Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. Devotions were led by Pastor G. The Mission Statement was read.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the March council meeting were approved as submitted to the council via email.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Council looked at the updated budget. With year to date income at $58,020.25 (38%) and operating expenses at $27,908.07 (18%) we have a $30,112.18 surplus.
Ministry Team Reports
Finance: We need a Zoom finance meeting. Members have been mailing their contributions and we have been receiving gifts online via Vanco.
Fundraising: Remember GIANT gift cards!
Shepherding Ministry: Easter cards have been sent! Sharon will update.
Social Ministry: There will be no Social Ministry events in April.
Stewardship: We need to encourage e-giving.
Transportation: An email went out to the congregation in March encouraging participation in this team.
Worship & Music: Discussion on the Facebook live and Zoom Virtual Services. Zoom Pro account has been set up.
Old Business
- Armed Intruder information– update from Vince Hill concerning the scheduling of a meeting with Montgomery Township Police Chief J. Scott Bendig or Officer Rob Johnson. We received an email from J. Scott Bendig stating that they are looking to meet with area churches in late May or early June. From his email: “I have discussed our concept of co-presenting a program with the FBI that will address the management of aggressive behavior and recognizing pre-attack indicators. The hour and a half program would address many of the concerns raised by many of you at our meeting last year. We would be willing to conduct a presentation for all groups at our Community Center or individually for your congregations.”
- Update on Professional Audit. Tracey Beasley, Synod VP, is a CPA and will do this work. Can this be done remotely?
- Update on constitution?
- Proposed Acceptable Computer Use Policy -Distributed in November to read. Still pending additions pertaining to PCI Compliant language. Rich and Jack to discuss additional wording needed.
- Information about Re-keying of Locks?
- Update on deacons and new care.
- Fellowship: Request for a new projector for outdoor movies. No outdoor movies this month.
New Business
- Linda and Carol Taylor have documented the counting process.
- Music in virtual Church.
- Shepherding Ministry, next mission is to send “thinking of you cards”.
Next Meeting: May 6 at 7pm.