Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Rich lead devotions on a healthy church. Minutes of the March 3rdregular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Council received the March 2021 treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $67,902.14 (48%) and operating expenses at $27,623.16 (18%) we have a $40,278.98 surplus.
President’s Report: We continue to evolve our worship services and with our new computer we have hosted the Zoom sessions from the church for our Holy Week services. In- person attendance was up and the Easter Service was a great celebration. We continue have issues with the music which we will also be working on to improve.
With Pastor Mary ending her time as our Designated (Bridge) Pastor, the next few months will be filled with having different worship service formats and supply pastors. Rich will continue to work with our Synod Conference Dean, Pastor Bryan Penman.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastor Mary commented on how we managed to accomplish so many things with Worship,our Deacons, and Lay persons, and Bible Studies through this challenging year, and she thanked all. She applauded the work of Adam Feldman, Janet Hill, Vince Hill and Rich Hollenbach for carrying out the complex tech and in-person arrangements for worship during Holy Week and Easter – it was an incredible achievement of expertise and coordination!
Finally, she said thanks to all the lay leaders and members who’ve been such an integral part of her time serving as Faith’s designated pastor. While it’s been a time none of us could have possibly imagined a year ago, she is much blessed by all the learning and innovation that this last year has brought her way. She wished us all many blessings as we continue our journey in the future. Council members gave her words of appreciation and thanks and best wishes in her retirement.
Ministry Team Reports:
Call Committee:
President Rich Hollenbach reported the following after his meeting with Pastor Penman:
“I talked to him 2 weeks ago following Pastor Mary's announcement. There are still no candidates that line up with our MSP and that we can afford. We really won't share a pastor equally as they can only have one call, but they would contract out to another congregation for part of the time. Finding another congregation that is local to us plus aligning with our more conservative position is making it all the harder. He did recommend we go back and look at our finances to see if we can reprioritize our spending and possibly look at full time compensation.
The next few months following Easter are going to be challenging as we have to find supply pastors and potentially have videotaped sermons from other pastors. Keep praying that we find the right pastor and to get through this challenging time.”
The call committee will meet Tuesday, April 13, at 7:30 pm by zoom to discuss these issues per Gail Achilles, Chair, Faith Lutheran Church Call Committee.
- Christian Education: Missy informed us that the Christian Education team made the decision to hold off having VBS in 2021 due to uncertainty with COVID challenges, what our pastoral role would look like, and all the necessary technology. Missy also reported that Wednesday (Sunday) Bible school will hold 3 more Wednesday sessions ending in April 2021 and reopen in September 2021. Coordination of plans will begin this month for our Church Picnic planned for 6thJune at Spring Valley Park. Our Monday night Bible study will be starting a new Bible Studies series titled “Awakening to a Grand New Day” by Sheila Walsh. Adult Forum led by Rich Hollenbach will be covering Ephesians starting this Sunday, April 11 at 9am.
- Communications:Jack proposed that we get more actively involved on Facebook and other social media to promote outreach to the community about Faith Lutheran Church programs and our people. Pastor Mary suggested we put a link on our personal Facebook page, and that we can send out email to Faith Lutheran Church members to share our Facebook page.
- Finance: The Finance Team sent the Following recommendations to the Special Funds Team:
- Request to fund the new computer for the Sanctuary to run Zoom as well as the projector for Worship. Cost of $1529 to come from the Piligian Memorial (designated to “spread the Word.”)
- Request for the cost of installation of Backflow Assembly required by the Water Authority (cost of $885) to come from the Mayer Bequest (designed for Emergency needs.)
- Pending approval by the congregation. To transfer $22,000 from the Endowment Fund to the Univest Checking account to cover the money designed in the Heating AC Fund. This will be used to cover the down payment for the new furnaces for the Fellowship Hall.
Rich informed council that he got a report from Gary Apgar that the PPP forgiveness loan is still backlogged but not to worry, the loan will be forgiven.
- Fundraising: Hoagie sale is being put on hold for now due to COVID challenges. Sharon stated that Linda Kratz would like to step down as Chair. Rich suggested that the fundraising team come up with a list of nominees and contact them to find a new Chair of Fundraising.
- Health: Janet Hill is sending out emails to notify where church members can go to get COVID vaccine.
- Property Team:
- Sign Replacement – coming from Fast Signs Company. Rich mentioned to stay on top of the cost of sign, since the cost may be lower than what was quoted to the insurance company, so we need to make sure that balances out.
- New Furnaces – Landis is waiting on the ordered equipment to complete installation of furnaces; but assured council that this work should be done by May.
- Backflow preventer has been installed.
- Vince reminded council that April 17, 9 to noon, is Spring Cleaning Day; donuts will be on hand for all you good hearted hard workers.
- Shepherding: Easter cards were mailed to the congregation. Sharon mentioned that even Kelly Kratz, who lives in Japan, received her card.
- Stewardship: After service, we can show videos to the congregation to socialize the electronic giving.
- Transportation: Dale is still seeing to all transportation to meet our congregation’s needs.
- Worship & Music:Working on April & May schedule for worship. Rich informed us that everything (zoom, worship, music) was run from church since Palm Sunday Service. There will be a Synod video worship service used for this Sunday, April 11. Pastor Ainslie will be leading service every third Sunday until June 2021.
- Constitution Update: Synod updates have been incorporated. Pastor Mary apologized that it was not ready by our March 21stcongregational meeting. Linda Kratz went in and put it altogether and will get with Rich and then Council needs to approve, then the Synod, and then the Constitution can be share with the congregation.
- Audit Team: We need to put together a team to perform an internal audit of our finances for CY2020. Sharon will guide the audit team.
- Increasing the in-person attendancemaximum to 42 in the church building for worship. A motion was made and seconded and all council members voted in favor. (We had 29 at Easter.)
- Our Korean congregationhas been asking about returning for in-person worship. We need to layout ground rules: Vince will write up a draft of rules for the Korean congregation to follow. We talked about no use of Fellowship Hall and kitchen; no food allowed. Vince suggested that they can use our screen but not the projector. Vince will draft up all the stipulations and email these ground rules to council for our approval. After council’s approval, Janet Hill will notify the Shalom Korean Presbyterian Church. We took a vote on this process and that if their church agrees to the ground rules that they can come back in May of 2021. A motion was made and seconded and all council members voted in favor. (Note: Shalom Korean Presbyterian Church had been paying $300.00 a month rent in the past).
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 7:00 PM. Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Dale.