- Council Minutes from the January regular council meeting were reviewed. All members voted in favor and the minutes were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report: All council members voted in favor to approve the Treasurer’s report.
- President’s Report: Rich reported that Pastor Bruce will preside at all February Sunday Worship Services. Pastor Maggie is unavailable for February Sunday Worship Services. Rich expressed that he thought the 57th Annual Congregational Meeting held on January 23, 2022, went well, and thanked council for their support. On Sunday, January 30, 2022, the new Faith Lutheran Church Council for 2022, were installed into council and blessed by Pastor Maggie Ainslie at the beginning of the Sunday worship service.
- Pastor’s Report: Pastor Bryan Penman welcomed our new council members and introduced himself as Dean of Lower Montgomery Conference of the Southeastern PA Synod ELCA and that he is Pastor of St. Mark’s located in Conshohocken, PA. He also informed us that he has been instrumental in helping Faith Lutheran Church in the transition process of calling a new Pastor, including our interim and bridge pastors. No updates on finding that one-fourth salary that Pastor Tim Garman is waiting to obtain, so he can say “Yes” to the pastoral call for our church. Pastor Penman has sent emails out to further research the funds/grants that he learned as “Vitality Leader” are available to disabled persons looking to function in church leadership roles. He reminded us that the Bishop sounded optimistic about the program. Pastor Penman will continue to research this program and keep us updated. He mentioned that there are a few congregations in need of interim pastors but do not fit Pastor Tim’s needs. Pastor Penman explained to us that Pastor Tim can walk away from this call and, likewise, our congregation can do the same. If Pastor Tim should decline, Pastor Penman will assist us with an assigned Bridge Pastor and the call committee will have to go back to interviewing candidates. Pastor Penman told us that as of now there are zero pastoral candidates looking for a part-time pastoral call. Pastor Penman talked to us about two churches sharing a Pastor. He will actively pursue both the funds for the disabled program and that he will be in touch with Grace Lutheran in Pottstown to start a conversation about sharing Pastor Tim. He suggested that we write up a letter stating that we called Pastor Tim, who is disabled, and he at the present time can only accept the call if he is granted one quarter of his salary through this program (Faith Lutheran Church Congregation is offering him three quarters of a full-time salary), and ask them to please help us make this happen. As far as Pastor Penman knows, Pastor Tim Garman would be the first disabled pastor to lead a church in our area, and this would be quite remarkable, uplifting, and noteworthy. We all agreed for Pastor Penman to first look into the program for the disabled and secondly, have conversations with Grace church. Linda Kratz asked if offering part-time is keeping us from finding a Pastor, and secondly, she suggested that perhaps updating our MSP to be more accepting of change. Rich prompted by Jack asked, “How many full-time pastors are available? Pastor Penman answered, “17 (4 are in final stages of call, and 5 are first call candidates (2 are in final stages), and our Faith Lutheran Church Call committee turned one of the first call candidates down.” Rich reflected that if we had more money, we would have more options. Linda Kratz asked if we entertain the sharing a Pastor with Grace Lutheran Church option, does their congregation need to go through the voting process? Pastor Penman answered, “No.” He added that with this option that he envisioned a shared ministry splitting Pastor Tim Garman 50 – 50. Pastor Penman excused himself from the Council Meeting after his report ended, and there were no further questions.
- President: Rich Hollenbach
- Vice-President: Jack Walls
- Secretary: Gail Achilles
- Treasurer: Denise Bailey, Assistant: Debbie Hollenbach
- Financial Secretary: Janet Hill, Assistant: Carol Taylor
Ministry Team Chairs (C)/Council Liaisons (L)
- Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel & Gail Achilles (Co-chairs)
- Communications – Lauren Krupp (C), Jack Walls (L)
- Evangelism – Doug Renner (C), Melissa Prunkel (L)
- Finance – Debbie Hollenbach (C), Gary Apgar (L)
- Fundraising – Linda Kratz (C)
- Health – Nancy Allegrezza(C), Anne Hutnyk (L)
- Hospitality/Fellowship – Anne Hutnyk & Debbie Hollenbach (Co-chairs)
- Long Range Planning – on hold until we call a new pastor
- Mutual Ministry – Vice President is convenor/Ex Officio: Jack Walls. Appointments: Gail Achilles & Melissa Prunkel
- Property – Vince Hill (C)
- Property Management (per constitution) - Pastor, Council President, Secretary (Janet Hill)
- Social Ministry – Sharon Hood & Debbie Hollenbach (Co-chairs)
- Special Funds – President: Rich Hollenbach (C), Property Chair: Vincent Hill, Worship & Music Team Member: Member at large:
- Stewardship – Jack Walls (C)
- Transportation – Dale Foster (C); Linda Kratz (L)
- Worship & Music – Rich Hollenbach (C)
- Audit Team 2022 – External required by Synod. Sharon Hood will coordinate.
- Nominating Team – Adam Feldman (Chair), Debbie Hollenbach & Anne Hutnyk.
Council 2022 Devotions:
Jan: Adam Feb: Rich Mar: Gail Apr: Gary
May: Vince Jun: Sharon Aug: Anne Sep: Linda
Oct: Melissa Nov: Jack Dec: TBD
No council meeting in July.
