Ways to keep yours Alive.” The first and last session will be Pastor Ethan live at the church. The 5 weeks in-between will have Rich in person after worship on Sundays and Pastor Ethan on Zoom at 7:00 PM on Wednesdays. This book could help Faith on our journey forward!
Pastor’s Report: Thank you to Rich for leading the service on January 14th. Baptism of Aubrey Rose Sousa is on February 11th. Pastor will be meeting with another family regarding the baptism of their children. Faith book study on “Autopsy of a Deceased Church” begins on February 14th. The Rev. Julie Dewerth was elected Dean. Thanks to Gary, Rich and Debbie for also attending the meeting.
Officers were elected, Committee Chairs reviewed and liaisons assigned. The new council will be installed on February 18th..
Rich Hollenbach President
Gary Apgar Vice President
Linda Kratz Secretary
Denise Bailey Treasurer
Debbie Hollenbach Asst. Treasurer
Janet Hill Financial Secretary
Carol Taylor Asst. Financial Secretary
Gail Achilles
Anne Hutnyk
Andy McCulley
Melissa Prunkel
John Taylor
Ministry Team Chairs & Council Liaisons
Christian Education: Gail Achilles (chair)
Communications: Jack Walls (chair) Liaison: Gail Achilles
Evangelism/Missions: Doug Renner (chair) Liaison: Melissa Prunkel
Fellowship: Dale & Mary Lou Foster (co-chairs) Liaison: Anne Hutnyk
Finance: Debbie Hollenbach (chair) Liaison: Gary Apgar
Fundraising: Alexis Cooper (chair) Liaison: Linda Kratz
Health Ministries: Nancy Allegrezza (chair) Liaison: Anne Hutnyk
Hospitality: Anne Hutnyk (chair)
Long-Range Planning: Melissa Prunkel, Nancy Allegrezza, Jack Walls
Mutual Ministry: Gary Apgar and two more to be determined
Property: Adam Feldman (chair) Liaison: Andy McCulley
Property Management: Pastor, President, Secretary
Shepherding: Sharon Hood (chair) Liaison: John Taylor
Social Ministry: Sharon Hood & Debbie Hollenbach (co-chairs)
Liaison: John Taylor
Special Funds: Rich Hollenbach (chair), Adam Feldman and one more
Stewardship: Jack Walls (chair) Liaison: Rich Hollenbach
Transportation: Dale Foster (chair) Liaison: Linda Kratz
Worship & Music: Rich Hollenbach (chair)
Christian Education: Gail Achilles reported that:
Sunday School continues to be offered during the 9:30am worship service.
Monday Night Bible Study (MNBS) – Since January 22nd, the group is doing a 6-session study on “The Life of Jesus” (no meeting on February 19). Starting on March 11, a new study will begin on “The Prayers of Jesus.”
Parent Night Out/Youth Fellowship (PNO/YF) – Next events are February 23rd and March 15th.
VBS - With Pastor Ethan's approval, Janet Hill is ordering our VBS 2024 material for Vacation Bible School, August 5-9. Our theme is "SCUBA Diving into Friendship with God." Those interested in volunteering this year, please contact Gail Achilles or Janet Hill. We will have our first VBS 2024 meeting on April 7 after 9:30 am Worship Service during coffee hour for those interested in helping and supporting this fun and Christian formation event for our youth.
Fellowship: Team met on February 4th and put together a schedule for 2024, which will be out shortly after some minor details are confirmed. Looks like a fun year ahead!.
Finance: The Finance Ministry Team met on February 1, 2024. The entire report has been sent to the Executive Team. Here are the highlights: Proposal for counting monies and depositing them weekly – A Finance team member and an
approved (by Council) member of the church will count weekly. Note the change from council approving (not appointing) the counters. The Financial Secretary will issue a general reminder in June and individual reminders in September about honoring their pledges and asking for verification if unable to meet the commitment. The Finance Team recommended that monies collected in Palm Sunday/Dedication envelopes be placed in HVAC Fund. It was approved by vote of council. Request that Council schedule an External Audit in 2024 to go over the financial records of 2023. Gary to check with Adria Parsons per Missy’s suggestion. Adam has done a great deal of research into the long-term outlook of our financial situation. If nothing changes (with regard to income or expenses), our reserves will be used up in just over 4 years.
- The next scrapbooking event is February 9-10. The team met on January 28th to discuss the Spring Fling and Easter Brunch. The Easter Brunch proposal (after the 9am Easter service) was approved and passed by vote of council. With regard to the Spring Fling proposal, Linda will reach out to Alexis for clarification on the vendors and hot dogs, along with providing other guidance on the plan.
- Thanks for all the help for the congregation meeting breakfast. We’ll have Fastnachts on February 11th at coffee hour. The sign-up sheet will be going up for soup and sandwiches coffee hour on February 18th.
Property Team: Adam Feldman has agreed to chair the Property Team.
Shepherding: Sharon will be emailing her team to rethink this ministry and would like someone else to lead the team. More information will be coming in March. Due to Sharon’s illness, there was no coordinated effort to send out Valentine’s cards to congregation members, but some may be sent anyway.
Social Ministry: Last December’s Angel Tree total was $375 to purchase grocery cards for anyone in need in our congregation. Valentine’s cards were signed in January by the congregation and will be distributed to North Penn Adult Services. In February, soup bags will be done for Keystone Opportunity Center in Souderton (putting the donations into lunch bags on March 3). Coming up in March is God’s Global Barnyard.
Worship & Music: A meeting was held February 6. Services were planned from Ash Wednesday through Easter. A Maundy Thursday dinner service at 6 PM was proposed and discussed at length due to the timing. It was council’s decision to move forward with this and allow Pastor’s other church to have an evening service as requested (note that they have been more than generous with allowing Pastor to plan services at Faith on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday). In addition, there will be an Easter Vigil service from 7:30 to 8:30 AM, with the festival service starting at 9 AM, and brunch following.
Constitution Update: Draft in review by Executive Committee – Rich will resend to all Council members with a deadline in which to provide input. Ministry Team descriptions are being clarified (Linda to complete recommendations based on feedback from individual teams.)
The Council approved via email the membership of Mary Spotts on January 23, 2024.
- of a financial gift from a congregation member – The executive team met with the benefactor with regard to his wishes. As a result, Rich motioned that this contribution be used to help bridge the gap in Pastor’s salary (increased cost of living recommendation.) Linda seconded the motion, and it was approved by Council vote.
Bonnie and Sheena Staller have requested membership.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 6th, at 7pm.