14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Humble yourself, reach out to God and pray (have a conversation with God). Pour out your heart to him.
Let’s all make a decision to pray - especially on May 5th, knowing that Christians all over our country are praying with us.
Christian Education
We are continuing an in-person Sunday School program during the 10:30 a.m. service as well as a Wednesday Bible School program on Wednesdays at 4:30pm via zoom!
Our Sunday teachers are Gail Achilles and Anita Halpern and our Wednesday teachers are Nancy Gansner, Gail Achilles and Anna Friedrich. We are using the Whirl curriculum, following lessons that go along with the lectionary (the lessons that are read each week.)
Please come on Sunday morning or contact the church office at [email protected] if you would like to be part of the Wednesday zoom class. (Please make sure we have your email address so we can send you the zoom link. Materials will also be sent to those participating on zoom. A Bible will be provided to your child if they do not have one. Please let us know.)
Sunday School and Wednesday Bible School will be taking a hiatus for the months of June, July and August. They both will start up again in September.
For more information see, Melissa Prunkel
Monday Night Bible Study will be taking a break for the summer and will reconvene in the fall.
Vacation Bible School
If you missed it in the Council Notes, let us reiterate that Faith will be offering “Monumental” Vacation Bible School Monday through Friday, August 8-12, 2022 from 9am to 12noon.
We still are in need of at least 8 to 10 crew leaders (no teaching involved) and two station leaders for Imagination Station (Science/Crafts); two station leaders for Bible Adventures (telling Bible stories); two station leaders for Red Rocks Rec (games); and at least one station leader to assist coordinator, Gail Achilles, in opening and closing with songs, dancing, and skits; Alexis and Laura Cooper have volunteered to be co-station leaders of Kidvid Cinema and Beth Schoening will be handling snack time at Oasis Tastes Station.
Besides needing Crew Leaders to assist the children and the station leaders, we still need at least 8 station leaders to make our 2022 VBS a fun, safe, loving, and learning environment about God’s awesomeness and make a lasting monumental impression of Christianity for our church children and the children in our community.
Please contact Melissa Prunkel, Gail Achilles or the church office with your questions or to volunteer to help.
Thank you, Church Family!
Social Ministry
In honoring your mother and other special women in your lives this year, your Social Ministry Team is offering you the opportunity to support mothers in the Interfaith Hospitality Network who are struggling on a daily basis to provide housing and food for their families.
We know these mothers would appreciate our donations of personal items. Suggestions are: shower gel, body lotion, body spray, deodorant, shavers, handwipes, hand sanitizers, tampons, and menstrual pads. When they go shopping, they can buy the food they need and not worry about these items.
Your donations can be placed in the purple Barney bin under the coat rack for the month of May.
Isn’t it a wonderful feeling showing our mothers how much we appreciate what they did/do for us while sharing with mothers that are struggling to provide for their families!
Any questions, please see Nancy Gansner
An update on our March Social Ministry Project of Personal Care Kits. We had enough donations to make 18 full kits and could have a possible 20 total. Great job. Good and Faithful servants!
And our April Social Ministry Project of books for 141 Impact. Our goal was $150 and we raised $260. Well done good and faithful servants!
Coffee Hour after Worship on Sundays at Faith
In an effort to return some normalcy to Faith Church (not only are masks optional now) but we will be bringing back ministry teams and congregational volunteers to help out with coffee hours.
We all love to congregate in the Fellowship Hall after worship to break bread (or cake, or fruit, or pretzels, etc.) together but we need some help providing the “bread.”
The coffee hour sponsors for the month will be listed in the Mustard Seed on the Volunteer page and also weekly in the bulletin.
Here are the assignments for May.
5/1 Altar Guild - Janet Hill;
5/8 Congregation Coffee Hour - Mother’s Day;
5/15 Altar Guild - Janet Hill;
5/22 Congregation Coffee Hour
5/29 Music Team - Laura Cooper
If you are not presently attending in-person church, you could possibly drop something off before-hand or have someone on your team bring something.
Thank you to all those that pitch in to set up and clean up the kitchen on Sundays!
New Member…
In April we welcomed Emma Santiago, daughter of Sarah Snyder to membership in Faith by baptism!
Annual Church Family Picnic
11am to 2 pm
Sunday, June 5 -
Rain or Shine!
On Sunday, June 5th right after the 9:30am worship service we are planning on having the Annual Church Picnic at Spring Valley Park. This year we will be providing all the food. We’ll have designated cooks barbecuing hot dogs and burgers. We will also be providing all the sides and desserts funded by a Thrivent Action Team card. All you need to bring is a lawn chair. We only ask that you let us know if you are planning to attend so that we have enough food. It will be nice to be outdoors and get back to fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ. See you on the 5th.
Spring Workday
Thank you to Mary Lou, Bryan and Leigh Ann Foster, Rich and Debbie Hollenbach, Adam Feldman and Vince and Janet Hill who came out for Spring Workday on Saturday, April 23rd. We might have been a small group, but we accomplished a lot. Picked up sticks on the lawn, weeded the beds and around the trees, dug up a big root in the front of the church, trimmed the bushes, and blew all the leaves from the parking lot and around the church and cleaned all the windows inside and out.