- Christian Education: Gail reported that we are planning an in-person VBS August 8 through 12, 9 am to 12 noon. So far, we have a handful of volunteers for which we are very grateful. If interested in volunteering, please contact Gail or Missy. We ordered a VBS program called “Monumental,” which should arrive before the end of February. A zoom meeting invitation will be sent out to all potential volunteers to discuss VBS plans. Thereafter, we will have an in-person meeting (to be determined) to hand out materials from the curriculum. We will follow all covid protocols in place during VBS week. We also ordered Valentine’s Day and Easter gifts for our Sunday/Wednesday Whirl Bible School students. Also, during Lent there will be Bookmarks and other trinkets for the congregation to take if you so desire on the table in our Foyer. (Note: a donation can will be on hand).
- Communications: - Jack agreed to talk to the congregation at Sunday Worship Service prior to Palm Sunday about Palm Sunday Envelope offerings to be placed in the Heating/AC Fund. (See attached Finance report)
- Finance: report submitted by Debbie Hollenbach.
- Gloria from Univest informed us that we are eligible for a free year for our Safe Deposit Box. The next payment date is 9/21/22.
- Faith ended the 2021 year a Budget Surplus of $56,071.75. $47,966 was forwarded to fund the budget deficit for the year 2022. The Finance Ministry Team recommends that $8,000 of the remaining budget surplus be placed in the Heating/AC Fund. That leaves $105.75 to go into Undesignated Funds. All members of council voted to approve that $8,000 of the remaining budget surplus be placed in the Heating/AC Fund and the remaining $105.75 to go into Undesignated Funds.
- Recommend the any money collected in the Palm Sunday Dedication Envelope be place in the Heating/AC Fund. All council members voted to approve monies collected in the Palm Sunday Dedication Envelope be placed in the Heating/AC Fund.
- Reminder that the Audit Team needs to review our 2021 books.
- Fundraising: Sharon will talk to potential church members that may be interested in becoming Fundraising Chair in place of Linda Kratz.
- Health: Neither Nancy Allegrezza nor Tina Hutnyk are available at this time for blood pressure checks.
- Hospitality/Fellowship: Anne reported that Janet and she came up with a list for the year of Coffee Hour Sponsors. There will be sign-up sheets for Feb 13 Soup(er) Bowl and Sandwiches. Council decided that because of covid protocols, we will have normal coffee hour for Palm Sunday and Easter in lieu of the traditional breakfasts we have had in the past.
- Mutual Ministry: Jack is the chair and Missy and Gail complete the team. No further update.
- Property Team: Vince reminded us that he will fix the insulation on the fellowship hall duct work when the weather is warmer in the spring.
- Shepherding: (Sharon) – Valentine Cards will be sent to our shut-in members with prayers, blessings, and love.
- Social Ministry: Sharon reported that Code Blue led by Mary Lou raised $156.00; 314 snacks; 2 dental packs and warm clothing. Janet Hill wrote a nice thank you letter in care of Mark Landon, Trinity Lutheran Church, for opening their doors to gentlemen in need of care and a place to stay the night.
- Special Funds: Camera currently used for zoom worship is Adam Feldman’s. Cost of new one is $1155 minus $516 left from Synod technology grant. Need $639. Team approved taking the $639 from the Klumpp Memorial (which has $2,145.)
- Stewardship: Jack reported that the new app is launched and will communicate this on Sunday before Worship Service, and he proudly announced that his daughter Tessa is creating a sign about E-giving to be displayed in our church.
- Transportation: Rich reported that we continue to make sure those in need of a ride to and from church is provided. Wawa has discontinued their donations of food during their move to and remodeling at their new location.
- Worship & Music: Pastor Bruce will be leading Sunday worship service during the month of February. Rich will work out the details for Ash Wednesday service (March 2.)
- Christmas Tree for the sanctuary – Anne and Adam are still looking into artificial trees. If they cannot find a suitable artificial tree, Anne stated that as long as the tree farm stays open where she has a connection, she will make sure our church has a tree.
- Food Addicts Group – Rich reported that this group never responded back to us, so he is closing out the Food Addicts Group.
- Denise’s Laptop – After Adam fixed Denise’s laptop, Denise has seen an improvement.
- New Camera for Sanctuary – Money approved by Special Funds – See Special Funds report attached. Rich added that Adam will order new camera, and finally have his personal camera back that he kindly loaned to our church for the past year and a half.
- Council discussed making masks optional; we decided to leave the decision to March and revisit then when the weather is warmer and hopefully the covid surge decline.
- Jack informed us that he spoke to Pastor Tim to give him a list of Real Estate brokers to help him. Pastor Tim told Jack he is looking for a first-floor apartment in a specific price range, and that he is under the impression that Synod is working on coming up with that one fourth salary to enable him to afford the move to our area.
- Synod Assembly, April 30th, 2022 – need 2 volunteers (male & female) Rich asked if anyone from council would like to attend; it will be a virtual meeting. Gail volunteered to attend; still need one male volunteer.
- Prayer Vigil – Sharon brought up an idea to have a prayer vigil in the near future to pray for a Pastor for Faith Church. Sharon will make an information sheet along with a signup sheet. Sharon gave examples of prayers being answered this way.
- Rich informed us that Adam Feldman went to a township meeting regarding a new buyer of the property that borders our property beyond the back of the parking lot. The new buyer wants an easement of the distance to the property border. We own ten feet into woods and if their request is approved, we will have less of a buffer. Adam will send an email report to council.