November is a month with five Sundays – that fifth Sunday, November 29th, is the Sunday after Thanksgiving. So, on that Sunday, instead of a Children’s Sermon and the Sermon, we’ll be asking all the folks who come to worship (in “Zoomland”) to share one of their blessings.
I suggest that you have a ‘blessing box’ or a ‘blessing bowl’ somewhere in your home, with small pieces of paper and a pen/pencil nearby and each day or so to write a blessing from the day or any blessing you become aware of on one of those slips of paper to share with others at worship on November 29th. Everyone who’s at worship will only be asked to share one blessing!
We’ll also suggest that you stay on after worship, have a slice of leftover Thanksgiving pie or another sweet treat and join us for a time of fellowship after worship.
“See” (or “hear”) you in church!
Pr. Mary Konopka
Finance Committee News
The finance committee has submitted a 2021 preliminary budget to the Council. Shortly we will make this draft available for the congregation. During this time we ask you to begin to prayerfully consider your commitment to our congregational life in a variety of ways- your financial support (pledge) and also what gifts and time do you have to offer to the mission and ministry we are building and growing? Be looking for news from your financial team in the next few weeks to help you to consider, fill out and return your commitment sheets. Since we will not be meeting in person to receive your commitment sheet, you will be able to hand them in in one of three ways - via email, dropping it in the mail slot at church or mailing it in the US mail. We will have a Commitment Sunday celebration in November so we will be ready to present and vote on the final budget at our January annual meeting. God has blessed us so richly. We are blessed to joyfully offer what we have first been given.
Sharing Christmas with “J,” “H” and “S” from the Martin Luther School
Especially during these COVID times we wanted to continue our 30-year history of sharing with the children from Martin Luther School in Plymouth Meeting.
It was founded as an orphanage. It now provides a home, treatment, education and other services for boys and girls ages 6 to 14 who have experienced past traumas, including abuse, neglect and poverty. All services are provided in a nurturing environment that promotes recovery, resilience and, where possible, families reunited. Their need is greater than ever before.
It is a beautiful facility and the staff I have dealt with for all these years is so dedicated and great to work with.
Your Social Ministry Team is asking you to support the following children. Because of privacy restrictions, we can no longer have their first name - just their initial.
“S” (boy) - age 8
Lego set (dinosaurs or animals,) book about dinosaurs or animals, stuffed dinosaur
“H” (boy) - age 9
Basketball, basketball shooting sleeves, remote control car
“J” (girl)- age 13
Bath & Body Works lotion & body wash set; art kit, sketch book or drawing paper (non-spiral)
To support this ministry, we are asking that you send your check to either me at 110 Country View Lane, Chalfont, PA 18914 made out to “Faith Lutheran Church” -- or -- send them directly to the church at 615 Cowpath Road, P.O. Box 182, Montgomeryville, PA 18936. Please mark the “Memo” line as “Martin Lutheran School” (even though their new name is “Gemma.”) Thank you.
Our goal is $150.
Your Christian love for these children through your generosity is most appreciated.
--- In Christ, Sharon Hood
Christian Education
On September 16th we began a “Sunday School” program on Wednesdays at 4:30pm for about 30 to 45 minutes! All children are invited to learn more about the Old Testament and join in the Sunday School fun on Wednesday’s. This is what we’ll be learning about in November:
November 4: Deborah
November 11: Elijah & Elisha
November 18: Esther
November 25: Daniel
Go to, click on “Join a Meeting” and put in Meeting ID: 840 6222 9750 and Passcode: 491719. To phone in dial 1 929 205 6099 and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.
We look forward to this new way to share the love of Jesus with so many more families in their homes via zoom!
For more information see, Melissa Prunkel, Education Leader
Amazon Smiles for Faith Lutheran Church!
Another great fund-raiser for Faith Lutheran Church that will cost you nothing (and help us a whole lot, we hope). Many of you have already heard of Amazon Smile. Whenever you purchase something from Amazon Smile, be sure to have Faith Lutheran Church set up as your charity of choice. The church will then receive a portion of the value of your order at no cost to you.
Christmas is right around the corner so be sure to shop through Amazon Smile – here is a direct link so that the charitable proceeds come to Faith:
Please share this information with all your family, friends, colleagues, etc. Don’t shop online? That’s OK – I’m guessing you have a lot of family and friends that do – so share this info with them. You only need to set it up once, then we’re the lucky recipients whenever that person shops on Amazon.
New opportunity to help our church remain strong
Dear Faith Evangelical members,
An exciting time is upon us. As a member of the Council and the Pastoral "Call Committee", I have a great understanding of how bright our congregation's future is. We are making great progress in our quest to find a new leader & Pastor for our church. One area where we need your continued support is in our community's Stewardship. The current state of our finances continues to be strong and healthy, mainly because our "committed pledge" members remain strong financial supporters of our great church. Because of the new remote worship environment, the amount of "Un-Pledged" giving has been lower than in past years. This is understandable given the impact Covid-19 has had on our nation.
In the spirit of making it easier on each member and family to give to our great church, I am asking each of you to consider giving via the E-GIVING method going forward. The collective power of E-Giving has been proven to help churches across the country raise larger funds, but more importantly e-giving helps our Council Leadership be able to predict the financial health of our church. Nothing could be more important as the Faith Evangelical Call Committee and Leadership Council makes the decision to embrace a future leader for this congregation. We need your help to solidify our strong financial foundation.
The good news is E-giving is EASY. Simply enroll by three methods:
1. Fill out a Paper enrollment form and mail it in
2. Download an App on your mobile phone
3. The Faith Evangelical website E-giving button
a. Direct website link to e-giving is: Faith Lutheran EGiving 2020
I am available via cell phone or email to help get a church member set up via the E-Giving Vanco™ process. Thank you for all that you do for Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church.
God Bless! Jack Walls
484.433.7420 [email protected]
Faith’s Transportation Initiative
Even though we are not transporting anyone to appointments at this time, Dale Foster is still bringing Wawa food to those in our congregation and our community who are in need of a little extra food. (Through the Food Donation Connection program we receive food from Wawa every Tuesday and Thursday. It is mostly Sizzlies, bagels, pastries etc. that are left over from the day before and stored in Wawa’s freezer.) Thank you, Foster family, for making sure those in our church family and our community are taken care of!
Do you shop at Giant?
If you do, you can buy Giant gift cards from the church. Just contact Janet Hill at 215-285-6428 and she’ll set up a time where to meet (at a safe distance) and you can purchase the Giant cards. A $50 card costs you $50. How does the church make money? Well, when Faith purchases $1,000 worth of cards from Giant, they only charge us $950 (a 5% discount.) So, when we sell those cards to you the church makes $50. It adds up…
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7