Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Minutes of the March regular council meeting was approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: We are 25% into the year with 33% giving and gross income is at 31%. Total expenses are about where they are expected at 28%. With year-to-date income at $39,693.93 (32%) and operating expenses at $44,342.04 (28%) we have a $4,648.11 deficit. The treasurer’s report was approved as written. Envelopes – Need to follow up with Janet on when these are purchased and who they are purchased for to see if we can reduce the number ordered.
President’s Report: We are now one quarter of the way into 2024 and through Easter. Our Holy Week services went well despite several challenges. Now is the time where we need to figure out where Faith is going. I know we are waiting for the Long-Range Planning team for their recommendations, but we also can't remain complacent with the way things are. We will be reviewing the Nourishing Vocation Project under old business.
Pastor’s Report: Thank you to everyone for your help in planning and leading Holy Week and Easter! In total, between the two congregations, I led 6 services. I could not have done it without your help. Faith’s book study on the “Autopsy of a Deceased Church” started on Ash Wednesday and ended on March 27. Thanks to everyone who attended, and thanks to Rich for leading the Sunday sessions. Met with Nicole Labrozzi and Colby Stephenson regarding Tessa’s baptism on April 28, 2024. Some council members and I met with Rev. Cox on March 17, 2024, to talk about the Nourishing Vocation Project. Away Sunday, April 21 and Rich will lead worship. Will be attending the Synod Assembly on May 3-4 with Rich and Gail. Planning a service with Grace Lutheran Hatfield on August 18. Faith Education Dinners will not be held during the months of July and August.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Gail Achilles reported that:
Sunday School: Welcome back Nancy Gansner to our Sunday School Teacher rotation. Gail and Pastor to discuss Sunday School options for the summer.
Monday Night Bible Study (MNBS) – Group will resume our current study on “The Prayers of Jesus” which will be completed on April 29. We will then decide if we are going to do a new study that will end by May 13 and conclude our MNBS with our annual dinner on May 20 and resume in the fall of 2024.
Parent Night Out/Youth Fellowship (PNO/YF) – Next events are May 10th and June 7th.
VBS – (Aug. 5 thru 9, 9am to noon) - We are having our first meeting on April 7 during coffee hour.
The New YOUTH MINISTRY FOR AGES 12 TO 18 is being developed. An email will be going out soon to all families of youth ages 12 to 18 informing them that we will have our first meeting on April 28 during coffee hour and that those in this age category are invited and will have ownership of this new youth group. Currently our adult support team consists of Pastor Ethan, Anna Friedrich, and Gail Achilles.
Communications: Pastor reached out to Jack regarding his role preferences. In addition, it was decided that it would be a good idea to create a calendar that includes deadlines, when sign changes are needed, when subscriptions need to be renewed, when certain decisions need to be made (snow removal, lawn car), etc. Pastor to reach out to Janet for further information.
Fellowship: Neil Diamond Event – April 26th at 7pm; Church Picnic – June 2nd at Spring Valley Park; Iron Pigs Baseball Game TBD.
Finance: Counting offering – still in discussion.
Fundraising: Status of Spring Fling. Since we have had no updates (or responses to inquiries) from the Fundraising team, and the event is only a little over a month away, the council voted unanimously to cancel this event for May 18, 2024. Linda to inform the Fundraising Chair. Soft Pretzel Fundraiser – We had voted to cease having these fundraisers if the church is funding the purchase of pretzels. After the meeting when Beth and Janet were notified, it became apparent that we did not have all the information. If the church is funding the purchase, we will not have a soft pretzel fundraiser, but anyone can bring in pretzels as a donation for events.
Hospitality: 4/7 Altar Guild; 4/14 & 4/28 Congregation; 4/21 Social Ministry; 5/12 Laura’s Farewell.
Long Range Planning: The Long-Range Planning Team will be meeting soon. We will be recommending goals soon and hope to have other opportunities to discern our mission and vision.
Mutual Ministry: Gary to schedule a time for the exit interview for Laura. Retrieve church property: laptop, building keys, music, etc.
Property Team: The basement sump pump replacement cost $201.39. Cost will be forwarded to Special Funds. The Church Sign was fixed. Spring workday is scheduled for April 6. Missy will talk to Paul about the ballast light replacements.
Shepherding: Looking for a new team chair.
Social Ministry: For our March 2024 Social Ministry Project, (Leader: Sharon Hood) $240 has been donated toward God’s Global Barnyard. On Sunday, the Sunday school children will decide what animals to purchase with this total.
For our April 2024 Social Ministry Project, (Leader-Nancy Gansner) Snacks for the North Penn Boys and Girls Club in Lansdale.
Worship & Music: Working on short-term music plans for worship. Some had asked about daytime services during Holy Week, but it was explained that we have limited resources.
Constitution: Ministry teams have been modified. The next step is to send out the fully revised constitution for one last review by the Council.
Nourishing Vocation Program: Some were able to join the Zoom meeting with the project coordinator on March 17, where the program was explained in depth and many questions were answered. Council spent some time discussing what we thought of the program, and all deemed this a worthwhile endeavor. The Council unanimously voted to join in this program. Pastor will speak with Jerusalem regarding our participation.
Music Director: The job description has been slightly altered. One suggestion was to reach out to the local high schools for someone interested in substituting on occasion.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 8, 2024, (note change from the 1st) at 7pm.