Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. Gary Apgar lead devotions on A Full Life Comes by Seeking. Minutes of the March regular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Council reviewed the March 2023 treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $31,132.16 (24%) and operating expenses at $40,789.19 (17%) we have a $9,657.03 deficit. All members voted to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
President’s Report: As we head into Holy week, we are reminded of Jesus’ journey to the cross, resurrection and ascension. It is easy to lose sight of this in our busy lives. I always try to thank Jesus for the grace he has given us. A few things that happened this month: Training for a Communion Assistant, Acolyte and Crucifer (conducted by Rich); a generous number of snacks were donated to the Lansdale Boys & Girls clubs; we are still setting up the Youth activity room. A big thanks for all the help and generosity in all the things and places that needed it.
Pastor’s Report:
Here are the highlights of Pastor’s report as he continues to provide pastoral care, provide ministry leadership, teach the Faith, participate in the Community and Wider Church, and learn for Ministry.
- Pastor continues to supply at the 1 PM service for St Paul’s in Norristown. This will continue with two Sundays a month after Easter.
- We celebrated the baptism of Ryan Swystula!
- Progress is on-going as Pastor reaches out to those on his role-cleaning list.
- Pastor thanks all for their help in the planning of Holy Week.
- The executive committee met on March 12 to discuss the furnace (Adam is now getting quotes) and the long-term planning committee.
- Pastoral care continues with conversations and visits.
- On March 26, the 5-week adult forum on five Faith practices given in baptism ended. Adult forum will start back up after Easter on April 16.
- Special thanks to the Monday night Bible study for their presentation of the Armor of God during the children’s message. It was well done!
- Pastor has been onboarded to become the Protestant chaplain at Lansdale Hospital.
- Pastor continues to study with other Lutheran clergy on various topics.
- Pastor is now in contact with a second congregation with the hopes of securing the balance of his time.
- Reminder: Pastor Ethan is away: April 25 for training;
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: March 23 Parents’ Night Out – There were 13 children (9 from Faith and 4 from the Community) and 4 teacher volunteers. Parents donated $135 to be used for upcoming events. Next PNO will be scheduled later.
- Monday Night Bible Study – Our small group is currently looking for its next book.
- Easter activities for the kids after church on Palm Sunday – seed planting and an egg hunt were held. Thanks to Beth Schoening for gathering all the materials and to LeighAnn and Bryan Foster for their assistance.
- Communications: Pastor/Faith joined local community Facebook pages and plans on sharing information about Faith. He has already shared our Holy Week schedule.
- Evangelism: Team is considering a 5K run.
- Fellowship: Activity room discussion under old business. Movie night at the church on March 17 hosted 11 people. Anne to talk to Dale about scheduling the next one. If interested, Lutheran Night at the Phillies is on May 2.
- Fundraising: Easter Breakfast fundraiser is this Sunday. Please be sure to bring in your donations on time. New Faith T-shirts will be on sale until the end of April. Spring Fling on May 20 (Beth and Janet leading) – The volunteers have met, and items can be brought in starting May 7. Set-up will start May 15. A sign-up sheet will be coming out for volunteers to set-up and price items. Lawn signs will be updated, and flyers are available to post in your community. A 50/50 raffle will also be included. Upcoming Events: April 21-22 and April 28-29 scrapbooking.
- Health: The Red Cross blood drive has been confirmed for May 5 from 1-6 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Nancy Allegrezza is working on the sign-up sheet and notices for the bulletin and Mustard Seed. American Red Cross takes care of community marketing. Anne will talk to Janet about availability of Faith “business cards” or other PR materials.
- Hospitality: Coffee Hour Sponsors: April 16 - Congregation; April 23 – Social Ministry (Sharon and Debbie); April 30 – Altar Guild (Janet.) Upcoming Events: June 3 – SEPA Synod “Caring for Friends” Event. Pastor to follow-up on next steps.
- Mutual Ministry: Need to appoint 2-4 members from the congregation to be on the committee; selected by Pastor and President for 2-year term per the constitution (C13.04.)
- Property Team: We had a great spring workday despite the rain. Six people came out to help with picking up sticks and pinecones. Inside we dusted the pews, shelf behind altar, lectern stations, communion rail, and other areas. We washed the stained glass inside the building and vacuumed up the cob website and bugs. We will schedule another workday just for outside to do mulch, pothole repair, and possibly clean windows from outside. It was noted that the railing is loose and needs to be tightened.
- Shepherding: Easter cards were sent to single individuals, college students, and Friends of Faith; those we thought needed to be touched by our Easter message.
- Social Ministry: March – 717 snacks were delivered to the NP Boys and Girls Club. April – God’s Global Barnyard.
- Transportation: In addition to providing rides for church members to services and doctor appointments, this team is also taking WaWa food to Boys & Girls club. Special thanks to the volunteers: Sis, Anna, Chris, and Mary Lou. The question of liability came up, not only for the church but for the volunteers. Pastor will reach out to his contacts for more information.
- Worship & Music: Will be meeting in the next few weeks to plan worship for the next few months.
- Youth Activity Room: Council acknowledged that the communications from council back to Dale and Adam should have been better. Council reviewed their objections to the decision made last month; however, council stands by the same reasoning, which includes use of the choir room for now and to re-evaluate in a few months. (Post-meeting – Gary emailed Dale and Adam with apologies for the lack of appropriate communications last month and the current decision of council.) If there are additional questions, the executive team and Pastor will meet to discuss.
- Constitution Update: Reviewed the new draft that is built on the latest Synod template and incorporates Faith's By-Laws and Continuing Resolutions. Also added in Conflict-of-Interest verbiage. Need to update the formatting and then will share with the Executive Council for review.
- Roll clean-up: Linda recorded any updates to date but will continue to review next month.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM. Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Rich.