Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Gary Apgar lead devotions on a healthy church. Minutes of the March 16th regular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Council reviewed the March 2022 treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $26,428.39 (24%) and operating expenses at $26,591.10 (17%) we have a $162.71 deficit. It was noted that net revenue was in the minus due to seasonal charges like heating the building. Hopefully revenue will increase in the upcoming months with milder weather and Easter contributions. All members voted to approve the corrected Treasurer’s Report.
President’s Report: Rich reported that Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church has a signed Bridge Pastor Agreement with the Rev. Bruce T. Davis for the period of 1 April 2022 through 30 June 2022. He also announced that Pastor Bryan Penman has a new role, and our new Dean will be the Rev. Sarah Jean Aasheim. Pastor Penman will be finishing up business with Faith Lutheran Church and Rich will be in contact with our new Dean after Easter.
Pastor’s Report:
The council members welcomed and introduced each other in turn to Pastor Bruce. Pastor Bruce shared his past background of 43 years as a pastor. He has served as Pastor at various locations in the Philadelphia area, its suburbs, and in Delaware. He has seen some churches needing to close their doors for lack of a strong congregational foundation and lack of monies for a Pastor. When Messiah in Newtown Square had to close their doors where he had been a Pastor, he was heartened that the Synod at least utilizes the building. He remarked that bigger churches thrive and small churches close and added that more and more congregations need to share a Pastor. Pastor Bruce then joked that the Synod did not send him to close Faith but to work with the strong foundation that our congregation has built and sustained these last three years without a permanent pastor. Rich concurred that we have been able to maintain our church. When Missy asked Pastor Bruce if members of the congregation can reach out to him via email, he replied yes and is available to all members who would like to reach out to him, and his contact information is in the bulletin each week.
Ministry Team Reports:
* Call Committee: Rich informed us that the MSP and all necessary profile documents for our church have been updated and sent to the Synod. After Rich meets with Pastor Aasheim, the call committee can arrange to meet with her. I am pleased to report that all members of the Call Committee except for David Bonthu, who moved out of the area, have agreed to remain on the committee. They are Nancy Allegrezza, Anita Halpern, Rich Hollenbach, Carol Taylor, Jack Walls, and Gail Achilles. Missy asked if Adam Feldman, who showed an interest in becoming part of the Call Committee, could join our team. We will review the Call Committee with our new dean after Easter.
- Christian Education: Gail reported that we had a good turnout for our initial VBS presentation on Sunday, April 3rd. Unfortunately, we only added one more volunteer besides the handful of volunteers who are already on board. We still are in need of at least 8 to 10 crew leaders (no teaching involved) and two station leaders for Imagination Station (Science/Crafts); two station leaders for Bible Adventures (telling Bible stories); two station leaders for Red Rocks Rec (games); at least one station leader to assist me in opening and closing with songs, dancing, and skits; and one co-station leader for our Quail Preschool station (ages 3 to 5) Anna Friedrich has offered to be station leader; Alexis and Laura Cooper have volunteered to be co-station leaders of Kidvid Cinema and Beth Schoening will be handling snack time at Oasis Tastes Station. Besides needing Crew Leaders to assist the children and the station leaders, we still need at least 8 station leaders to make our 2022 VBS a fun, safe, loving, and learning environment about God’s awesomeness and make a lasting monumental impression of Christianity for our church children and the children in our community. A big thank you to Adam for his Tech help on April 3 and to Chris Jones for sharing her creative talent with props, crafts, and staging, to Janet Hill for everything administrative and then some, and to all the volunteers who are signed on presently.
- Communications: Jack suggested we put messages to be changed monthly on our outside sign to get passersby to notice us. Sharon provided a list to Jack of some eye-catching messages. Lauren Allegrezza Krupp sent Janet some tips to update our website to make our website more current and noticeable. Missy asked if we could put something on Facebook to advertise events coming up. Rich reported that all events are on our website. Jack also suggested we think about having an event on our front lawn to show we are present and thriving. It was noted that Adam will be installing the Holy Week banner on the front lawn this week.
- Finance: The church received a new credit card because ours was compromised. All is good. Rich reminded us that we need to do an audit (shortly after-tax time is over). Sharon will contact those who helped do the audit last year.
- Fundraising: Scrap Booking in Fellowship Hall – May 13-14. Linda is still looking for a new Chair of Fundraising to replace her. If you feel the call and have the gift, please contact Linda Kratz or Janet Hill. Thank you.
- Health: Anne will get an update on Nancy Allegrezza and Tina Hutnyk to find out if either is available for this ministry.
- Hospitality/Fellowship: Hospitality: We will be having a cake to celebrate our Church’s 57th anniversary on Palm Sunday, April 10th. We will also have finger sandwiches donated by the congregation. Anne noted that we will not be having Fellowship after Easter Service on April 17th since most of us have plans with our families on Resurrection Sunday. Anne informed us that the Church Picnic will be at Spring Valley Park on June 5th. Anne mentioned she is still looking at the cost of purchasing an artificial Christmas tree, prelit with white lights, 10 to 12 feet high, 6 to 8 feet base, with multi-layered branches. Jack asked if we budgeted for this. Rich said that we have $150 in the budget for a Christmas tree annually, but Vince and Rich said that if it costs more the money is available and would use donations and memorial funds to assist with the purchase. Fellowship: Dale and Mary Lou will be taking over for Debbie Hollenbach as the new co-chairs.
- Property Team: Vince informed us that spring cleanup which is mainly picking up sticks and cleaning windows will be on Saturday, April 23rd starting at 9 am. He also mentioned about getting gutters and drains washed out.
- Shepherding: Easter cards have been sent to members of the congregation, friends of Faith, and college students.
- Social Ministry: April’s ministry is 141 Impact raising monies for books to fill the newly built children’s library in Uganda. There are clear book banks on the foyer table just waiting for your heartfelt donations.
- Stewardship: Jack will make phone calls to congregation members about e-giving and how giving electronically makes it easier especially when on vacation or away for any reason.
- Transportation: Dale and friends will accommodate any church member in need of a ride.
- Worship & Music: Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services will begin at 7:30 pm. Pastor Bruce asked what color is used on the altar. Rich answered, “Purple for Thursday, black for Friday and white for Easter Sunday.”
- New Copier Lease: Rich reported that new lease is all signed, and Jack said that it should be delivered in July.
- Jack asked about having wine and grape juice available for communion. Rich answered that both wine and grape juice are offered at Easter and Christmas services. Worship & Music will look at other times possibly the first of each month.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 7:00 PM. Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Vince.